Super Sacred Knight

Chapter 354 The Fearless First Guild Event

The black cloud pressed the city to destroy it.

The head was raised by a black cloud. The black cloud did not come from the clouds, but from the dark cloud formed by a huge Devilosaurus.

The dragon roared.



The 30-meter-high Devil's Tyrannosaurus roared, shaking the mountain with its hind legs.

"Dragon King."

Li Yunze looked up at the giant Devil's Dragon that appeared in front of him. Only Devil's Dragon King had this huge size: "Okay, very good. I was thinking about whether to search for Devil's Dragon King. It knows the current affairs and knows that it will appear on its own initiative. ."

Wherever the Demon Storm Dragon King went, all the surrounding mobs ran away in a hurry, and all the slow ones were swallowed by it.

Runaway Barbecued Pork Bun is so excited: "Damn, world boss, I want to catch it."

Timothy is not Meow: "Catch the peat, kill it, and go on TV."

Now, no level 50 world boss has been killed, killing the Demon Storm Dragon King. Fearless will become the first guild to kill the world boss in the 1960s, and its reputation will rise to a higher level.

The opportunity to become famous has arrived, so what are you waiting for?

Li Yunze issued a convening order on the elite channel: "Come to xxx, xxx, all."

The channel immediately became lively, and everyone was very excited about the president's sudden convening order. Many people immediately realized that they must have met the boss to gather everyone together.

Of course, some people think that pk is required, after all, leveling and looting pk are commonplace.

"Dragon King?" He sent a private chat all year round, and his team was closest to Li Yunze's team.

Li Yunze replied in seconds: "Yes."

Four seasons: "coming soon."

Li Yunze then ordered in the regiment: "Everyone keeps a distance from the Devil Dragon King, don't trigger the battle to death, follow the movement of the Devil Dragon King, and wait for the arrival of the big troops."

The Demon Storm Dragon King is a level 50 world boss. Although the main force of the fearless group has reached level 48 collectively, it is impossible to kill the world boss with 30 people. Only when the other 500 people are assembled can they do it.

The members of the Fearless Elite collectively reached level 47 and entered the level 3 range. They were able to cause damage to the Dragon King and resist the attack of the Dragon King.

As for the ranking list, the first place is Fengguo Wuhen, which has reached level 49, and Li Yunze ranks second.

The teams of the other two main groups quickly assembled. There are no fools. Knowing that going to fight the Devil Dragon King is to die, collectively follow the Devil Dragon King at a safe distance to prevent losing its tracks.

Kuona said: "Will someone come to grab it?"

Waiting for the assembly to be completed, it will take about half a day. Now other players and guilds have entered the Un'Goro Crater.

Li Yunze said: "You need to be prepared for someone to grab it. However, this is a strange area above level 52, and the probability of other players will not be too high."

Un'Goro Crater's monster level is 48-55, Li Yunze and the others are at level 52. Other players who enter Un'Goro crater are generally at level 47. They are not dead, and will not provoke level 52. Strange.

However, there are always some players who die and come to the high-level strange area. If these players really break out of shit luck and encounter the Devil Dragon King, they will definitely call friends after being killed, and finally expose the Devil Dragon King, which will attract a bunch of people who want to kill the world boss and become famous. Guild and player.

"Speed ​​up the collection."

In order to avoid long nights and many dreams, a quick fight is the kingly way.

Li Yunze said: "Everyone spread out a bit, patrolling around, encountering players from other guilds, find a way to lead them away."

"What if they don't listen?"

"Then kill."

Li Yunze said: "Except for our alliance guild, if other guilds don't listen to them, then kill them."

The fearless alliance guild: Beat Kindergarten, First Paradise, Phoenix, her city’s old dream.

The other guilds of the Alliance didn't have any friendship with Li Yunze, and they didn't need to be polite at all.

The members of the main force immediately dispersed and patrolled the surrounding area.

After another long time, there were no other players around, which made Li Yunze a sigh of relief.

Moreover, the Devil Storm Dragon King entered the level 53 strange area, which is a good thing, so the chance of interference from other players is greatly reduced.

"President, here we are."

"President, we are here too."

"And we, come and gather."

Fearless elite members came from all directions. Except for a few new managers, Li Yunze was drawn into the main force. The other 500 people formed a five-hundred-member group.

This is the fearless own power, you don't need to cooperate with other guilds to fight the world boss.

When the number of Fearless Elite members increases in the future, it will be more convenient to organize activities, and the power that Li Yunze can control will continue to increase.

"I'll briefly arrange the tactics. The main team will act as the main attacker, and other teams will assist. If there is no state, I will voluntarily withdraw from the battlefield to recover from the battle."

Although all 500 people were not assembled, more than 400 people were enough to fight the Dragon King, and then insisted on until the others arrived.

Li Yunze quickly arranged tactics: "We must make good use of the advantage of staying away from combat and recovery in the wild, and strive to reduce the number of dead people. There should be a cemetery around. The dead people run their bodies faster. Don't worry about losing experience and equipment. Someone is dead, around The people pick up the things dropped by their teammates and return them after the opponent is resurrected. They are prohibited from embezzling and kicking out of the guild. The experience of the drop will be compensated for everyone in the form of contribution points. All have extra contribution value rewards."

This is a collective activity, and you must write down the contribution value.

As the number of items in the warehouse of the Fearless Guild increases, the applicability of contribution value becomes greater and greater. Everyone would rather want contribution points than gold coins, because contribution points can be exchanged for high-quality equipment, and gold coins are hard to buy.

Moreover, the contribution value can also be exchanged for gold coins. However, everyone would rather exchange for equipment, skill books, materials, etc. than gold coins. Players who exchange for gold coins will be laughed at as clubs by everyone.

Li Yunze continued to talk about the rules: "Everyone who participated in the killing of all the things dropped by the Devil Dragon can participate in the competition. I will use the contribution mode to auction on the elite channel, and the privateers will kick it."

Irregularities do not form a radius, the guild has to act according to the rules of the guild.

Li Yunze is heaven in the guild, no one dares to oppose his decision.

There is no objection, Li Yunze is very satisfied: "Han Jiang, Kuona, Feng Da, Yu Feng, your main tank, other teams' tank sub-tanks, fight sideways with melee output, and protect the healing around you at the same time as remote output. The Demon Storm Dragon King is a melee world boss, and generally does not have large-scale aoe skills. Therefore, try not to get too close to the remote and healing. Pay attention to the movement of the Demon Storm Dragon King and hide your skills."

After Li Yunze finished speaking, the four major tanks of the main group stepped forward to open the Dragon King.

This is the first official event organized by the Fearless Guild to fight the world boss, which is of great significance to the development of the guild.

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