Super Sacred Knight

Chapter 418: Watching Xiao Liu Bei Grow Up

Molten Heart has a level 60 diamond quality suit for all classes. If the epic suit head Li Yunze got from Katrana is the second stage suit, then the Molten Heart suit is the first stage suit. It is a little worse than the second stage, but it is also the best suit so far.

A single set attribute may not be as good as epic equipment, but 3, 5, and 8 pieces can activate a set attribute. As long as 3 pieces are activated, it is stronger than other diamond parts, 5 pieces are activated to be comparable to epics, and 8 pieces activated are stronger than epics of the same grade.

Li Yunze took out the two suit parts from the lava giant. The heart of Devil starts with the warlock suit, and Cenarion starts with the druid suit.

The suits of "Honor" are very user-friendly, because players have different talents, so when equipping the suit, the player can choose the talent corresponding to the suit. Once the talent corresponding to the suit is determined, the characteristics of this piece of equipment cannot be modified.

For example, if 2 wants to get the suit, he chooses to restore the druid's suit attributes, then this suit will be suitable for restoring the druid. Yufeng got the suit and selected the suit attributes of the wild druid, then the suit would be suitable for the wild druid to use.

Li Yunze said: "Hidden occupations can also choose suit attributes, but I personally suggest that it is best to use spare parts for hidden occupations."

The suits that began in the 1960s are so humane. Xia’s nature guardian and the wind-riding boy’s forest druid can still choose their corresponding suit attributes if they get the suit. However, wearing such suits for hidden professions is always a little less meaningful, and the overall effect is not as good as that of parts.

In the late stage of the game, suits suitable for hidden occupations should be given by their instructors, and most of them are obtained by means of tasks as rewards.

Li Yunze is the high lord, belongs to the Paladin's conversion profession, not a hidden profession, there is a clear difference between the two, so wearing a Paladin's suit is still appropriate.

During the wasteland reclamation period, the allocation of equipment will not affect the wasteland reclamation efficiency, so that members can replace the latest powerful equipment, but can ascension the wasteland reclamation efficiency.

Li Yunze put the two pieces of equipment in a contribution value competition. The warlock's suit head was taken by Immortal's Dugu, and the Druid's suit bracer wanted to take it away.

"A good start, two door gods two-piece suits, the Molten Heart of this CD will be red, everyone work harder to get through the Molten Heart in this CD."

Li Yunze seized the opportunity to mobilize everyone's enthusiasm for making money. There is no goal that can make everyone work harder than the best equipment.

The mobs will explode the suit, irritating everyone, each clamoring to open up the Molten Heart in a CD, and not waste any CD.

"Winter, you go to pull the monster, everyone be careful not to drop the magma."

The terrain of Molten Core is lined with lava pools on both sides, and there are always some players with their feet and brains that will fall into it unknowingly.

Since the magma pool is not low from the ground, it will not be able to climb up after falling. It will be burned to death and slow down the rhythm of the dungeon. Therefore, the major guilds will soon formulate rules. The fallen player will deduct the contribution value or go directly to the substitute for introspection. .

Winter steps forward to pull monsters, the hunter's range advantage, coupled with the hatred separation mechanism, can selectively pull the target that you want to pull without attracting a bunch of monsters.

Hunter's mark.

Dong puts a mark on the monsters pulled, and the Hunter's mark can increase the physical damage of teammates on the target.

The team now consists of two hunters. Most of the mobs of Molten Heart exist as a group. Dong pulls two mobs at once, and the other mob is marked by the hunter's mark on the bag of runaway barbecued pork.

One element of fire, one element of earth.

Li Yunze commanded: "Slay the fire element first, Koonara, Hanjiang, pull the earth element away and try to lean against the wall to prevent the mobs from being knocked off and being beaten into the magma pool."

The two masters went immediately and grabbed the own target.

The attack of the fire element is magic damage, and the attack of the earth element is melee physics.

"I'm going, this fire element gave birth to a son."

Suddenly, the fire element split into a small fire element without warning. The damage of this small fire element is the same as that of the big fire element, but its blood volume is relatively small.

Li Yunze flashed and walked behind the little fire element. His horror output set of skills can destroy about 70% of the little fire element's health: "Timo, Lingyu, follow me to turn the little fire element."

Ordinary teams, without the perverted output of Li Yunze, can perform dimensionality reduction attacks on the team monsters. Facing the small fire element, you must turn to fire collectively in close combat to kill quickly. Li Yunze’s perverted output is a few per person. There is no need to switch to fire in collective melee. Two more powerful melee outputs will be able to close the remaining HP of the small fire element without delaying the efficiency of killing the fire element.

Kill the small fire element, and the big fire element split again.

"It's born again, so good, why is it pregnant so much."

"Timo, Lingyu, follow me to continue killing Xiao Huo."

Li Yunze took two sisters to take care of the small fire element. If the small fire element is left alone, the big one will split indefinitely, and the larger number of the small fire element will lead to the destruction of the group.

Purple Qi from the East said: "The earth element will charge and fly, everyone be careful not to get close to the cliff."

The earth element did not listen to Hanjiang Guying's words very much, and from time to time out of his control, randomly charged a player, and then knocked him and all nearby targets into flight. Players who are not well positioned can easily be rammed into the magma pool and directly hit the street.

It’s not that Hanjiang Guying’s technology is not powerful, it’s the combat mechanism of earth elements. Every time it hits a person, it will return to the first hatred target, and then knock the first hatred target stunned. At this time, the second hatred target is needed. Take over.

Xia Le said: "The big pp of Yufeng is really safe, and the earth element can't hit him."

Xiong Tan's center of gravity is relatively stable and immune to general knock-ups. The big pp is as stable as a dog, and the big pp is yyds.

The wind shook with a big pp.

Xia wanted to go over and shoot: "At first glance, I look at the peaches who often go to the gym to exercise. I am so envious. Mine is just a little cherry."

Runaway Barbecued Pork Buns chat: "Xia, you are really silly, I really like it."

Spring, summer, autumn and winter, spring is intellectual, autumn is quiet, and winter is high and cold. Only Xia is enthusiastic and has a good relationship with her. Sometimes the two often make colorful jokes, which everyone has long been used to.

Timothy is not Meow: "Take me with you."

Li Yunze shook his head: "There are a few people in this group who are unsaved, all of them grew up watching Xiao Liu Bei."

Purple Qi from the East: "Someone was knocked into the air."

Li Yunze saw a figure hit by the earth element.


Fortunately, he didn't fall into the magma pool, but hit the wall. The hit was quite heavy, and his HP immediately dropped by half.

I feel pain across the screen...

Li Yunze beheaded the small fire element: "I don't want to be hit by speeding up the output."

The surrounding walls are bumpy, bumping on it, pp blossoms, j flower remains, full of wounds.

The negative textbook that had been knocked into the air got up, his painful smile turned yellow.

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