Super Sacred Knight

Chapter 224 Knock the Black Dragon Princess's Stick

Li Yunze didn't want to die, to provoke the cat god, he gave the cat god a dried fish.

The cat god initially expressed disdain, but when Li Tianze left, he ate the small fish.

Li Yunze peeped in his eyes, and smiled triumphantly at the corners of his mouth: "Swipe the goodwill, in case you can collect the cat god as a pet, you can earn blood. If you can't collect it, you can have a good relationship with it, and you will be able to walk sideways in Stormwind City. ."

A 110-level cat god, even Boval is not necessarily an opponent. If it is covered, Li Yunze needn't be afraid of any NPCs in Stormwind City.

You can't rush the cat god, you need to make progress gradually.

Li Yunze decided that every time he returned to Stormwind City, he would come to the garden in Shangcheng District to feed the cat god and brush his favor.

At the entrance to the noble area of ​​Stormwind, there are level 60 elite guards. Although Li Yunze is only the lowest-level baron, he can still let these guards pass.

"Power crushes people to death."

Li Yunze couldn't help sighing. He was a level 28 player, and now he pointed at the nose of a level 60 guard in Stormwind City and yelled at him, and the guard didn't dare to fight back.

Of course, there are many nobles in Stormwind City, and if one of the noble's children is a guest guard, it will be very miserable.

Only by working hard at the Ascension aristocratic rank and rising to a duke like Boval, can you truly walk sideways in Stormwind City.

"The largest house in the noble district is where Katrana lives."

Li Yunze is very familiar with the noble area of ​​Stormwind City. His previous title of Stormwind City was promoted to Marquis, one step away from the Duke.

The black dragon princess, in the form of an adult, uses fire magic in Stormwind, and is shown by a fire mage. The house where she lives is covered with high-grade herbal flame flowers.

If the player comes here for the first time, seeing so many flame flowers will definitely be heart-warming, but if they steal it, the end will be very miserable.

"Interesting man."

As soon as Li Yunze arrived in front of Katrana's house, the gate of the yard opened and Katrana's seductive voice came from inside: "Come in directly, I'm on the second floor."

Li Yunze entered the yard. The house in the yard was not closed. After entering the house, he went straight to the second floor.

The door of a room on the second floor was open, and Li Yunze walked in.

Good guy, Li Yunze is really good guy, this house turned out to be Katrana's boudoir.

Katrana was sitting on the bed, wearing a thin pajamas, which was looming and very tempting.

Seeing Li Yunze coming in, Katrana got up, walked up to him, and moved her hands and feet on him: "I have been waiting for you for a long time, and you are finally willing to come to me."

Li Yunze was determined not to be confused by a female npc.

The Countess of Stormwind in front of her was a poisonous rose. The male nobles of the entire Stormwind City were almost slept by her, and all those who were unwilling to surrender were eliminated by her plan.

The former marshal of Stormwind, Windsor is a straight man of steel, not seduced by Katrana. In the end, Katrana urged Bolvar to transfer to the perilous Burning Plains to build a camp that was useless at all and needed to be attacked all day long.

Later, Katrana had people cut off the supply of the Burning Plains camp, and then designed the Dark Iron dwarves to attack the camp.

The poor former Marshal of Stormwind, Windsor, was hungry for a few days and lost to the Dark Iron Dwarves. After the camp was breached, he was captured by the Dark Iron Dwarves. He is still imprisoned in the Blackstone Abyss and lives a dark day every day.

"Am I beautiful?" Katrana tempted Li Yunze.

Li Yunze told the truth: "Beautiful."

Katrana continued: "Do you want to be my person?"

This woman wanted to repeat the old tricks so that Li Yunze, like other male nobles, would become her minister under her skirt.

Good guy, if Li Yunze agrees, it will not be the same as giving the regent of Stormwind City to the green.

Seeing that Li Yunze was indifferent, Katrana walked to the bed and sat down and raised her legs: "Come and sit next to me."

Li Yunze twitched at the corner of his mouth: "There is a story, don't you know if you want to hear it?"

Katrana rolled her eyes with interest: "The story told by an interesting man must be very interesting."

Li Yunze looked into her eyes and smiled and said: "It is indeed a very interesting story. The story starts a long time ago. Azeroth has five dragons, the most powerful of which is the black Dragon King Nesario. He has a pair of children. The son is the king of Blackrock Spire, Nefarian. His daughter lives in the Dragon Nest ** in the Dragon Swamp, surrounded by the Black Dragon Legion."

Upon hearing this, Katrana's originally coquettish expression turned gloomy.

Li Yunze did not care about the change in her expression, and continued to tell the own story: "The black Dragon King Nesario, likes to be human. He once used an extremely prominent name, Priest. Later, he betrayed 5 colors in the black Dragon King. After the mission of the dragon, Priest's name was inherited by her daughter, who also transformed into a human, becoming a nobleman in Stormwind."

Li Yunze could already feel the murderous aura emanating from Katrana.

Li Yunze didn't care, he was a player, he could be resurrected indefinitely when he died, and he was not afraid of being killed.

This time I went to Katrana, and Li Yunze wanted to threaten her and get benefits from her.

"The next day I have time, go to Theramore Island to find Jaina, and throw her father's bones on her face."

Li Yunze is now more and more daring, as he is bolder and more productive. It is not enough to knock the black dragon princess's stick. He also wants to knock the Theramore island leader Jaina's stick.

In the game "Glory", no princess is a good person, such as the black dragon princess, and the princess Jaina of Kultisla.

Li Yunze is ready to escape with Invincible Hearthstone at any time: "Is there any interest in my story, Countess Katrana Priest, or you should be called, Black Dragon Princess Onyxia."

Katrana got up, killing intent on her body, the identity of the black dragon princess was her biggest secret. She came to Stormwind City in the form of a human, with the purpose of controlling Stormwind City and finally igniting a war between the Alliance and the Horde. Only in this way can the Black Dragon clan gain more benefits, and her father has the opportunity to become the king of Azeroth.

Flame magic appeared in Katrana's hand. With her level, Li Yunze could be killed in a flash.

Li Yunze was not afraid, and smiled: "Don't rush to kill me, I have one more thing to say."

Katrana waved her hand, and the whole house was surrounded by enchantment. If it were replaced by an NPC, she would definitely not be able to escape.

However, Li Yunze is a player, and Invincible Hearthstone suppresses everything. Besides, the main equipment on his body is soul-bound, and one or two other equipment is not distressed.

"Varian Nation is not missing, but kidnapped and imprisoned on Okaz Island in Dustwallow Marsh."

After speaking, Li Yunze opened his arms and made an expression that was at your disposal: "You can kill me now, as long as you can kill me. If you can't kill me, soon the Countess Katrana will be the Black Dragon Princess. The news will come from within the alliance."

Li Yunze sits firmly on the Diaoyutai, as long as he spreads the matter out, he will talk about it in the player.

Although the black dragon princess is powerful, she can't kill all the player's mouths.

If she really changes back to the black dragon to kill, what awaits her is to be thrown into the dungeon by the main brain in advance, and to be played for various rounds by the player.

The most important thing is that Bolvar will not let her go first, don't look at Bolvar being confused by her, he is the high lord at any rate, and he will definitely make a move in the face of the honor of the alliance.

Duke Black Dragon is mainly stronger than Bovar, and he has also disappeared from Bovar a long time ago. How could he control Bovar by bewildering means.

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