Super Sacred Knight

Chapter 232 The End of Night Town

Li Yunze took 10 ribs and went back to find Abercrombie.

This old man is incapable of learning to live in seclusion, so he is particularly intimidated. He wants to use ghost hair as a Bixie talisman, and undead ribs as a scarecrow.

"That's it. Those damn undead will smell their companions, and they will think that they live here and they won't bother me again."

It took Abercrombie a long time to make the scarecrow ready, which is an illusion that there are undead living here.

However, the hair and ribs should have a shelf life, otherwise they will not be refreshed once a week.

Li Yunze will not do the next task, because a player can only do this task once. This is to prevent the Stitch Monster from being contracted.

Of course, there are loopholes. Li Yunze can calculate the time. Next time, let other people in the mercenary group do the task, and he can still control the refresh of the suture monster.

Level 30 world bosses are very rewarding, because world bosses start at level 30 and have a chance to produce epic-level equipment.

Epic equipment is not comparable in quality to diamonds. Epic equipment at level 30 will not be eliminated even at level 45, and can retain the value of an expansion.

Equipment quality, when it reaches the epic level, it is no longer solely based on level and attributes, but more on special effects. The strength of the special effects will determine the value of the equipment. Some 30-45 epic-level equipment with particularly powerful special effects can even be worn in the late stage of the next expansion.

"The 30-level world boss and rare boss, there should be a chance to produce an epic equipment."

Epic equipment is not like other quality equipment. There will be a fixed number of drops. It is purely character, and if the luck is too bad, it will not be out.

The lower limit of Li Yunze's lucky value is 70. According to his luck, it is unlikely that he will not be able to produce epic equipment if he fights world bosses and rare bosses.

A 30-level world boss, a 30-level rare boss, these are two epic-level equipment, Li Yunze contracted.

Abercrombie gave Li Yunze a letter: "Please give this letter to the Duke of Eberlock in the night town, he and I are old friends... I dare say that when he finishes reading the letter and knows you What he did for me...he will be as happy as I am, hahahaha..."

Li Yunze took the letter and directly used the time and space teleport skills to return to Yese Town.

The stability of the space-time teleportation skills is very good, at least so far, there has been no accident.

Li Yunze entered the Duke's Mansion unimpeded. This is the advantage of the reputation of the night watchman. Even the guards of the Duke's Mansion will salute when they see him.

Seeing Duke Eberlock, he was very surprised at Li Yunze's return.

Li Yunze handed the letter to him: "An old friend of yours, a letter to you."

Duke Eberlock took the letter and checked it, frowning: "Abercrombie? I don't know this person. What is written in this letter? It looks like an ancient language...I can't understand it."

Good guy, Li Yunze is a direct good guy. Abercrombie doesn't know Duke Eberlock at all. In order for the player to deliver the letter, he depends on flicking.

Li Yunze glanced at the letter, and it turned out that it was a ghost symbol, and he couldn't understand it at all.

Duke Eberlock said: "You show this letter to Sheila, he may have studied this ancient text."

No way, Li Yunze had to go to the historian Sheila in Yese Town.

Don't complain about running errands, the game is like this. In "Glory", even if the player has a chance to become a god in the future, they will be commanded by various NPCs to run and do tasks.

With trembling cold, when can the fourth heavenly calamity stand up, instruct the npc to do the task, and then sit back and enjoy the success.

Li Yunze found Sheila.

Sheila learned that he came from: "A letter from Abercrombie to the mayor? I don't know this person, but if he does live in the cemetery, I think his brain must be broken."

What this said, Li Yunze couldn't help applauding, Abercrombie was an old man with mental retardation, and finally an NPC said what he was saying.

"I will be able to finish translating the letter soon. Please wait a while and come back."

Sheila went to translate the content of the letter.

Li Yunze could only wait on the sidelines.

After waiting for about half an hour, Sheila finally finished the translation of the letter.

Sheila's face was solemn, as if it were the content of the letter, which made him feel uneasy: "The content of this letter, probably, is that the air suddenly becomes dignified, as if there is a dark and heavy curtain covering the earth... You take the letter to the Duke, He should understand."

Li Yunze took the translated letter and went back to find Duke Eberlock.

Duke Elro of Eberlock read the letter, his face suddenly turned pale. He looked up at Li Yunze: "You helped Abercrombie out of good intentions, but your behavior has brought a great deal to our town. Catastrophe. If the content of the letter is true, I feel that the end of Nightlight Town is coming."

Of course, Li Yunze knew what the end of the night town was about to come, which was related to the level 30 world boss suture monster.

The last step of this series of tasks, after finishing, will summon the suture monster, and then the suture monster will bring a bunch of undead mobs to attack the night town.

That's right, the monsters are attacking the city, and the time of the siege is at night, all of them are elite monsters.

Imagine that a boss brings a bunch of elites to attack the city. This is a disaster for the NPCs and players in the city.

Although the guard level of Nightlight Town has reached level 40, Duke Eberlock and Altea even reached level 60, but when the suture monster is attacking the city, due to the limitation of the plot, their strength will drop sharply, that is, they are not as good as the suture monster.

When the suture monster is attacking the city, if there is no player to participate, it is difficult for the NPCs in the night town to resist the undead monsters flooding like a tide.

Only with the player's participation, night town can have a chance to defend.

"Monsters' siege is inevitable. If you want to take the final blow of the suture monster, you must be fully prepared."

The suture monster has a siege feature. It will enter the city. The city is a PK area, and everyone can participate in the killing.

When the Stitching Monster is refreshed, it will definitely attract countless players to join the battle. After all, everyone will be dropped by the world boss. If you take the final blow, you will become famous and reach the pinnacle of life.

When Li Yunze handed in the last task, he would prepare in advance and call up his staff to wait in Yese Town.

As soon as the stitching monster appears, let everyone attack it as soon as possible, and strive to kill the stitching monster in the shortest time, so as to prevent too many players from flocking to the night town from other areas.

That's right, it's the speed to catch up with other players and grab time.

Li Yunze must get the final blow of the Stitching Monster.

Faced with the great crisis in the night town, Duke Eberlock gave Li Yunze his last mission "the wife of the corpse-hidden".

"The corpse-hidden is a character in the story that we often use to scare children. He was a kind alchemist, but he became crazy because of the death of his wife Eliza. In order to resurrect his wife, the corpse-hidden used dark magic Put the heart of own into the chest of the deceased wife."

"Eliza is resurrected...but she was also cursed and started to devour human flesh and blood frantically, and the corpse concealer had to bury his wife."

"His heart is all his strength. Finding his wife's grave and taking back his still beating heart can break his strength."

Duke Eberlock solemnly said: "The magic in the corpse-hidden's heart can be used to resist his evil forces, and it is also a weapon to protect the night town. Only this heart can guard the night town.

This is an epic mission. You need to kill the corpse-hidden’s wife, Eliza, and get the corpse-hidden’s heart from her.

This heart has the ability to add buffs. When the suture monster attacks the city, the duke will hang it at the door of the ducal mansion, so all players in the night town will get one: damage the suture monster and increase the damage to the undead creatures. 5%, 5% increase in critical strike rate, 5% increase in attack speed and casting speed.

Without this buff, it cannot cause damage to the suture monster, so this boss can't pull out of the night town to kill, let alone stop it halfway.

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