The eye-catching day finally arrived.

"Glory" is looking forward to the 3 billion players.

The second expansion of the game "Guardian of Azeroth" will be launched soon.

At 23:30 on Sunday evening, the system will announce the full game.

"Honor is about to usher in a new era. The second expansion Guardian of Azeroth will be officially launched in 30 minutes, and the upper limit of the game level will be raised to level 60. For the specific update content, please check the update email by the player."

All updates of "Honor" are completed online, the player does not need to quit the game, as long as the time comes, the game version will automatically change.

The system announcement was sent ten times, and then all players received the system’s email. Everyone can’t wait to check the email in the mailbox and grasp the updated content of the second expansion at the first time.

Several large mailboxes in Stormwind City have been crowded by players, and the lively scene is comparable to the novice village when the server was opened.

There is a mailbox at the gate of the Fearless Mercenary Corps, so there is no need to crowd with other players. If others squeeze into a pregnancy, that would be a big deal.

Open the mailbox and check the mail.

"Some forces from outside Azeroth covet Azeroth. As a member of Azeroth, whether you are an alliance or a tribe, you will shoulder the heavy responsibility of protecting your homeland."

"The dark iron dwarves under the Blackstone Abyss summoned the Lord of Fire Elemental Ragnaros. Ragnaros is trying to destroy Azeroth with the power of flames."

"The Black Dragon King on the Blackrock Tower is gathering the Black Dragon Legion, preparing to overthrow Azeroth."

"The Atalai troll of Stranglethorn Vale is summoning the blood god Hakkar in Zul'Gurub, and wants to use Hakkar's power to conquer Azeroth and reproduce the glory of the Cubarush troll empire."

"The yellow sand is full, the Ahn'Qiraj enchantment in Silithus is loosening, and the Ahn'Qiraj zerg that has been sealed for thousands of years is about to escape. The ancient god C'Thun is recovering, and it will control the Ahn'Qiraj and destroy Azeroth. ."

"The Scourge is coming back to the world of Azeroth. The Lich King from the Arctic of Azeroth sent the Lich Kel'Thuzad to lead the Scourge to attack Azeroth. The Lich King wants to turn the whole world into a plague. land."

The introduction of the expansion is actually several important stages of the expansion, which represents the crisis that Azeroth is about to encounter.

The second expansion has a total of 4 stages, and the next stage will be opened according to the time when the player gets through the team dungeon.

In the update email, only the game content of the first stage was introduced in detail, and the team copy opened in the first stage was mentioned.

Small team instance: Blackrock Abyss (up to 15 people), Dire Maul (up to 15 people).

Large-scale team instances include: Molten Heart (maximum number of people is 30).

Other team copies will be opened following the stage.

"It seems that this life is the same as the previous life. Stratholme and the School of Psychology have to wait until the final stage and open together with Naxxramas."

After reading the introduction of the first stage, Li Yunze was very satisfied with the development of the game trajectory according to the previous life.

"This Molten Heart is really interesting, the entrance to the instance is in the depths of the Blackstone Abyss."

Touching his bald head throughout the year, he said, "If you want to enter the Molten Heart, you must go to the Blackstone Abyss to open the door."

Molten Heart and Blackrock Abyss are actually bundled copies. Only the team that has opened the door through the Blackrock Abyss can enter the Molten Heart. Due to these two instances, the Burning Plains and Searing Gorges of Level 60 maps will become the most popular maps in the middle stage before the 1960s.

The Blackrock Abyss is in the underground of the Blackrock Tower. The large team dungeon of the second stage is in the Blackrock Tower. The Blackrock Tower will become a meat grinder for the Alliance and the Horde in the middle stage before the 1960s.

What Li Yunze cares most about is the Blackstone Abyss, where Marshal Windsor is imprisoned, and if he is rescued, the Ashbringer will be able to unblock him for the fifth time.

In addition to a new copy, there are new ways to play.

For example, the game will conduct various festivals according to reality, so that the player can celebrate in the game.

There is also an organization called Darkmoon Faire, which will come to Azeroth on the first Friday of each month. Players can receive tasks from Darkmoon Faire and get rewards from Darkmoon Faire.

The new expansion will update more manufacturing drawings, gems, inscriptions, etc.

In fact, the first phase of the second expansion is not too different from the 45s. After all, it is necessary to give the player a time to slowly transition, and wait until the second phase begins to see greater changes.

Of course, the new map is essential.

The new maps for level 60 include: Eastern Plaguelands, Western Plaguelands, Searing Gorge, Burning Steppes, Silithus, Winterspring.

The Eastern Plaguelands and Western Plaguelands are in the northern part of the Eastern Kingdom, the Searing Gorge and the Burning Plain are in the middle of the Eastern Kingdom, Silithus is in the southwest corner of Kalimdor, and Winterspring is in the northeast corner of Kalimdor. .

The new map level is 55-60. If the player has enough confidence in his own strength, he can enter at level 55.

"Ah, it's still 10 minutes, I can't wait."

After checking the updated content, 20 minutes passed unconsciously, and there are only 10 minutes left before the opening of the second expansion.

Run away the barbecued pork buns lay flat and wait x: "Quickly update, let the storm come even more violently."

Li Yunze walked up to him and kicked him up: "Learn to lie down at a young age, get up quickly, we will go to the map above level 45 now, and we will be able to level up as soon as the game is updated."

After 0:00, the upper limit of the level will change from level 45 to level 60, and you can continue to gain experience.

Hearing that he was going to level up, he ran away with the barbecued pork, "Big brother, where do we go to level up?"

Level 45-60 seems to be only level 15, which should be simpler than level 1-45, but it is not. The experience required for level 45-60 is far from comparable to level 1-45. In Li Yunze's previous life, he was the first to reach level 60 without a trace of wind, unlimited tasks and monster spawning, and it took half a month to reach level 60.

It takes about 15-20 days for the first batch of players to reach level 60, and 20-30 days for the second batch. When players generally reach level 60, the time will be one month later.

First rise to level 60, you can preemptively open up new dungeons of level 60. If you want to compete for the first kill, the entire team must be upgraded to level 60 within 20 days.

Wuwei now has not 25 people, but 30 people. Li Yunze has added 5 new members in these two months.

These 5 people have 2 hidden occupations.

Iron Head Baby (Male): Overwatch, a hidden class, a bit similar to a scout, it belongs to the melee output class, between the warrior and the thief.

Young Wind Rider (Male): Forest Druid, a hidden profession, a type of healing druid.

Xiao Feifei (male): Balanced druid, can transform into a quail, which is the bird's virtue in everyone's mouth, belongs to the legal export profession.

Lingjing (female): The dwarf Sacred knight, with distinctive characteristics, beautiful name and amazing appearance.

Snowflake (female): The priest of dwarf discipline, the priest of the dwarf will always drop the gods, not afraid of too much treatment, but afraid of not enough treatment.

The 5 new members will go to leveling together. However, the tasks on the way to leveling can only be done in a small team mode, so they will be divided into 3 teams.

"Boss, where do we go to level up?" asked the smashed pork bun.

Li Yunze took out the Hearthstone: "Let you set the Hearthstone in Gadgetzan, have you set it up?"

Li Yunze asked everyone to set the Hearthstone in Gadgetzan a week ago.

"It's set."

Everyone did not let him down, and a hearthstone was ordered in Gadgetzan.

Li Yunze rubbed the hearthstone on the spot: "Well, everyone will go to Gadgetzan for the hearthstone, and we will go directly to Un'Goro Crater to level up."

Although the Eastern Kingdom also has many maps above level 45, and the Blackstone Abyss is in the middle of the Eastern Kingdom, Li Yunze does not intend to level up in the Eastern Kingdom before level 50. He intends to find Aegwynn’s Un'Goro Crater and lead everyone to level 50, and then go to fight against the 10-man team copy of Tanaris 50, Zul Farak.

When Li Yunze and a group of Hearthstone arrived at Gadgetzan, the time came to 0 o'clock on Monday.

system notification.

"The game update is complete, the second expansion piece guarding Azeroth is on, and the war is burning. Warriors, fight for Azeroth!"

The online update of the game is complete, and the 60s of "Glory" begins!

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