Super Sacred Knight

Chapter 163 Team Dungeon

"The First Heaven Group is gone."

"The group under the wind Yun Tian is gone."

"The Phoenix group is destroyed."

"The Dark Night Guild is destroyed."

"The miracle guild group is destroyed"


On the alliance side, the main guilds’ main teams were educated by Hogg’s Ascension to level 20 in front of boss Hogg in Stormwind’s Water Prison, and they were collectively destroyed.

The team dungeon of normal difficulty will give everyone a head-on attack, so that all the big guilds will understand that the difficulty of the team dungeon is not comparable to that of the team dungeon.

When Li Yunze heard the news, he smiled. It took three days for the team to pass the level 20 team dungeon in the previous world, and the average time for the major guilds was five days.

Other small and medium-sized guilds gradually opened up after the average level exceeded 23. The average level of individual players has reached level 25. In this way, more than 80% of the players have not cleared the level 20 team instance.

The higher the level of team dungeons, the fewer players you can get through. To evaluate the strength of a guild, you can see which guild has more teams and get through the team dungeons to measure it.

The Alliance Grand Guild was stuck, and the situation of the Tribal Grand Guild was not much better. It was being abused by the No. 1 boss of the Silver Tooth Castle. The best record was only to destroy the boss 60% of his health.

"Quona, the wind is strong, you guys equip the shield."

The two teams of the Fearless Mercenary Group met outside the Great Water Prison, and Li Yunze traded the shield of truth he had just made to Kuona and Feng Da outside.

The 19-person team actually only has two tanks. Due to the large number of tanks in the Fearless Mercenary Group, only one more tank can be arranged.

Hanjiang Guying main tank, Kuona deputy tank, strong support from outside, and Yufeng temporarily came out as a guest output.

3 tanks, 3 treatments, 13 outputs, and a 19-person team configuration, enough for Li Yunze to lead a team to get through the water prison.

The large water prison is built in the middle of the moat, and players need to swim past it.

Li Yunze and the others swam to the big prison, and poured many NPC guards at the gate of the prison. These dead guards told the player with their blood that this heavily guarded floating prison, like another prison, had a riot.

According to the information provided by the warden, the player can know that all the prisoners in this dungeon are the most terrifying criminals in the human kingdom. Among them, 4 criminals are the most murderous. These 4 criminals control 4 areas of the prison and are the 4 big bosses in the copy.

Hogg, the leader of the Riverclaw Jackal.

Once followed the Dark Iron dwarves to attack the Alliance's Fire Elemental Lord Searing in the Burning Plains.

The shame of the nobles in Stormwind almost deceived Viscount Moloch from the noble circle of Stormwind.

Van Cleef, founder of the Defias Brotherhood.

Li Yunze's target was Van Cleef, who was in the innermost area of ​​the Great Water Prison, not to kill, but to rescue, to come to the black robbery prison under a light.

The guards of the Great Water Prison were killed, which fits Li Yunze's intentions, so it is more convenient to save Van Cleef.

"Into this."

Li Yunze took the lead to enter the prison entrance. After entering, a copy was created.

"Entering the level 20 team dungeon: Stormwind City Water Prison, dungeon difficulty: normal."

"A copy of the CD is generated, and the reset time is 240 hours."

The CD for a 20-person team copy is ten days, and it can only be played once in ten days to prevent the flooding of equipment. At the same time, it also tells the player that the difficulty of the team dungeon, and it takes ten days for ordinary players to get through.

"The floating prison is divided into 4 areas. We need to go in layer by layer to get into the innermost area and see Van Cleef, who is detained in the innermost area, to get through the dungeon."

When everyone enters the dungeon, Li Yunze blessed everyone with strength: "Everyone, brush up the buff. This dungeon is different from the past, and the difficulty gap is very large. We need to be psychologically prepared for long-term combat."

Li Yunze does not expect to open up the large water prison in a few hours. His plan is to open the large water prison in one day.

One day, enough, Li Yunze is confident to lead everyone to win the first kill.

Everyone adds all the buffs that can be added.

Runaway Barbecued Pork Bun took out a scroll to increase strength: "I feel that I should use scrolls, take medicine, and eat cooking food."

Enlightened, Li Yunze hit the railroad while it was hot: "From now on, we will encounter more team dungeons. In order to better attack team dungeons, I plan to set up a mercenary group fund from now on."

As the deputy head of the regiment throughout the year, he was the first to respond: "How to plan the funds of the mercenary regiment?"

Li Yunze stated the plan: “From now on, the equipment, props, materials, drawings, etc. produced by the dungeon will be sold out by the team members. The sales proceeds will no longer be evenly distributed, but will become team funds. In the dungeon, everyone repairs equipment, scrolls, food, potions, etc., and is funded by the team."

"This proposal is very good and can increase the execution of the mercenary group."

All year round, he agreed: "If you change to another big guild, all the dungeon benefits have to be turned in, and the guild will distribute it uniformly."

In the elite group of the Grand Guild, the explosives belong to the guild, and the equipment is allocated by the guild leader (group leader). Entering the guild elite group is like working for the guild, so many players don't like to join the guild.

Li Yunze said: "You can use the gain consumables you can use as much as possible, and how much you consume in the end will be paid by the funds from the dungeon team."

Because of the lack of equipment, gain consumables.

The strength of the fearless mercenary group plus the gain consumables can greatly reduce the difficulty of the raid team dungeon.

Everyone had no objection to Li Yunze's proposal, and each took out the gain consumables in the backpack to use.

Food, potions, scrolls, etc., as long as the consumables that can enhance the attributes, don't care about the strength, use them all.

Ready to go, the fearless mercenary group will attack in the strongest state.

Li Yunze said: "The team dungeon can't be as reckless as before. This time we will change the blame. Winter, you are responsible for pulling the blame."

Hunter is the career with the farthest range in the game, and is recognized as the most suitable career for pulling monsters (opening monsters).

Dong did not speak, but responded with actions, and took two steps forward.

Please say: "Big brother, I can also help pull the blame."

Li Yunze looked at him and said: "One hunter is most suitable to pull monsters. Two hunters are easy to pull monsters. If they pull too much, it will lead to the destruction of the group."

Wanting to express himself, runaway barbecued pork buns had no choice but to give up.

The monster hunter of the Fearless Mercenary Group is set, and Donglai will take the post.

Li Yunze looked at Dong and continued, "Dong, do you have the imprint skills now? The last hunter imprint before pulling the monster, we will follow your imprint."

Hunter's mark, can add a mark to the target, so that any attacker's physical attack damage to the target is increased.

In addition, the target with the hunter's mark can always be seen by the hunter, no matter if it is invisible or sneaking, it can't get rid of it. The location of the target will also be displayed on the miniature map for 2 minutes.

This skill is not only a dungeon magical skill, but also a magical skill to restrain thieves, leaving the thieves invisible.

Dong got this skill at level 18, which is of high value. Now the market purchase price is as high as 200 gold, and there is no market.

After Dong got this skill, he planted a flag with Yeying Meteor to make up for the lack of Dong's technology inferior to Yeying Meteor, and the two tied.

Dong came to the forefront of the team and gave the nearest monster a hunter mark. The level of the monster in the large water prison is the same as that of the small prison. The difference is that the overall attributes have been increased several times.

It is no exaggeration to say that the strength of the mobs of the team instance is equivalent to that of the boss of the team instance, and the player is equal to the boss who needs to face countless instances of the same level small team.

Li Yunze reminded: "Pull two at a time, don't pull too much, if you can't hate separation, pull three or four."

The advantage of hunters to open monsters can make it easier to separate the hatred, and it will not pull a bunch at a time.

Stronger than the fearless mercenary group, it still can't be as unrestrained as a squad instance. Pulling too much at a time will destroy it.

Dong imprinted the hunters on the two monsters, and pulled them back with one arrow.

Without Li Yunze's reminder, Hanjiang Guying and Kuona selected the target and went up to pick up the blame. The battle for the first team instance of the Fearless Mercenary Group's wasteland reclamation game has officially started.

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