Super Sacred Knight

Chapter 411: Thousands of Game Princesses

There is a boss guard at the gate of King Thaurissan, a lava giant.

The few people who had been tortured by the door god after entering the Molten Heart could not help being shocked when they saw the lava giant boss in front of them.

"Fuck, this boss is familiar to me, isn't it the mob at the door of Molten Heart?"

"Molten Heart is worthy of being a 30-person team instance, and the gatekeeper at the door is the penultimate boss of Blackrock Abyss."

The penultimate mob in Blackstone Abyss turned out to be just the gatekeeper of Molten Heart. Everyone immediately became in awe of Molten Heart.

The difficulty of the lava giant boss is not high. Li Yunze's damage is still a dimensionality reduction strike, and no special tactics are required. He directly crushes the attributes and quickly kills the boss.

When Boss died, the palace gate in front of him opened.

Li Yunze finished allocating the equipment and said: "Be careful, don't lead the boss to the front throne, first clear the mobs on the left and right."

There are mobs on the left and right sides of the palace. They are the guards of the palace. If you don't empty the guards, you can directly open the boss. All guards will enter the battle under the call of the emperor.

There are two floors on the left and right sides of the palace. There are a lot of mobs and it took a certain amount of time to empty.

After clearing the mobs, collectively came to Thaurissan's throne and looked at Thaurissan who was above him.

Timothy saw a dwarf beauty standing beside Thaurissan and said, "Is that the queen of the dark iron dwarves?"

Standing next to Thaurissan was Li Yunze's mission goal, Princess Moira of Ironforge.

There are thousands of princesses of Azeroth, and Moira is a real princess.

Before the player knew the identity of Princess Moira, he would mistake her for a dark iron dwarf, the queen of Thaurissan.

"A legendary princess in the rebellious period."

Li Yunze looked at Princess Moira, regardless of her current waywardness. After the follow-up version of the Bronzebeard returns to heaven, he will lead the Dark Iron dwarves to return to Ironforge and become the new king of Ironforge. Although she was not welcomed by the Bronzebeard dwarves, because she was kind to Anduin and received human support, she eventually promoted the reconciliation of the Bronzebeard dwarves, the Dark Iron dwarves, and the Wildhammer dwarves, and made the three big dwarves once again. merge.

Li Yunze said: "We will fight later, no matter what Moira does, everyone is forbidden to export her."

The wind was very puzzled outside: "Will she join the battle?"

Li Yunze nodded: "It will treat Thaurissan."

The wind outside is even more puzzled: "Since she is a treatment, why not kill her first?"

Generally, when you fight the boss, you will definitely give priority to killing when you encounter the treatment. If you don't kill the treatment boss, it is almost immortal.

Li Yunze sighed: "Moira's identity is too special. Do you remember that I have a map of the Bronzebeard King? The mission he gave me is actually related to Moira."

Runaway Barbecued Pork Bao looked yellow: "Bronzebeard likes Moira, want to snatch Thaurissan's wife?"

Li Yunze shook his head: "Don't be so dirty, Moira is the only daughter of Bronzebeard."

As we all know, King Bronzebeard has only one child, and the future heir of Ironforge must be his only child.

"I'll go, no, Moira is the future heir of Ironforge?"

"My dear, this short squat man is actually the princess of Ironforge?"

"6666, the princess of Ironforge is by the side of the Dark Iron Dwarf Emperor. The circle of yours is really messy."

Everyone never expected that Moira would be the princess of Ironforge. This truth is really shocking.

Li Yunze said: "The King Bronzebeard hopes that I will persuade Princess Moira to return to Ironforge. If she is killed, the quest plot will not be triggered."

Li Yunze's persuasion is very clever. If he can't persuade him to go back, it is the princess's problem and has nothing to do with him.

As long as you are not stupid, you should know that the task of the King Bronzebeard is very important, and everyone is very happy to help Li Yunze complete the task.

Runaway Barbecued Pork Buns volunteered: "I'm a princess killer, I'm here to kite princess."

Li Yunze said: "Lingyu interrupted, not letting the princess add blood to Thaurissan."

Lingyu said: "Guaranteed to complete the task."

The easiest way to play Thaurissan is to kill the princess first and then kill Thaurissan. If you don't kill the princess, she will not only add blood to Thaurissan, but also add magic to him, and the battle difficulty will be doubled.

However, the normal Moira plot task trigger condition requires not to kill the princess, but to kill Thaurissan. The player team in the first stage, due to lack of equipment, generally would not play like this. In the second stage, with the equipment of Molten Core as the foundation, some powerful teams will not kill the princess when they fight Thaurissan, and kill Thaurissan with all their strength, only then will the team trigger the plot and discover the true identity of Moira.

Li Yunze, who has the fifth time to unblock Ashbringer, against the boss of Blackstone Abyss is a dimensionality reduction attack, and he can quickly kill Thaurissan without killing the princess.

"Thorrisen will break the armor, and the two tanks will take turns."

Li Yunze said: "When the tank was on the tank, the barbecued pork took the princess away, and took the princess to the left and right sides up and downstairs. Lingyu followed the princess and was only responsible for interrupting."

The terrain on the left and right sides is very suitable for kites. Pull the princess upstairs and then jump downstairs. When the princess chases down, run to the other side and repeat again, and you can elope with the princess.

The wind was strong outside and went to La Thorrison.

Running away the barbecued pork bun shot an arrow at Moira: "Princess, you see if my arrow is more majestic than the dwarf beside you, hurry up to my crotch, and I will take you crazy output together."

Such a mockery, only this kind of saobao is embarrassed to say it.

Princess Moira did eat this set, angrily chasing and killing the barbecued pork buns.

Li Yunze directly opened the halo and released his skills without hesitation: "With full firepower, try to kill Thaurissan as quickly as possible."

"Boss, this princess won't follow."

The trouble is here. When Thaurissan's health drops to a certain level, Princess Moira will break away from the hatred of running away the barbecued pork buns and return to give Thaurissan blood and gain status.

Lingyu: "I interrupted."

Lingyu can only interrupt Moira's public holiday and increase blood skills, and continue to gain status.

Moreover, Princess Moira was a priest, and she could not interrupt her instant recovery skills.

Thaurissan gained several gain states and recovery skills, and his blood volume began to slowly recover.

Li Yunze said: "Seriously injured Thaurissan."

Some professions have a negative state of serious injury, which can reduce the target's blood recovery speed by 40%.

"Bleeding state is also up."

Bleeding is also a negative state. When combined with severe injuries, the target's blood return speed can be reduced by about 60%.

In order to grab time, Li Yunze no longer hides his own privates, and uses the Silver Will skill, and the souls of three members of the Knights of the Silver Hand appear.

"The president has given birth to three children, which is awesome." Ice Fire Sixth Stage Heavenly Dao.

Negative textbook: "The three children who will live forever are good at cheating, I want to learn."

With three more souls of the Knights of the Silver Hand, the team's output soared. Moira's recovery could no longer hold Thaurissan, and Thaurissan's blood volume dropped crazily.

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