Super Sacred Knight

Chapter 360: Asking for Glory

The Battle City Guild was an overlord guild 20 years ago, and disappeared with the end of Blue Star’s first full virtual game "Magical Beasts World".

Today, "Glory" is Bluestar's Nth full virtual game, and it is also an epoch-making game in the 21st century into the 22nd century.

The once overlord Battle City Guild announced a strong return at today's auction at a price of 200 million yuan.


The price of honor tokens was doubled. In the case of a serious premium, the major guilds calmed down and chose to give up.

"Congratulations to the War City Guild for getting the first honor token in the game."

Hei San Ye is very excited that the honor token can be sold for 200 million, which is the highest price since the game was launched.

The 200 million price will create an auction history for the game, created by the Cornucopia Chamber of Commerce.

With the success of this auction, the Cornucopia Chamber of Commerce will have its reputation on the next level and will be held in prison as the No. 1 Chamber of Commerce.

Hei Sanye looked at Li Yunze meaningfully, and he was very grateful to Li Yunze for choosing to cooperate with the cornucopia. Therefore, the Chamber of Commerce pays an extra 5% commission to Li Yunze, which he believes is the most correct decision that can bring the two parties closer together.

5% of 200 million is 10 million. The honor token allows Li Yunze to credit an additional 10 million federal currency.

"Why did War City suddenly come back?"

Gucheng in World War I gathered together with several guild leaders who were acquainted with War City to discuss the strong return of War City: "Have you received any news before?"

The guild leader of the dark night said outrageously: "I heard a gossip before that someone established the Battle City Guild. I thought it was a name collision, so I didn't care much. I didn't expect that it was really the same battle city."

The president of the Miracle Guild prayed for a miracle: "I recently got an uncertain news from a friend that a mysterious consortium found the former president of the War City Guild and prepared to re-establish the War City Guild."

The ant who joined the excitement on the side said: "The president of the War City Guild, I am afraid that he will be more than 60 years old, and he still has the energy to manage the guild at this age?"

The miracle prayed: "He doesn't have to be in the battle in person, he can be the leader and let the successors take the place."

Gucheng in World War I said with a solemn expression: "No matter what, we can be sure that there is a tiger returning, and everyone must pay attention to it."

Outrageously agreeing with the judgment of the isolated city of World War I: "The promotion of the battle city to level 2 is bound to attract many players to join, and there are mysterious gold masters behind them, as long as the funds are sufficient, it will soon be able to recruit enough members."

Gucheng Road of World War I: "In fact, we still have a big advantage over War City. Although they have the foundation, they are in the past. Times have changed, and the old generation can’t be on the battlefield again. The strength is not necessarily stronger than that of the older generation."

Games and fighting are general. They are afraid of being young. Young players respond far better than older players. Although older players have rich experience, it is often difficult to synchronize their brains and bodies, and it is difficult to fight against young players.

Therefore, the older generation of players in the game circle have basically retreated behind the scenes, and playing games is just a form of entertainment, no longer pursuing levels and equipment, just enjoying the game.

The brilliance of the Battle City belongs to the old generation, and the strength of the new generation is temporarily unknown. If the strength of the new generation is not strong, the Battle City Guild cannot pose a threat to the major guilds.

After the auction was over, the presidents of several big guilds left after discussion. In the next period of time, War City will become the focus of attention of the big guilds, and fearless will be temporarily ignored.

"Congratulations to the War City Guild for being promoted to a level 2 guild."

The system's full game announcement is here, and it is broadcast continuously, and the Battle City Guild has become the first level 2 guild in the game.

Battle City was upgraded to 2 levels, shocked the entire game, and the World Channel became lively again.

As for the tribe, Feng Guo Wuhen fell silent after hearing that the War City Guild was upgraded to level 2.

"They are back."

Feng Guo Wuhen sighed. In fact, everyone who knew him knew that his idol was the former president of Zhancheng and the first person in the game circle. It is precisely because he wants to be a king like an idol that he will work so hard and eventually become the first person in the game circle.

"Autumn leaves."

Li Yunze smiled and said: "The once greatest president of the War City Guild was the first person in the game circle 20 years ago, Qiuye. Now he should be over 60 years old, and it is impossible to serve as the president of the War City again, a new generation. The President of War City must be his successor."

No one knows the new War City Guild better than Li Yunze. The previous War City Guild only swore the return of the king after the second anniversary carnival of "Glory". In this life, perhaps because of the butterfly effect of his rebirth, half a year after the game started, the War City Guild announced its return.

"The first honor token in the previous life belongs to First Heaven. It was exploded when First Heaven killed a level 50 world boss. Naturally, it will not be sold."

Li Yunze sighed: "In this life, the first honor token was played by us fearlessly. We sold it out, but unexpectedly let the War City Guild announce its return in advance. The game circle is about to change. The previous life War City became the second in the league. The guild, they became the first level 2 guild in this life, and the threat to the status of the first heaven will be greater than in the previous life."

The rise of the War City in the previous life was two years later than it is now, so the War City did not surpass the first heaven in the end and could only be ranked second. This War City rises two years ahead of schedule, and the impact on other guilds will be greater than in the previous life, and the game is about to enter a wonderful era of competition among heroes.

"Is War City very powerful?"

Runaway Barbecued Pork Bun is very unfamiliar to the War City Guild. After all, the War City disappeared longer than his age: "The War City guild leader looks very pretentious."

After Lingyu appeared in the War City Guild, his expression was always a little dazed. After hearing the words of the chasing pork bun, he said: "The president of the War City Guild is Young Master Pian Pian. His name and personality are opposite. He is very yin. I don't like it."

Li Yunze raised his brows and looked at Lingyu seriously: "You know?"

Lingyu nodded: "I've seen it a few times. I don't like his character, so I don't have too much overlap. However, his game prowess is very powerful. Before I knew the president, I had never seen him operate more than him. Powerful people. Hmm...Perhaps, Yekage Big sis and Hanjiang Big Brother are not inferior to him."

I've seen it a few times here, and it must refer to reality, not game.

Lingyu is the Penguin Miss in the future, and the Battle City Guild also has rumors in the future. The gold owner behind them is the Penguin Company. Of course, these are all rumors and have not been confirmed. After all, Penguin will not admit that it will sponsor a guild as a game company.

There are three giants in the War City Guild, the president: Young Master Pian Pian (hidden class: Dark Knight, variant of Paladin, main output).

First Vice President: Fairy Lady (Hidden Occupation: Dark Priest).

The second vice president: Gentleman Haoqi (hidden class: Dark Thief).

The three hidden occupations are the owners of the God-level game login card.

Among them, the slender lady is a female player, and it is rumored that she and the gentleman Haoqi are a couple.

In addition to being the vice president, Gentleman Haojie is also the main person in charge of the professional team of the War City Guild.

Li Yunze said in his heart: "Team Nanshan."

It is precisely because the team's name is Nanshan Team that the Battle City Guild is considered by everyone as a guild supported by Penguin. Because the headquarters of Penguin Company is in the center of Universe, Nanshan City, a company is a city.

In the "Glory" professional league, there is a team with three consecutive championships, two teams with double championships, the team with three consecutive championships is Scarlet Rose, and the team with double championships is Samsara Realm and Nanshan Team.

In the two most glorious games of the Nanshan team, because they won the championship, they were called Nanshan Pizza Hut by the players.

The Battle City Guild can be directly upgraded to level 2, which means that it has been dormant for half a year, otherwise the resources are not enough.

With the strong announcement of the return of the War City Guild, the Nanshan Team will definitely appear soon.

Li Yunze has only confidence on his face: "The glory of this life belongs only to fearlessness."

Regardless of what battle city guild or Nanshan team, Li Yunze will lead fearless and aspire to glory.

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