Super Sacred Knight

Chapter 295 Legendary Weapon: Blade of Endless Darkness

Legendary equipment!

In front of the word legend, the epic becomes bleak.

"Legendary equipment, it's impossible, right? A 45-level raid can produce legendary equipment?"

"No, no, this game really has legendary equipment?"

"Damn, worthy of being the princess of the game's most beautiful face, she has legendary equipment on her body. Believe it or not, I am already kneeling anyway."

The shock brought by the legendary equipment is really great. At this stage when epic equipment is still rare, legendary equipment has never appeared.

After Li Yunze confirmed that the legendary equipment was really out, he was only slightly startled, and then smiled calmly. Seeing that everyone was so shocked, he wanted to know if everyone learned that the Ashbringer was a divine tool, would they drop their jaws by surprise.

It is impossible for Li Yunze to post the attributes of the Ashbringer in order to make a cup, so no one would know the existence of the artifact.

However, with the appearance of legendary equipment, Ashbringer still firmly occupy the top of the equipment rankings, and soon some people will suspect that the weapons he uses are artifacts.

Legendary equipment is stronger than the temptation to go home. Everyone can't wait to rush to Princess Theradras, no longer disgusting her ugliness, feeling that she is so beautiful at this moment.

"Fuck, it's a legendary equipment."

"6666, a legendary weapon, this time it's going to go wrong."

"I'm dizzy, why is it a dagger? Wait, no, this dagger belongs to the law system!"

After seeing the drop list, everyone's eyes were attracted by the legendary orange, ignoring the other 4 epic equipment.

Li Yunze walked over unhurriedly and picked up Princess Therads' drop.

Blackstone Ring (Epic): Physical Ring

The Eye of Theradras (Epic): Healing Cloth Head

Princess Theradras's Scepter (Epic): Physical Two-Handed Hammer

Heart of Broken Jade (Epic): Legal Necklace

Blade of Endless Darkness (Legend): Legal Dagger

The first 4 epic level drops, before the last legendary level drop, there is no trace, and it is not worthy of Li Yunze to post the attributes.

Li Yunze's eyes swept across the first 4 epic-level equipment, and then, like everyone else, was fixed on the final legendary-level weapon.

"The dagger of Mr. Ma's."

Li Yunze looked at the Blade of Endless Darkness and smiled. This weapon was called by later players, the dagger of the prince.

Legendary equipment is different from epic equipment and is similar to artifacts. There is only one piece of each. In other words, this game only has an endless dark blade, and Princess Theradras's drop list only has an endless dark blade, which will never be dropped after falling out.

There is only one prince, the player who can obtain the Blade of Endless Darkness, is the prince appointed by Princess Theradras.

Moreover, the player who obtains this legendary dagger can receive a hidden job transfer task. After completing the task, it will not only be transferred to a hidden job, but also get a Princess Theradras entourage.

"With a burst rate of one in ten million, this is really fate."

Li Yunze glanced at Qiye Rejuvenation. Destiny is a illusory thing, but it is very magical. Even if he is reborn for the first time and finally gets the player of the Blade of Endless Darkness, it will be Qiye Rejuvenation.

Blade of Endless Darkness (Epic): +150 intelligence, 150 spirit, 150 mastery, 150 constitution, level 45 is required.

Blue slot

Cyan slot

Slot reward: +5% Magic power value

Special effect: increase spell power by 50

Special effect: Increase the value of 30 Magic power by 5 times

Special effect: Magic power value increased by 10%

Special effect: When using group attack skills, the consumption of Magic power value is reduced by 10%.

Special effect: When a single skill hits, there is a certain chance that you can restore 0.8% Magic power value per second for 6 seconds.

Special effect: When the group attack skill hits the enemy, each target will restore 0.5% Magic power value for you.

Special effect: Use: immediately restore 20% Magic power value (cooling time 30 minutes)

Special effect: Use: immediately provide you with a shield with 100% Magic power value (cooling time 30 minutes)

The special effects of the Blade of Endless Darkness are very good and powerful. The thinking attribute of this weapon has far surpassed the third unblocked Ashbringer. If the Ashbringer is not an artifact, the equipment ranking will be suppressed.

The four-dimensional attribute of the Blade of Endless Darkness is the ceiling of the level 45 stage. Even if it is placed at level 60, it is still in the first echelon, and only after it reaches level 70 will it fall behind.

This weapon can not only be used at level 70, but can be used at level 120, because its special effects are of a type that will never be eliminated.

The first 2 special effects can be ignored. The third special effect the more late stage is, the more powerful it is. However, the really powerful one starts with the fourth special effect.

The trigger rate of the fourth special effect is not low, allowing the legal system output of this weapon to return a wave of blue from time to time.

The fifth special effect can make the legal system output using this weapon become a perpetual motion machine when facing multiple targets. A target returns 0.5% of the Magic power value, which does not seem to be much. However, there is no upper limit for aoe (group attack) targets. What if this target is 10 and 100? Then the player with the Blade of Endless Darkness will always be full of blue.

Of course, the group attack skills are limited in scope, and it is impossible to squeeze hundreds of targets in a small area, but even if only 20 or 30 targets are standing, they can still provide a steady stream of blue back.

Leveling, fighting, and team battles all require the use of group attack skills, so the Blade of Endless Darkness, when used on specific occasions, will always be the top blue-back equipment.

"Weapons can be changed in battle."

In the game "Honor", you can change weapons during battle. When you need to return to the blue, take out the Blade of Endless Darkness. When the skill is shaken, the blue is full. This is not a perpetual motion machine, so what can be a perpetual motion machine?

Li Yunze remembered that he was called an inexhaustible man during the seven nights of rejuvenation in his previous life. With his pl opponents, most of them will be exhausted by his infinite blue amount, and finally lose the duel.

It is precisely because of this that after being transferred to Elemental Warlock, Seven Nights Rejuvenation can rush into the top 30 of the "Glory" rankings in one fell swoop. He has also become the hardest legal profession in the game, the top warlock player.

The last two special effects of Blade of Endless Darkness, returning 20% ​​Magic power value special effects, are just icing on the cake, providing users with 100% Magic power value shield special effects, is the real power.

When the player reaches the late stage, the Magic power value will be very high. For example, now the Seven Nights Rejuvenation has 2500 blue points, and the 100% Magic power value shield allows him to obtain a shield that can offset 2500 points of damage. Moreover, this shield has no duration, and will disappear only after it is broken.

The Elemental Warlock itself is hard enough, and with this shield, the hardness is even higher.

With proper technology, you can suddenly switch the Blade of Endless Darkness during pk, and switch weapons again after topping the shield.

The master moves, the moves are fatal, and one more life-saving skill can determine the victory or defeat.

Li Yunze looked at Qiye Rejuvenation again, and couldn't help feeling that he was really fate Samsara. Among all the legal system exports, he has not obtained any equipment at present. According to the distribution system, this weapon belongs to him.

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