Super Sacred Knight

Chapter 405 Another Legendary Mission

Wen De Sole would never have thought that he had been overshadowed by Li Yunze.

"No, this is possible. There must be something wrong. Dragon Whisper Magic cannot fail."

Windsor pointed to Katrana: "It must be your hands and feet, the despicable black dragon princess Onyxia, I want to destroy you on behalf of Stormwind."

Windsor, angrily, drew a short blade from his body and waved it to Katrana.

Boval was completely furious: "Stop him."

When the time to do it came, Li Yunze raised the Ashen Messenger: "Kill."

Then a group of fearless people rushed to Windsor like wolves and hacked him to death.

Windsor was suddenly attacked and was unprepared. When he was chopped down to the ground, his face was full of horror: "You, you are Katrana's people!"

Now he finally realized that Li Yunze and others stood by Katrana's side.

Unfortunately, Windsor wakes up too late, and only Death is waiting for him.

Seeing that Windsor was chopped over, Berwal frowned. He wanted to let Li Yunze and others keep him alive. Deep down in his heart, he didn't want to see Windsor die, but wanted to kill him. He was imprisoned in the prison of Stormwind.

Katrana disrupted his words when Bovar spoke to stop him: "Wendersor must be a spy for the Black Dragon Legion, who wants to bring Stormwind into civil strife and then guide the Black Dragon Legion to attack Stormwind. "

Bolvar groaned that after the disappearance of the old king, the little prince Anduin had not grown up yet, and his courage was very heavy on his shoulders, and he shouldered the future of Stormwind.


Bolvar sighed, closed his eyes slightly, and couldn't bear to see Windsor's tragic situation. For the future of Stormwind, he chose to sacrifice Windsor, hoping that the little prince Anduin could grow into adulthood smoothly.

"Do not……"

Windsor, whose blood volume has dropped crazily, snarled unwillingly: "You despicable black dragon running dogs, one day will be judged justice."

"That's a lot of nonsense."

Li Yunze took a crit with a sword and emptied Windsor's last blood bar.

Windsor is an important npc, he will not be reborn if he dies, unless the game has The Underworld, he may have a chance to resurrect.

Wen De Sole stared at Li Yunze with his eyes wide open, as if to say, I am waiting for you at The Underworld.

Li Yunze disdain to laugh, what about The Underworld? He is a player, fourth heavenly calamity, and the npc in The Underworld is just a boss. It’s just a matter of pushing it down: "Legend has it that this world has the Shadow Realm, and that’s The Underworld. Even if I go to the Shadow Realm one day, I can kill it. The bosses of the Shadow Realm."

In front of the fourth heavenly calamity, all the aboriginals are humble dogs.

There is no reason to speak with the fourth heavenly calamity. If you are unhappy, you will be organized to push you.

Windsor was dead, and Boval looked at his miserable situation and couldn't bear it, and ordered: "Come here, bury him in the cemetery in Stormwind."

Two guards appeared and took away the body of Windsor. The poor former Marshal of Stormwind, before he became a hero of Stormwind, turned into a cold corpse.

"Guilty." Negative teaching material said.

Ice and Fire Sixth Stage: "Guilty hair is too bad, we are players. If Bovarken's health bar will explode and his equipment will explode, I will definitely fuck him."

Runaway Barbecued Pork Bao gave a thumbs up: "Yes, all NPCs with bright health bars are our enemies."

Wen De Sole is dead, and Li Yunze and Timo are not Miao's tasks completed.

Timothy is very happy: "Haha, I will have a god-level skill soon."

She didn't have a god-level skill before. After killing Windsor to complete the task, the Black Dragon Princess will give her a god-level skill book for the dragon knight, so that in the future, she will also be a top player with god-level skills.

Li Yunze looked at Katrana with a simple meaning, looking forward to her reward, if it is too bad... and looking at Bovar, her identity will be completely exposed.

Threat, Chi Guoguo's threat, however, Katrana was helpless with Li Yunze. Who would let the player be so unkillable that he would be resurrected if he was killed.

Boval spoke, saying to Li Yunze: "Come with me."

After speaking, he turned and walked back.

Li Yunze got a cheating passivity from Bovar, and it can be regarded as having some relationship with Bovar. Now that he has killed Windsor, Bovar probably has something to say.

"Boss, what is he doing?"

It doesn't matter if he runs away with the barbecued pork buns. If he dares to disadvantage Li Yunze, he will directly attack him: "Would you like to kill him."

Li Yunze said: "It's okay, Invincible is in hand, there is me in the world, and he has nothing to do with me. Don't worry, go outside and wait until I get it done, and then continue to fight the Blackstone Abyss together."

Li Yunze followed Bovar alone to the back room.

Bolvar stared at him for a while and said: "I just said to stop him, why are you killing him?"

Li Yunze sneered: "Are you questioning me?"

Bolvar: "You belong to Stormwind City. Everything in Stormwind City is now under my control."

Li Yunze shrugged: "Thar is not as domineering as you, he is the chief of the tribe, but you are just the regent of Stormwind City."

Thrall is the chief of the tribe, but Bolvar is not the leader of the alliance. When Anduin reaches adulthood, he, the regent, must retire.

"Just by what you just said, I can kill you."

Bolvar didn't really do anything: "It seems that on Tirofuddin's Face, I won't kill you this time."

This is to find yourself a step down.

"Did you meet Tirofuddin?"

This is the reason why Boval approached Li Yunze alone and asked Tirion Fordine's whereabouts: "More and more forces are coveting Azeroth, Stormwind City and the Alliance are now at stake, and we need Tirion Fordine's power. "

After other high lords died or left Azeroth, Old Fording was definitely the most powerful high lord of Azeroth at present, and Bolvar wanted him to return to strengthen Stormwind City's strength.

"He won't come back."

The corner of Li Yunze's mouth raised a sneer: "When you drove him out of Stormwind City, why didn't you think that one day you would need him to come back?"

Tirion Fording was driven away by Stormwind City, so he went to the Eastern Plaguelands to live in seclusion and no longer live in the world. Now that the power of Stormwind is fading, it is ridiculous to want him to come back again. I really use Old Fording as a tool man.

Bolvar was silent for a moment and said: "I got information. Alsace has sent Kel'Thuzad to lead the Scourge to attack Azeroth. According to the fastest speed of half a year, Kel'Thuzad and his Scourge will invade Azeroth at the slowest year. Xerath, we need the power of Tirofuddin."

Boval told Li Yunze in advance about the plot of the fourth stage in the 1960s.

Unfortunately, Li Yunze is a rebirth, knows more than him, and doesn't buy it at all.

Seeing Li Yunze's hard work, Berwal said, "There is one more thing, I hope you will investigate it for me."


"Borval will issue you a legendary mission to investigate Katrana. Do you accept it?"

Another legendary mission, must be accepted.

Li Yunze is not to cross the river with Katrana to tear down the bridge, the player is not that the interests are paramount, and the NPCs who are willing to give good tasks are good NPCs.

The corner of Li Yunze's mouth raised, and Berval was sensible, and he was not led by his lower body. He was skeptical about Windsor's words, or he had already suspected Katrana. When Stormwind and the Alliance were about to face a crisis, he knew how to solve it first. Eliminate internal instability factors.

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