Super Sacred Knight

Chapter 407 Strengthening the Ashbringer

Before the battle of the Blackstone Abyss was finished, Li Yunze left Katrana's house and came to the main group's resident to meet everyone.

"Go back and make a copy."

Without too much nonsense, Li Yunze took everyone back to the Blackstone Abyss to finish the progress of the unfinished dungeon.

It took two days to get to know the Seal of Ashes, and the competition for the first kill in the Blackstone Abyss is now in full swing, and it has come to a white-hot stage.

The overall difficulty of the bosses in Blackstone Abyss is not high, which is comparable to that of Zul'Farrak. The only trouble is that the number of bosses is too large and scattered. It takes at least three days to kill all of them during the land reclamation period.

The other team of Fearless has already hit the second half of Blackstone Abyss, leaving only the last three bosses.

"That's too late."

Li Yunze shook his head: "The first kill will come out today."

It's really too late. The other big guilds have played Blackrock Abyss earlier than Fearless. The progress of the three guilds of the Prosperous Dynasty, First Heaven, and War City have all reached the ultimate boss of the Blackrock Abyss, the ultimate boss Thaurissan, and they can definitely get through today.

"I don't know which guild took the first kill this time?"

Before the start of the fight, I had never thought about fighting for the first kill. The outside wind said in a flat tone: "If the Prosperity Dynasty and First Heaven can't hold down the War City, then the War City will rise faster, and the game will soon enter the three-time hegemony. Situation."

Li Yunze said: "War City."

The wind outside was very puzzled: "Why is it so sure?"

Li Yunze said: "In order to fight for the first kill, they invested the most. The Prosperous Dynasty and First Heaven will not take drugs throughout the whole process in the small group, and the city will meet."

Behind Battle City is the Penguin Company, which is rich and willful. In order to quickly become a top guild, the funds invested top the game circle and set a new investment record in the game circle.

King Thaurissan...

Princess Moira...

Li Yunze suddenly thought of something: "You are the first to go, and I will return as soon as I go, clear the mobs first, and I will be back soon."

Li Yunze left the dungeon and teleported to Ironforge. He unexpectedly forgot an important thing. The ultimate boss of the Blackrock Abyss, the Great Thaurissan, also had a helper beside him, Princess Moira.

The current player doesn't know the identity of Princess Moira, only Li Yunze knows that she is the daughter of Ironforge King Bronzebeard. She was kidnapped by the Great Thaurissan, but fell in love with Thaurissan by accident. Bronzebeard dwarves and dark iron dwarves have a hostile relationship. If Bronzebeard knows that his daughter has been kidnapped by Thaurissan, the king of dark iron dwarves, it will definitely trigger the plot.

The identity of Princess Moira was not revealed until the second stage of the 1960s, and Li Yunze could completely use the advantage of rebirth to trigger the plot in advance.

Returning to Ironforge, Li Yunze rushed to the palace of Ironforge non-stop. Compared with the palace of Stormwind, the palace of Ironforge was extremely simple. There was a team of dwarves guarding at the door, and players were not allowed to enter.

Li Yunze came up straight to the subject: "I have information about Princess Moira and need to meet the King Bronzebeard."

The guards looked at each other, and did not immediately let them go.

Li Yunze took out the Ashbringer behind him: "I am the owner of the Ashbringer, and the Bronzebeard King will definitely meet me."

The forge of Ashbringer is the King of Bronzebeard in Ironforge. He is the most powerful forge in Azeroth. If the player's forging level reaches Grandmaster, he must be found to continue his promotion.

The King of Bronzebeard casts the Ashbringer with a crystal purified by the believers of the Holy Light. This sword acquires the extraordinary characteristics of carrying the Holy Light. Because this sword can turn the undead into ashes, it is named "The Ashbringer".

Li Yunze took the Ashen Messenger to find its forger, what kind of chemical reaction would happen, it was very exciting.

As soon as the Ashbringer came out, the guard no longer hesitated, and immediately reported that as long as it was a dwarf, he would be interested in the artifacts made by the Bronzebeard King, which is the pride of the Bronzebeard Dwarf clan.

Li Yunze was holding the Ashen Messenger, and the guards were extremely respectful to him.

The guard who went to report to come back soon, salute Li Yunze, and said: "His Royal Highness invites you to enter the palace. He is waiting for you on the throne."

Li Yunze entered the palace and came to the throne in a familiar way. The Bronzebeard King of Ironforge sat on the throne majesticly.

Bronzebeard saw the Ashbringer behind Li Yunze at first glance. This divine tool was forged by him, and no one was more familiar with the Ashbringer than he.

Li Yunze deliberately let the Bronze Beard see the Ashbringer. Who can strengthen the Ashbringer in Azeroth to make the Ashbringer Ascension the largest? Undoubtedly, it must be its forger, the King of Bronzebeard.

In case the Bronzebeard King is willing to strengthen the Ashbringer, and Li Yunze earns blood, the degree of strengthening will definitely be stronger than that of Tirofuddin.

Bronzebeard took the lead: "After the old Mograine was killed by the young Mograine, the Ashbringer has fallen, why did it appear in your hands? This Ashbringer is very strange. Its power is not complete. A mysterious power seal."

The mysterious power is naturally the power of the main brain. The main brain of the game is the largest. For Bronzebeard, the main brain is the main god, so it cannot be seen through.

Li Yunze tentatively said: "After I got the Ashbringer, it was in a sealed state. I have been trying to solve the seal. I wonder if King Bronzebeard can completely remove the seal?"

If the copper needs to be able to completely unblock the Ashbringer, then Li Yunze is really invincible. The intact Ashbringer can kill anyone with a single sword before the level 110 version is released.

Bronzebeard shook his head: "I can't even see the power of the seal."

Li Yunze was disappointed.

Bronzebeard changed the subject: "Do you have information about Moira?"

Li Yunze nodded: "Princess Moira is in the Blackstone Abyss at the moment. She was captured by Thaurissan and is in Thaurissan's palace."

The dwarves include Bronzebeard Dwarves, Dark Iron Dwarves, and Wildhammer Dwarves. Thaurissan should have the same grade as Bronzebeards. However, the Dark Iron Dwarves are a failed dwarf race, Thaurissan can only be reduced to a copy of the boss.

The Bronzebeard groaned, and then said: "The information you brought is consistent with the information I received earlier. I once sent someone to the Blackstone Abyss to inquire about the news, but unfortunately the spy disappeared after entering the Blackstone Abyss. It is reported that he was captured by the Dark Iron Dwarf. , Was imprisoned in Blackstone Prison."

The corners of Li Yunze's mouth moved slightly. If the spies were really in Blackstone Prison, he would have died now, because all the cells in the prison had been emptied by him.

Important NPCs in general dramas will not be refreshed after Death, and the spies sent out by Bronzebeard have already been on the street in all likelihood.

Fortunately, Li Yunze knew Moira's identity and came to find Bronzebeard, otherwise the plot would disappear forever with the spy's Death.

Li Yunze said: "I can go to the Blackstone Abyss and find Princess Moira for you, the king."

Bronzebeard once again shifted the topic to the Ashbringer: "Although the Ashbringer is sealed, there is no way to completely unlock it, but I can strengthen it and make it stronger."

Li Yunze was overjoyed, and it was true that he brought the Ashen Messenger to see the Bronze Beard.

Bronzebeard continued: "Find Moira and try to bring her back. I will help you strengthen the Ashbringer."


Trigger the hidden story mission, Princess Ironforge.

Li Yunze received the prompt from the system, and then added a "Ironforge Princess" task to the task list.

The task requirement is to find Princess Moira and strive to bring her back. It is a struggle, not necessarily to bring her back.

After the task is completed, the Bronze Beard will strengthen the sealed Ashbringer and make the Ashbringer stronger.

With the plot task in hand, Li Yunze can go to the Blackrock Abyss with peace of mind: "I will definitely strive to bring Princess Moira back to Ironforge."

Li Yunze had no confidence in whether he could bring it back, because Moira did not return to Ironforge in his previous life, but stayed in the Blackstone Abyss and became the queen mother of the Dark Iron Dwarf.

It is the true empress dowager, the story mission of the Great Thaurissan will die, Moira loves Thaurissan, and is pregnant with his child. Moira did not return to Ironforge, but gave birth to Thaurissan's child, and finally made her child the new king of the Dark Iron dwarves, and he kept the curtain down.

Fortunately, this task did not require that Princess Moira be brought back, otherwise Li Yunze would only use special means to tie Princess Moira back to Ironforge.

Bronzebeard said with satisfaction: "Tirofuddin's heir, I believe you will not let me down."

Sure enough, Tirion Fording had strengthened the matter of the Ashbringer, but couldn't hide the bronze beard. For a top npc like him, Li Yunze was indistinguishable from a half body in front of him.

Li Yunze smiled slightly, left Ironforge Palace, and then used teleportation to return to the Blackrock Abyss.

No matter how powerful the npc is, it is the npc after all. Li Yunze's identity as the guardian of the star realm, so far no npc can see through.

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