Super Sacred Knight

Chapter 160 Thanks to the Black Dragon Princess (please update, please subscribe!)

Bakir did not appear, and a cloud of white smoke suddenly appeared in the middle of the cell. The smoke diffused very quickly, covering the entire cell in less than 10 seconds.

With smoke shrouded in smoke, visibility dropped rapidly, and everyone's sight was lowered to only 5 yards.

Li Yunze reminded: "Be careful, this is a smoke bomb from a thief."

The smoke bomb is a pvp magical skill of thieves, which can disrupt the opponent's line of sight, thereby harvesting the life of the target in the army, and then leaving calmly.

This is a rare skill for thieves, not easy to obtain, not even Yeying Meteor. However, there was someone in the Fearless Mercenary Group, Xiao Tuanzi, she used smoke bombs in the Death Mine.

The appearance of the smoke bomb made the flaming effect of the runaway barbecued pork buns become 0.

Running away the barbecued pork buns said to be lazy's cat: "Sister cat, come into my arms, and I will protect you."

"I've been attacked."

Be Lazy's cat exclaimed, she was attacked by Bakir, her throat was strangled, and she was bleeding in a negative state.

Bakir's attack was very high, and even the belazy cat was bleeding fast even with plate armor treatment.

"Add blood to yourself."

Li Yunze searched for belazy's cat voice to rescue him. Only the heroic Bakir would use smoke bombs. Almost the entire battle was carried out in smoke, which was very disgusting.

Be lazy's cat found that he couldn't move and was paralyzed: "I'm paralyzed."

Bakir is very smart and knows to attack the only healer in the team first. As long as he kills the healer, he can do whatever he wants.

However, he miscalculated, but there is a shadow dancer in the team.

Ravenholdt Manor is an ancestor-level organization of thieves. There is a saying in Glory that the best way to deal with thieves is to use another thieves to deal with it.

The Nightshade Meteor is not affected by smoke bombs and can accurately find Bakir.

When Bakir paralyzed Be Lazy's cat and wanted to give her a fatal blow, Ye Ying Meteor came behind him and paralyzed him with the same skill.

"Good job."

Li Yunze came to be lazy's cat, and the ash messenger in his hand slashed towards Bakir.

Hanjiang Guying's reaction was also swift. After Li Yunze, he assisted Be Lazy's cat and attacked Bakir together.

Li Yunze opened a double halo, and blessed the buff skills, the sword with angry flames caused a lot of damage to Bakir.



Make Bakir's blood volume drop by a large amount instantly.

"Hang on the continuous blood loss skill, don't give him a chance to leave." Li Yunze commanded. If the thief has the continuous blood loss skill, even if he uses the disappearing force, he will still show up because of the blood loss.

Immortal's lonely horse gave Bakir the ability to continuously drop blood. The warlock's unique skill is that it has a lot of continuous blood drop skills.

"I took the test, and I couldn't aim." The smoke filled the environment, and the chasing of the barbecued pork bun was the most uncomfortable. The hunter had a bad sight and couldn't aim at the target at all.

"Melee hunters come too."

This guy drew a melee weapon, turned into a melee hunter, and slashed.

The team's output is basically close combat, surrounding Bakir regiments, otherwise he will leave.

Li Yunze and others were forced to 9v1: "Give you a single chance, you don't want it, you have to single out nine of us."

Bakir was angry: "Hamhawk, get up for me without death."


"Fuck it!"

"Fuck again!"

Hell, Hamhawk, who had already emptied his blood, was completely dead with Bakir's roar.

The corpse Hamhawk, fortunately, his blood volume has not returned to full, only 1.

However, this is just one point, but it is fatal.

Li Yunze hurriedly reminded: "Everyone, be careful, this is the resurrection of the shaman, this guy seems to want to use the shaman's ultimate, bloodthirsty."

The shaman's bloodthirsty skills are very powerful, allowing all teammates to gain a violent state in a short period of time, with a large Ascension of damage and attack speed. It is very difficult for a player to obtain a bloodthirsty skill book, and Hamhawk is an npc, so he can have it.

Hamhawk uses bloodthirsty, and Bakir's body becomes bigger and red, which is a violent state.

Different from normal rage, bloodthirsty activated rage does not increase the damage of ragers, so it is more powerful than normal rage.

After Hamhawk ran out of bloodthirsty, his life finally ended and he fell again.

Bucky, strengthened by bloodthirsty, instantly evolved from a thief to a warrior, and his overall strength doubled.

NPCs and players are also a little different, they are not limited to one profession. For example, Thrall, the warchief of the tribe, is both a warrior and a shaman. Another example is Turalyon among the first five high-lords of the Knights of the Silver Hand. He is a priest and a paladin.

Bucky, who has become a warrior, has greatly advanced his damage and armor. If the team's tank is not strong enough, it is easy to lie down in seconds.

The hardness of Hanjiang Guying is not a problem with resisting Bakir's attack, and he is able to make a joke: "Dare to love this guy, he is a fake thief."

This is Bucky's second form, which can be regarded as the third stage of the boss battle. Bucky will not sneak anymore at this stage, as long as he can resist it.

"I thought how powerful I became, I turned out to be a lunatic."

"Haha, as long as you don't sneak, it's just that the disgusting smoke will not dissipate."

"Boss, what if you add chili noodles to the smoke bomb?"

The idea of ​​running away the barbecued pork buns is fresh and refined. Everyone is playing the boss. He is thinking, if the thieves add chili noodles to the smoke bomb, will it be more powerful?

Yeying Meteor's expression moved slightly, seeming to be very interested in the proposal to run away the barbecued pork buns.

Li Yunze said: "In glory, everything is possible, as long as you are willing to explore."

It is indeed possible, but it requires certain conditions. Anyway, if Li Yunze encounters a thief who can put chili noodles in a smoke bomb, if he can't kill the first time, he will definitely stay away as soon as possible.

Li Yunze remembered that there was a player who was even better. He put spring medicine in the engineering bomb. One bomb went down. It didn't kill the monsters, but made a bunch of monsters live performances unsightly.


"Magic power storm."

The Magic power storm of Millhouse caused the final blow to Bakir.

However, when something weird happened, Buckyl was not dead, and he was left with the last bit of blood.

The blood is locked, and the last bit of blood can't be beaten.

Just when everyone was puzzled, Bucky suddenly knelt down in front of Li Yunze, vomiting blood out of his mouth: "I am on you, and I feel a familiar breath, coming from the depths of the Death mine."

Glory is the same as a TV series. NPCs love to vomit blood no matter where they are injured.

Li Yunze looked at Bakir who was vomiting blood and took out the light of Defias: "Vanessa entrusted me to come to you. I hope you can tell me the whereabouts of Van Cleef."

Bakir's target became hot, staring at the Defias Light in Li Yunze's hands, and suddenly laughed: "Do you know the Defias Light in your hands, who is the original owner?"

Before Li Yunze spoke, Bucky went on to say: "This Defias Light badge was originally owned by me, and it was forged by me and Van Cleef. Before I was caught, I gave him to me. Disciple."

Well, it turned out that the boss of the first copy of the Northshire Abbey was a disciple of Bakir.

"Where is Van Cleef locked up?" Li Yunze asked again.

Bakir smiled sorrowfully: "Van Cliff has a good daughter. If my wife and children are still there, my children will definitely be like Vanessa and try to come to prison to save me."


Bakir spit out blood. As the final boss of the prison, his destiny was destined to stay in the prison. He was greeted by the player every day: "I am about to die. It is impossible to leave here alive. I wish I could kill Katrana. I wish I could kill Bolvar."

Li Yunze stepped forward, squatting his mouth close to Bucky's ear, and said in a voice that only he could hear: "Tell you a secret, so that you can die in the eye, Katrana is the black dragon princess Onyxia. "

Bakir's eyes widened, and he immediately used all his strength to laugh: "This is the best news I have heard since I was arrested. After all, Berwar will pay for his stupidity."

Bakir was about to die. At the last moment, he told Li Yunze of Van Cliff's news: "After Van Cliff was arrested, he stayed for less than a month before he was transferred to Stormwind Water Prison. You want Find him, rescue him, and go to Stormwind Water Prison."

Li Yunze received the system prompt, the task progress changed, and he went to Stormwind Water Prison to find Van Cleef.

"Can you give me the Light of Defias?"

Before Bakir died, he made the last request.

Li Yunze gave him the light of Defias.

Bakir touched Defia's Light: "What a familiar feeling, it seems to be back when we first founded the Defias Brotherhood."

As he said, he sprayed a mouthful of blood on Defia's Light, and Defia's Light burst out with dazzling light.

"This is how it is, it shouldn't sink with me..."

After saying this, Bakir died in desperation, and the Light of Defias in his hand fell to the ground.

Li Yunze picked up Defia's Light, checked the attributes, and was surprised.

Defias' Light has undergone earth-shaking changes, and it is strengthened by Bakir's bite of blood, from the quality of silver to the quality of diamonds.

Defias Light (Diamond)

Van Cleef and Bakir worked together to forge and award ten of the most outstanding Defias Brotherhood members.

(Enhanced by Bakir's blood.)

Equipment: Critical strike rate increased by 1%.

Special effect: Increase physical hit rate by 1%.

Special effects: +20 attack power.

Special effect: After use, it can increase the attack speed in a short time, lasts 15 seconds, and has a cooling time of 30 minutes.

Yes, there are three more special effects, making this accessory the most powerful accessory at present, and the equipment ranking is in the top five.

There are three special effects, which are correct. The 1% increase in critical strike rate is not a special effect. It is a fixed equipment effect of Defias Light, just like adding strength and dexterity.

"Haha, thank the Black Dragon Princess."

Li Yunze did not thank Bakir. He wanted to thank the Black Dragon Princess for transforming into a human being and lurking in Stormwind City. Let him have a secret to tell Bakir, and let Bakir use his blood to strengthen Defia's Light.

(Happy New Year, this chapter is an update for New Year’s Eve!)

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