Super Sacred Knight

Chapter 215 Skill Steal

The orcs were upright, so upright, and Li Yunze was shocked. Thirty orc soldiers didn't swarm them, but surrounded him and didn't do anything.

Since this group of orcs didn't do anything, Li Yunze didn't need to rush to waste the CD of Ash Awakening. He planned to see what kind of medicine was sold in this group of orcs Calabash.

"The orcs like to fight with the brave." Vanessa said, awakening Li Yunze, the man of his dreams.

How did he forget this? The orcs have a streak and have recognized the principle that the strong are kings, and as long as they are strong, they will be respected.

Li Yunze smiled and said, "The orcs value glory more than fate. Unless they provide food and shelter, they will never be shaken in their hearts."

"Dragonmaw clan, invincible!"

The group of orc soldiers brandished their weapons.

Then, inside the gate that was blown open, walked out an orc holding a two-handed axe and a full 3 meters high.

Dragonmaw Warrior, level 26 elite boss.

"The first boss."

Li Yunze already understood that what this group of orcs wanted to do, they wanted to see themselves single-handedly against the Dragonmaw Warriors.

Li Yunze said to Vanessa: "Vanessa, you step aside, no matter what happens later, don't make any move."

If Vanessa makes a move, the orc soldiers on the crowd will definitely rush in, so she must use Ashes to awaken.

With a mere 25-level elite boss, Li Yunze is sure to win.

Vanessa stepped aside very obediently. In fact, she also knew what would happen if she shot, and she had faith in Li Yunze and didn't think the owner would lose.

The Dragonmaw Warrior came in front of Li Yunze, and put his huge two-handed axe on the ground, banging, cracks appeared on the ground.

The weapon that the orcs are best at is the axe. The racial talent of this race is the axe specialization, and the use of the axe as a weapon has a damage bonus.

The Dragonmaw Warrior said: "Humble human, you can come here to prove that you have some abilities. If you want to pass this door, you must first defeat me."

Unable to lose, Li Yunze pointed at the Dragonmaw Warrior with the Ashbringer: "I will send you to the Underworld with your chieftain."

The Dragonmaw Warrior was furious: "The power of the Dragonmaw will crush you."

At the beginning of the battle, Li Yunze and the Dragonmaw Warrior were singled out. The orcs paid great attention to glory, and the surrounding orc soldiers would not join the battle.

The dragonmaw warrior's great axe damages extremely high, and if he attacks it, the amount of blood lost will not be small. Without treatment, Li Yunze constantly used his flexible walking position to avoid the attack of the giant axe, and seized the gap between the attack of the Dragonmaw Warrior to counterattack.

This is just a single-player story copy. Although it is a nightmare difficulty, the attributes of the Dragonmaw Warriors are actually not the same as the hero difficulty bosses of the same level copy.

If the difficulty of the boss attribute is higher than that of a copy of the same level, how could a single player have been singled out.

The Dragonmaw Warrior's attack speed was very slow, giving Li Yunze room for manipulation.

Up and down, left and right, Li Yunze moved flexibly, avoiding attacks after another. His counterattack was as sharp as the wind, and each attack would cause a damage to the Dragonmaw Warrior.

"Seal of Judgment!"


"The sword of anger!"

Various special effects.




With terrible damage, the dragonmaw warriors who fought were retreating every day, and there were blood stains all over their bodies.

"Dragonmaw clan, invincible!"

The Dragonmaw warrior roared, and a white light glowed on his body. White was the color of the Dragonmaw clan's banner.


The Dragonmaw Warrior whose HP drops to 20% enters a violent state, and its attack speed and attack power are greatly enhanced.

Vanessa was very nervous watching from the side. The Dragonmaw Warrior in a violent state would smash the floor open every time she attacked. If she was attacked, she would most likely be hit by a second.

What Li Yunze was waiting for was the moment when the Dragonmaw Warrior was violent. He didn't use control skills before, just for this moment.

Enemies in a rage state, although they do not take control, each time they control their skills, they will stagnate for 0.5 seconds.

Li Yunze used a few control skills, created a few seconds of stagnation time, and turned the CD into several attack skills, all hitting the Dragonmaw Warriors.

It was another series of critical strikes, and Li Yunze's critical strike rate was even higher than that of thieves who were good at crit strikes.

"Long live the league!"

Li Yunze leaped high, from top to bottom, beheading the Dragonmaw Warrior.


The Dragonmaw Warrior blood bar was emptied and collapsed!

break through!

Li Yunze is pleasantly surprised. His level ranges from level 26, Ascension to level 27.

"Haha, very good, very awesome. According to this rhythm, after playing this dungeon, there may be a chance to rise to level 28."

Level Ascension brings many benefits, and the difficulty of traversing this story copy will be reduced.

Grim Batol's story copy is now level 26-29, the first boss level is 26, and the final boss level must be 29. The more the level difference is, the hit rate and crit rate will be greatly reduced. If you can rise to level 28 when playing the ultimate boss, then the success rate of Li Yunze's Raiders of Grim Batol's story dungeon will increase by at least 50%.

Vanessa was originally only level 21, and she was always honored. Her level rose to level 22 as the Dragonmaw Warrior fell.

"Astral Guardian level rose to 11, which is very good."

The huge amount of experience made the level of the guardian of the star world jump directly to level 11.

"new skill!"

What surprised Li Yunze most was that the Guardian of the Star Realm got a new skill, which should have been given at level 10.

Skill Steal (Active): Cannot be upgraded, consumes 10% Magic power value

Astral Guardian can steal the last used skills of the target for their own use, lasting 3 minutes, can only steal one skill at a time, and the stolen skills disappear after Death.

"Skill stealing, I didn't expect this skill to be learned at level 10."

Li Yunze was very impressed with this skill. When Carl was in the carnival, he often stole the opponent's ultimatum.

Because this skill has no cooling time, it is wrong, there should be a 3 minutes cooling time, because the stolen skills will remain for 3 minutes, and can not be actively discarded.

Although there will be a passive 3 minute cooldown after the steal is successful, this skill is a deterrent skill before it is stolen, so that opponents dare not easily use powerful skills for fear of being stolen.

For example, Li Yunze and Fengguo Wuhen singled out, Fengguo Wuhen will become fearful before Li Yunze can steal the skills, for fear of using powerful skills to be stolen. This is like restricting the opponent's use of skills in a disguised form, putting a yoke on the opponent.

"Unused stealing skills are more threatening than used ones."

Stealing skills, the battle of stars in "Glory", with the way of human beings, and the body of the person.


When Li Yunze was overjoyed, the orc soldiers onlookers placed their hands on their chests to pay tribute to Li Yunze.

The orcs worshiped the warriors, and Li Yunze defeated their leader, so Li Yunze would be respected by them.

Without being attacked by these orc soldiers, Li Yunze can walk through the gate with confidence.

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