Super Sacred Knight

Chapter 217 Trap Room

If you want to cross this area of ​​poisonous fog, you will continue to lose blood, and you are afraid that there will be other pits behind the poisonous fog, such as mobs suddenly appearing.

To be poisonous before being wise, still have to go to poison.

Just as Li Yunze was about to poison him, he realized that the poisonous fog seemed to be spreading, and he floated toward him: "Gan, dead end."

Based on game experience, Li Yunze immediately understood that there was a dead end ahead. After entering, he would be trapped by the poisonous fog and eventually be poisoned to death inside.

As the poisonous fog spread, Li Yunze quickly reacted, ran, ran back!

At the beginning of the poisonous run, avoid being caught by the tentacles of the vines on the way to the poisonous run.

"Master, I found the exit." There was good news from Vanessa.

Li Yunze ran poisonously while avoiding the vines, and took the time to reply: "Wait for me."

He and his entourage have induction, can determine the position of the entourage, follow the induction, and then be able to find Vanessa.

Run poison, Li Yunze is a professional, in the previous game, his main attack is to run poison games.

"Small bugs, classmates make an axe."

Li Yunze left the vine passage, and the spread of the poisonous fog stopped.

People can't get overwhelmed with self-satisfaction. If they are too proud, accidents will happen.

The passage in front of Li Yunze changed, the way back disappeared, and a long, endless passage appeared in front of him.

"Vanessa, come back." Li Yunze knew that this must be a ghost of the mastermind. Now he can't go to Vanessa, and can only kill through this passage.

Li Yunze summoned Vanessa back. When Vanessa looked at the passage, she was surprised: "Why so many orc soldiers!"

The endless passage ahead was guarded by a lot of orc soldiers, 4 in groups, at least 20 groups can be seen within the line of sight, the ghost knows how many more behind.

Li Yunze smiled bitterly: "It seems that we want to leave the labyrinth and we can only kill it."

In fact, there are many mobs, which is not entirely a bad thing. As long as experience is given, Li Yunze doesn't mind killing more mobs.

A group of 4, with the cooperation of Vanessa, Li Yunze was able to solve it.


It's a man who kills to the end.

Li Yunze is of course a man, and the most bloody man. If the end of the road leads to Orgrimmar, he will kill him to the end.

Just kill through, the mere orcs want to stop his footsteps? Will only provide him with experience.

break through.

Guardian of the Star Realm rose to level 13, Vanessa rose to level 23, and Li Yunze's experience was only 8% away from level 28.

"It's gone?"

Li Yunze was disappointed that he hadn't killed him, and with a little more orc soldiers, he could directly rise to level 28.

"Twelve hours, this broken maze trapped me for at least seven or eight hours."

Li Yunze checked the remaining time of the copy, and excluding the previous time, this maze that shouldn't have appeared trapped him for seven or eight hours.

With half of the time left, Li Yunze couldn't help but want to greet the mastermind and the whole family when he couldn't be sure what moth was left behind. Oh, no, the main brain is wisdom brain, and its father should be a game development company.

On behalf of everyone, Li Yunze paid New Year's greetings to Penguin.

"Finally leaving this labyrinth, the next step should be the industrial area of ​​Grim Batol."

Grim Batol’s industrial area belongs to the third circle. After this circle, you can enter the core residential area.

Vanessa still went ahead to find the way. She brought bad news: "Master, there is a red dragon guarding it."

The type of monster has changed. It is no longer an orc soldier, but a red dragon.

The chief of the Dragonmaw clan used the Soul of Devil to imprison the Red Dragon Queen, and the Red Dragon Legion is now under the control of the Dragonmaw Clan.

Li Yunze entered the industrial zone, and sure enough, the mobs in the industrial zone became the Red Dragon Corps.

There are so many little Soaring Dragons. These little Soaring Dragons are all young dragons, level 27, but they are not elite monsters, but ordinary monsters.

In addition to the little Soaring Dragon, there are also many dragon people. These dragon people are 27-level elites, patrolling back and forth.

"Master, these pillars are weird," Vanessa reminded.

There are many pillars around the industrial area, and these pillars emit red light, which are not serious pillars at first glance.

"How does it feel like here, it looks like the trap room of the Blackwing Lair?" Li Yunze is a bit familiar with the layout of the industrial area, much like the trap room before the boss of the second boss of the level 60 raid Blackwing Lair.

In the industrial zone, the surrounding pillars are the traps of the industrial zone.

When other players come here, they will definitely be recruited. Li Yunze, as a rebirth, has experienced similar dungeons and knows how to deal with it: "Vanessa, you go and close the pillar. That should be a mechanism, sneak past the pass."

The thieves will disarm the mechanism skills and can be used in stealth state.

Li Yunze thought of a reminder: "Avoid the dragon people who are patrolling. This is a red dragon. It is very likely to be able to use flame magic."

There is no need for Li Yunze to say too clearly, Vanessa understands the characteristics of flame magic, and will be burned when approached, and then appear.

Vanessa sneaked and went up to shut down the mechanism. Li Yunze waited for her to shut down the mechanism and then went in to clear the blame.

"The main brain really counted Vanessa in the difficulty rating of the dungeon."

Li Yunze can now be sure that the nightmare difficulty assessed by the main brain, including Vanessa, otherwise there will be no trap room.

There are no thieves in the trap room, it is impossible to pass, Li Yunze does not believe that the mastermind will make a story copy level that cannot be passed.

Vanessa carefully touched the first pillar, and she was slowed down: "Master, this is the deceleration mechanism."

Vanessa's movement speed is reduced by 75%, and her attack speed is reduced by 50.

A very disgusting mechanism with a very wide range. A pillar of the mechanism covers an area, and if the mechanism is not shut down, you can only stare at the deceleration buff and charge hard.

A dragon patrolled Vanessa, and Li Yunze immediately entered the field, attracting strange hatred.

Fortunately, the mobs in the entire venue do not have a hatred chain, and will only attract a bunch of 5 little Soaring Dragons and 1 dragon at a time.

The little Soaring Dragon is just an ordinary monster. With Li Yunze's damage, one step on the dedication, the Crusaders will be able to solve it. The real trouble is the dragon man, half of what he guessed, close to the dragon man will be subject to the burning effect of flame magic.

Li Yunze burned against the flames that continued to drop blood, and quickly solved the dragon people.

Vanessa went to open the second mechanism: "Master, be careful, the little Soaring Dragon has done it."

The little Soaring Dragon that Li Yunze just solved was refreshed.

"60 seconds."

Li Yunze deliberately calculated the time of the small Soaring Dragon Death. From Death to refresh, it was exactly 60 seconds: "This is a trap room. Fortunately, I played it before, otherwise I have to die."

The little Soaring Dragon refreshed, Li Yunze's skill cd just got better, and he took them for a full second again.

Vanessa came to the second organ and lifted the organ: "Master, hurry up."

The second mechanism was closed, and Li Yunze continued to move forward, decimating the small Soaring Dragon in seconds, focusing on killing the dragon.

Vanessa is the key. Whether Li Yunze can move forward depends on her performance. If she shuts down the mechanism fast enough, Li Yunze can kill a little Soaring Dragon less.

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