Super Sacred Knight

Chapter 241 Glory, I'm King

Two lights of justice fell on Li Yunze.

One was from Feihua Xueying, and the other was from Xia. These two hidden professionals used the blood boosting skills to instantly fill up Li Yunze's blood.

When the blood volume returned to full, Li Yunze had no pressure to attack the suture monster's iron chain attack.

"I'm a good boy, the boss is beaten to lose half of his blood. If my fragile body is beaten up, I can't be beaten in an instant." Runaway Barbecued Pork Bao gave up the idea of ​​being a melee hunter.

Without Li Yunze's abnormal defensive ability, only the tank player can resist the attack of the suture monster, and the rest are basically only killed by the second.

The Stitch Monster had no hatred, and the attack target was random. After hitting Li Yunze's direction twice, he turned to hit the other direction.

Li Yunze's pressure dropped sharply, and he continued to attack the Stitching Monster with all his strength.

The other people around Li Yunze were not so lucky. They were stitched together in a bunch of seconds.

"The boss damage is too ridiculous, and it's not allowed to let people play."

"A group in a second, this is so much more perverted than the previous world boss."

"Such a powerful world boss will definitely produce good things, everyone, quickly kill."

Although the Stitching Monster killed a lot of players, the temptation to fall still made everyone rush to die.

"Kao, those guys are really chicken thieves."

The player who put the equipment in the bank warehouse pointed at a group of stripped equipment and said with contempt: "This is a typical fish in troubled waters."

Qiye Rejuvenation: "You kid are embarrassed to talk about others?"

Runaway Barbecued Pork Bun is very shameless, and the equipment on his lower body wants to imitate the players who are the chicken thieves in his mouth.

"Haha, open a player."

After being exposed, I had to re-equip the equipment and bite the bullet.

The high damage of the stitch monsters makes everyone unable to let go of their hands and feet to fight. They can only be life-saving, and can only be output under the condition of ensuring absolute safety.

"A bunch of trash."

Liu Feng cursed inwardly when seeing a bunch of people dead in the Shadow Mercenary Corps.

He himself was a little bit horrible, and he still dare not go up and export the suture monster.

If Arthas, the Lich King, knew that the descendant of own was so embarrassing, he would be so angry that he would be killed directly from Northrend to Nightlight, and he would be given a second with a single sword.

Since Li Yunze was attacked twice by the Stitch Monster before, he was never attacked again.

It's not that the Stitch Monster didn't attack his direction again, but he used super high technology to avoid it.

No matter how powerful the boss is, it is impossible to withstand the attack of the player. With 100,000 players in the night town, one person will cause 1 damage, and the stitch monster will also be overwhelmed.

Only the world boss with level 10 or higher can not cause damage and miss infinitely.

The stitch monster is only level 30, and the level 60 attributes can't make it truly invincible.

"50%, Altea should be on."

The battle of the Stitch Monster is divided into two stages. After entering 50% HP, the second stage comes, its attributes will increase, and random players will be swallowed into the stomach.

A suture monster swallowed into its stomach will not die immediately. There is a magical space in its stomach with some ooze monsters that can vomit acid. If the player wants to come out, he must kill the ooze monster inside. Because it is in the stomach, it will continue to be affected by the negative state of the acid, and if it is too slow, it will be corroded and burned to death by the acid.

The devouring skills have little effect. The real impact is the increase in the attributes of the stitch monsters, which is a bit like a soft frenzy.

Suture monsters with improved attributes are more powerful in seconds. Before, Li Yunze was knocked out at most half of his blood, but now he will be knocked out by two-thirds.

"Commander of the Night Watch is here!"

"Altea is here!"

"Haha, the most cheating npc is here, we can save it."

Altea will join the battle when the Stitching Monster has 50% HP. At this time, the number of times that the Stitching Monster moves to attack the target will slow down, and the main attack target will become Altea.

Altea killed all the undead mobs around him, and rushed towards the suture monster.

The weapon in her hand is not simple, it is an epic long sword, bursting open the body of the suture monster, causing a lot of damage to it.

The painful suture monster was extremely angry and attacked Altea frantically.

Li Yunze said: "Altea will temporarily resist the boss, everyone speed output."

Altea is worthy of being the commander of the Night's Watch, a high-level npc, if it is not limited by the plot, she can easily kill the suture monster with her strength.

"NPC is fighting against the boss, everyone is going to fight, it's time to grab output."

"Grab a little more output, and you will have a little more chance to get a drop. Everyone, hurry up."

Everyone soon discovered that the suture monsters were only staring at Altea for the time being, attacking the suture monsters frantically.

"Feihua, at the last blow, your people will cover me and go to the front." Li Yunze said to Feihua Xueying.

The weakness of the suture monster is actually in the front belly. At the last moment, Li Yunze wanted to insert the Ashbringer into its belly, striving for the highest output and grabbing the final blow.

Feihua Xueying said: "No problem."

Li Yunze said to the others in the mercenary group: "Everyone will follow Phoenix and cover me to take the final blow."

The fearless mercenary group collectively expressed their understanding.

As for the team that beat the kindergarten, Li Yunze asked them to continue to clean up the mobs around him, and don't interfere with himself to give the boss a final blow.

The Stitch Monster doesn't always stare at Altea to fight, but occasionally randomly fights in other directions.

In the town of Night, the graves that are already all over the ground are densely packed and terrifying.



Fortunately, there were enough players, and the dead batch came again immediately. The Stitch Monster gradually became unable to resist, and the blood volume reached 10%.

Li Yunze was waiting, silently calculating the amount of damage caused by other players to the stitch monster in each round of output.




Li Yunze moved, and under the cover of the Phoenix Guild and the Fearless Mercenary Group, he smoothly came to the suture monster.


The blood volume of the suture monster has bottomed out.

"It's this moment!"

Li Yunze's skills were fully activated, and the fire broke out: "You must give me the final blow!"

The terrifying output is all poured on the stitching monsters, with one person's power against the output of all players.

What is God, this is God.

Only the true god can fight against the whole world.

"Glory, I am king!"

Li Yunze roared, roared and crit.




Several critical strikes were hit in an instant, and the Ashbringer’s characteristic of hitting the undead with higher damage caused a huge amount of damage to the suture monster in an instant.

The blood of the Stitcher is emptied.


The level 30 world boss stitching monster has fallen.

"Did you get the final blow?" Everyone became nervous, waiting for the system's world announcement.

Only the world announcement can determine who the final blow belongs to.

After Li Yunze shot out all his output, he took a long sigh of relief and gently closed his eyes. He had already achieved the ultimate, and then he could only resign himself to his fate.

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