Super Sacred Knight

Chapter 259 Ultimate Skill \"Fake Death\"

This remains is not a tomb, because there is no corpse to be buried, but a flag was erected to commemorate it.

"Remembrance, the great pirate king!"

This is the place where a great pirate king finally died in the game's background story.

A fierce battle took place on this beach. The two most powerful pirate groups in the game killed seven days and nights here. In the end, both sides died together, and in the background story of the game, the greatest pirate king fell here.

The corpse of the pirate king was lost in the battle, and the survivors could only erect a burial mound here for memorial purposes.

If there is a player who likes to go to the main city library to read the background history of the game, you will find the clues of this ruin. It is said that the pirate who built this cloak mound had buried countless treasures on the beach at the end of the world.

Li Yunze is not sure whether the ends of the earth are full of treasures, he can only confirm that someone in the previous life has explored the paladin's ultimate skill "Holy Healing" from this ruin.

"I'm the man who wants to be the One Piece."

Li Yunze smiled: "Snatch away all the valuable treasures of Azeroth."

Dong turned around the ruins: "Master, do you want to explore?"

The adventure skill is a life skill that all players must learn. If you don’t lose money after learning, if you discover something good, you can get rich overnight.

There are no levels of exploration skills. What a player can explore from the ruins is entirely by luck.

The adventure skill rankings rely on the comprehensive evaluation of the number of items obtained by the player from the ruins and the number of ruins explored. Now the number one in the adventure skill is Karl. The number of ruins he has explored is the first among all players, and the number of items he has explored is also the number one.

There are not many ruins that Li Yunze has explored. Although all the things he got are top quality, but the number is not enough to make it to the rankings.

It really needs to be evaluated according to the value of exploration. Li Yunzeguang's favorite is enough to beat the exploration gains of the other 3 billion players in the game.

"Don't worship Brother, Brother is just a legend."

Li Yunze doesn't ask for an astonishing number, but he wants to be able to get supernatural pets, artifacts, ultimate skills, super rares and so on every time.

Li Yunze released the treasure hunting mechanical squirrel: "Follow the squirrel to explore, and the chances of getting good things are high."

The treasure hunting squirrel circled the ruins and then stopped.

Li Yunze went up to use the expedition skills.

"Explore successfully and get: a box of gold coins."

The first time I explored, I got something. It was very straightforward. It was worthy of the style of a pirate king, a box of gold coins.

Li Yunze opened this box of gold coins.

"Congratulations, get: 1000 gold!"

"The Pirate King is still too poor, only 1,000?"

Li Yunze was disappointed. A box of gold coins was only 1,000. The Pirate King didn't seem to mix well. If he wanted to mix well, he needed at least one box of amethyst coins.

Li Yunze currently has more than 10,000 gold coins on his body. In addition to changing equipment for Vanessa, he is also practicing professional skills, and there is nowhere to spend it temporarily.

Equipment, NPC sent it.

Skills, weird.

The mount was picked up for nothing.

There is no place to reason. It is very good to have one or two hundred gold on other players, and he has begun to dislike 1,000 gold.

However, since the 45th level of Master forging started, if you want to modify and strengthen the equipment, the gold coins that you need to spend, more than 10,000, are definitely not enough. Just to strengthen two dark gold equipment, Li Yunze estimated that it would cost tens of thousands of gold.

"Winter, next time you come." Li Yunze wanted to see Dong's luck.

The treasure hunting squirrel stopped at the next place, and the winter went to explore.

When two people team up, you can see what the other party has obtained.

Dong's luck is not bad, he got a hunter's level 45 medium inscription, which can strengthen the pet's attack power, which is very suitable for the hunter of the Beastmaster.

Cross-exploring, the chance of getting good things is high.

Li Yunze continued to explore.

The second time I was lucky, I got a 45-level ordinary red gem, power increased by 30.

Winter exploration followed again. This time she was unlucky and explored loneliness.

One person can only explore the same ruins 10 times, and Li Yunze's luck is high, and he has never failed.

Dong's luck was not as good as Li Yunze's, and he failed three consecutive explorations.

However, even though Li Yunze was lucky and his exploration was not frustrated, the ultimate skill he wanted was still not explored. However, I also got a medium-sized inscription of a Paladin, and every time I use the Judgment skill, it will increase the weapon damage by 10%.

Other punishment riders take this inscription, and the effect is mediocre, because their weapons are not much better.

Li Yunze, who owns the Ashbringer, got this inscription, causing the damage of the trial to soar.

"There is one last chance."

Li Yunze gave the lady priority this time: "Winter, you come first."

Both of them have explored 9 times, leaving only one last chance. Whether they can get the best things in this ruin is a matter of fate.

The treasure hunting squirrel stopped in one place, and Dong walked over to explore it.

"Your teammate won in winter: suspended animation."

Li Yunze awakened, really was awakened, and Li Yunze immediately became energetic.

"This is the ultimate hunter's skill!"

When Li Yunze saw "Fake Death", he was grateful for Dong, because it was the ultimate hunter skill.

"Fake Death" (Ultimate): Non-upgradeable, no consumption, instant cast, 30 seconds cooling time.

Learning profession: Hunter

Learning level: Level 45

Skill effect: Pretending to be dead, may cause the enemy to ignore you and get you out of combat, lasting up to 6 minutes.

Seeing the effect of suspended animation, Dong fell into deep thought.

Li Yunze knew that she was thinking about life: "Don't doubt, this is one of the most powerful and ultimate skills that hunters rely on for survival."

The fake death of a hunter is definitely a god's skill. When fighting monsters, if you can't win, a fake death will deceive the monsters, and then instantly escape the battle to save your life.

Because suspended animation has the effect of getting out of the battle, although you can't fool the player, using suspended animation can make the opponent lose the target in an instant when playing against playerpk. If the opponent loses the target at this moment, the opponent will not be able to attack you, thus gaining time to counterattack.

Moreover, in the game arena, after entering the battle, you can only use the blue medicine or the red medicine once. If you want to drink it again, you can only use it after the battle. The suspended animation of the hunter has the effect of leaving the battle. The cd of the medicine will be reset at the moment of leaving the battle, and then the medicine can be taken directly.

Compared with the thief’s ability to disappear from the battle, the cooling time of up to 15 minutes, the cooling time of the hunter’s suspended animation is only 30 seconds.

Hunters who can feign death will be upgraded to a higher level at the pve and pvp levels. It can be said that a hunter who does not feign death has no soul, and feign death is the core skill of the hunter.

In Li Yunze's previous life, there used to be a hunter who could feign death. He used feign death to jump over the entire dungeon of monsters and killed them all the way to the ultimate boss room. Then this hunter completed a feat, using terrain and suspended animation, and spent 24 hours abruptly to grind to death the ultimate boss of that instance.

Feign death does have the effect of getting out of combat, but don’t forget that hunters also have pets.

Set the pet to a place far away from the hunter, so that after the hunter feigns his death, the boss will find the pet trouble.

The hunter can wait for the boss to find a pet, control the distance to attack the boss, and wait for the boss to look back for the hunter, and feign death again when he is about to approach.

Don't worry about the hunter's lack of range. This game has up and down steps. The pet is on the steps and the hunter is under the steps. This way, the distance is far enough, but it is still within the range.

"Fake death is out, isn't the Holy Healing technique still out?"

Li Yunze admitted that he had lemons and was envious, and he had to doubt whether the high luck value was fake if he didn't give him sacred healing skills.

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