Super Sacred Knight

Chapter 420: Flor's Dragon Slaying Technology Compendium


Encountering love at the corner, a bunch of flame imps rushed in desperately, and countless fireballs smashed into Da Tuan, making Da Tuan a little caught off guard.

The bodies of these flame imps will also explode, and the super-high flame damage superimposed together will make some of the team lie down crisply.

The few crispy skins lying there were very helpless, not because they didn't react fast enough, but because the enemy was too strong to be guarded against.

"It is forbidden to use group control skills when fighting Flame Imp."

Li Yunze was defensive. He was only bombed for one or two times. There are many groups of flame ghosts in this passage, which is a high-risk area of ​​Death: "Don't rush in in close combat. Use group attack skill A in a long-range group."

Everyone quickly calmed down and dropped Flame Imp.

The flame kid resolved, and Li Yunze said: "The treatment sweeps the floor, and the others quickly recover from eating and drinking."

This time, the barbecued pork buns were not dead, and he was very embarrassed: "A few of the best dishes have died."

Timo is not Meow: "The best dish is bb."

Xia Xiaowan: "Agree."

In a harmonious team atmosphere, the few people who lay dead were quickly rescued.

Li Yunze said: "Everyone must learn the lesson of rushing to the street, don't rush too hard next time, don't crowd too close, move and hide more skills."

Li Tianze turned his head to look at the chasing barbecued pork bun: "Don't scream, you kid, the output is almost at the bottom, and the output can't go up, let you go on the bench."

In the output statistics, the output of Runaway Barbecued Pork Bun is only higher than a few people. Among them are the tool person Xiao Feifei and the negative teaching material. Excluding the two, his output is almost the bottom.

In fact, I can’t blame the running away of the barbecued pork buns. In the early stage version of the 1960s, the output of the hunter was not high. Only at the end of the 1960s, the output of the Hunter will gradually rise, and the next expansion will reach its peak.

Moreover, in the legal profession in the team, there are two tool people, Xiao Feifei and the negative teaching material, to strengthen their output. As a weak hunter, it is normal to be slammed by the legal profession.

Melee output?

"Boss, please me again, I will try my best to give birth to monkeys for the whole group."

The fearless main group's melee combat is more perverted, and the chasing barbecued pork bun chose to lie flat. It can lie flat at the age of 20. It is a comfortable day that many people envy.

The resurrected people and the healing state have been restored, and the group continues to move forward.

Two waves of flame imps appeared in front.

"Be careful, these two groups of little ghosts can't hate separation, everyone must save their lives as much as possible, and only when they are alive can they have output."

Li Yunze said: "321, the tanks go first, start fighting."

The passionate slogan, 321, is to do.

Pulling on the armor all year round: "Too bloody, my blood is boiling."

Ling Yuda Miss wants to throw coins: "That's how it feels, it looks like I spent 32.1 billion pocket money in the mall,"

Runaway Barbecued Pork Buns Little Universe broke out: "The boss is so passionate, how can I continue paddling, the kids take my life."

The whole group was like a chicken blood, and the 2 waves of flame imps were solved.

Solved 2 waves of Flame Imp. There was an accident. Everyone played too unrestrainedly, causing someone to be crushed by the Flame Imp's corpse.

Millhouse was embarrassed: "Everyone, help me."

Timothy did not come forward, took out the Timothy-style three-piece rescue suit, flowers, photos and candles from his backpack, showing a sad expression: "Let us pray for Mihao, he will definitely live in heaven happy. "

Bang bang ......

Everyone applauded and praised Timo's performance. He was moved and he was a true hero.

Winter said: "My broken tooth was also crushed."

Others: "Fuck, Sister Dong's pet has been crushed? That won't work, everyone quickly rescue Sister Dong's pet."

Mil Hall cried silently under the corpse of the Flame Imp, and people are not as good as dogs.

After a long time, everyone had finished replying to the status before digging him out.

Millhouse wanted to cry: "If you slow down, I'll be stinky."

Runaway Barbecued Pork Bao hehe said: "It's okay, just throw it into the magma if it smells bad, and make sure you can ascend."

Li Yunze said: "Everyone, don't make waves. There are many flame imps behind. If you die a few more times, you will have to repair your equipment if you don't see the boss."

Li Yunze brought the repair robot, so you don't need to go back to repair the equipment, but the repair robot is expensive to make. Now the competition for the first kill of the major guilds is fierce, not only the price of potions, food and other boosters, but also the price of engineering items that have boosted the Raiders Raiders.

The material price of a repairing robot is already expensive to several hundred gold, and it will only exist for 10 minutes after it is released. It is a luxury consumption. Of course, sometimes in order to buy time, you have to let go.

"President, it seems that a group of warlocks have appeared recently, specializing in soliciting services."

Immortal said lonely: "Using the magician's soul gate skills to pull people to the door of popular dungeons, and then charge a certain fee, it can save a lot of time. In the future, we can go back to the city to rest or repair equipment, can we go to consume the portal? ."

In fact, Immortal's Dugu can also have soul gate skills, but he will not waste time in order to make such a small amount of money.

Li Yunze said: "Aircraft service."

Immortal nodded lonely: "Yes, it's airplane service. Those warlocks have already organized and established airlines."

Li Yunze reminded: "If you can take the flight service, try not to take it. Those flight services will collect your itinerary coordinates and sell them to your competitors, so that your competitors can target you through these data. They are a group of businessmen, for money You can betray your morals and be frantic."


Immortal's loneliness was shocked: "That's not stealing my information."

Li Yunze nodded.

Immortal gritted his teeth and said that he must resist such unscrupulous players in the future.

"Strange, why doesn't the suit come out?"

There were a group of 20 flame imps, and 3 piles were killed without a single thing.

Not to mention equipment, not even a single material.

Li Yunze shrugged: "The more monsters there are, the lower the burst rate, and the burst rate of the suit itself is lower. Don't force it."

Immortal's loneliness: "Yeah, how red the president is, I found two suits as soon as I came up."

Thinking of the suit, everyone started to fight like chicken blood again, and immediately continued to kill after the state was restored. Occasionally someone will rush to the street, but the group is not destroyed. After another two hours, they finally reach the No. 1 boss.

Everyone was very excited when they finally saw the first boss of the dungeon.

Just as Li Yunze was preparing to arrange tactics, a message on the World Channel distracted him.

"Sell the orange quest props, Flor's Dragon Slaying Technology Compendium, and the higher price will get it."

Orange is equal to legend.

The orange mission props can receive legendary missions.

What really attracted Li Yunze's attention was "Flor's Dragon Slaying Technology Compendium". Other players didn't know the value of this book, but he knew it all.

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