Super Sacred Knight

Chapter 433 Black hands are a lifetime thing

Battle City.

"Boss No. 3 is not difficult to play, it can be done by drawing blue and dispersing."

The progress of the battle city is very fast. After all, all members are half-length 60-level epic equipment, and the attributes are spent with money. If the progress is too slow, it is simply humiliating the word Krypton.

After killing three times, the slender lady found a way to restrain the No. 3 boss. Everyone thought that the commander of the battle city was Young Master Pianpian, but it was not the case. It was the vice-chairman’s Fairy Lady: "Introduce the professions that have dispelling and pumping. Try to be all close combat."


Young Master Pian Pian: "The next time you must kill the No. 3 boss, this boss can't get stuck with the profound Guild."

The top-level guild has sufficient background and there will be no shortage of people. Not to mention a main group of one hundred people, even a main group of one thousand people can easily get together, and you can easily get any professional configuration you want.

The gentleman said: "Fearlessness has no background. How many people can change in a small guild. This boss will definitely get them desperate. Starting from the No. 3 boss, the battle for the first kill will have nothing to do with them."

The gentleman is so arrogant that he never put Li Yunze and Fearless To put in one’s eyes from beginning to end.

The slender lady frowned her eyebrows, looked at the gentleman, she didn't give him the slightest face, she just slapped her face: "Fearless killed the No. 3 boss."

The gentleman stared his eyes wide: "How is this possible? It must be false news."

No need for a response from a slender lady, the chat channel of the War City Guild was fried.

"Fuck, my friends in Fearless said, they killed the No. 3 boss."

"You don't need to tell your friends, you watch the world channel and they are all discussing."

"Which boss did our guild hit now? Did you kill the No. 3 boss?"

The gentleman's face is green, and he who loves Face most feels that he has been greatly humiliated.

The rest of the team looked at the gentleman, making the gentleman's self-esteem even more unbearable, and immediately came up: "Huh, don't let me meet the soul rogue, I will solo kill him, let everyone know, pve is amazing It doesn’t mean that pvp is strong, ranking first in overall strength is just a mere illusion."

This is a manifestation of anger and depravity.

The slender lady looked at the gentleman's awkward eyes, with a trace of contempt. If she could, she wanted to change her ID to avoid being disgusted.


Young Master Pian Pian performed extremely calmly: "Only when powerful opponents fight can have fun."

The common problem of masters is most afraid of loneliness.

Experts also have another disease. After losing, half of them will be mad and half will be angry.

Li Yunze touched his itchy nose: "Someone must be secretly thinking of me."

After winning the No. 3 boss, everyone is very happy, the progress continues to lead, and the advantage is huge.

Touching his bald head throughout the year: "Someone thinks about me when my head is itchy."

Xia Chai: "Brother, you haven't washed your hair for too long."

Throughout the year, he took out a bottle of water from his backpack and poured it on his head: "With Rejoice, you are so confident."

A good mood is good for land reclamation, and land reclamation is most afraid of destroying too much and leading to depression, so that the mentality will explode.

Li Yunze decided to give the four seasons a chance to perform: "Four seasons, this time the boss will pick you up."

He was applying Rejoice all the year round and shook his hands, his face was full of consternation: "Are you sure?"

His luck has never been very good, it's wrong, it should have never been red, so he hasn't taken the initiative to pick up drops for a long time.

Li Yunze does not believe in metaphysics: "It is impossible for a person to be black all the time. When there is always red, maybe it will be red today."

Do you want to touch it all year round?

Of course, touching the boss to drop is more interesting than touching the soft girl. You can touch the soft girl to one person at most, and touching the boss can bring a group of people or slots.

"Hey, then I'll be more respectful than fate."

I came to the boss's body all year round, pooh, spit on the palm of his hand, rubbing his hands quickly: "Heaven is spiritual and earth is spiritual, and the red-handed lady is about to show up."

Squat down and pick up.

Pickup information is displayed on the team channel.

"Oh, my brain."

"Spicy eyes, what did I see? Platinum equipment, surely this is the drop of Molten Heart's No. 3 boss, not a 10-person boss drop?"

"Sure enough, being black is a lifetime thing, and it can never be white."

The whole paragraph broke down, and people who watched the drop list all year round were also stupid. There were also 10 drops, 5 pieces of equipment, 2 of which were platinum quality, and the remaining 3 were diamonds. Moreover, the diamond-quality equipment, the attributes are not particularly good, and the Ascension of the team is not as big as expected.

The black one can't see the five fingers, the black one is like a gift from the mother-in-law.

Li Yunze wanted to deny metaphysics, but metaphysics gave him a slap in the face. He was wrong, outrageous, and painful.

"It's okay, this time it's black, maybe it's for some future explosion." Li Yunze couldn't bear to hit the four seasons of the year, and comforted him with his conscience.

Inspired throughout the year, I deceived myself: "Next time I will definitely be red, and I will touch the legendary weapon for you."

next time? There is no next time, Li Yunze can't give him a chance to pick up the boss drop. If there is another time, he will run away the barbecued pork bun for a lifetime.

The drop was too bad. Everyone was interested. They quickly divided the equipment. The two platinum equipment was ignored by everyone. Li Yunze had to put it away and prepared to throw it into the guild warehouse as a benefit, giving guild members the opportunity to redeem the contribution value.

Ice and Fire Sixth Stage is very happy to get a piece of diamond equipment. He can only replace him. He is not picky. As long as he equips him, he has to: "Haha, there is no waste of money, blood is earned."

What is Happy Planet? Happiness is as simple as that, like the light of Otter when you see it in the dark.

Ice and Fire Sixth Stage God knows, after the No. 3 boss, he should come out and continue to substitute. After all, his fire method is not suitable for Molten Heart.

Li Yunze said: "Binghuo, you stay and continue to fight, and you can go out to substitute after encountering the Huowei monster group or the boss."

The No. 4 boss of Molten Core is not Fire Free. Only the next boss is Fire Free. Don’t rush to let the Ice Fire Sixth Stage go out as a substitute.

Moreover, the next boss's long-range output is the main force, but melee combat has become a foil.

Li Yunze would not immediately arrange for a melee out of the bench to replace Xiao Feifei in. If he has not played before, it is easy to doubt that he will wait until he has played the No. 4 boss before letting Xiao Fei fly into the book.

"Can I continue to fight?"

Ice and Fire Sixth Stage did not believe it at first, and then was ecstatic, as happy as a three-year-old child saw a puddle of muddy water and just wanted to jump in and roll.

"What about the style of speech?" Xia asked.

Li Yunze was embarrassed: "Uh, I almost forgot."

As the fourth tank, his sense of existence has been weak. If you want Ascension to exist, you must grow up.

Li Yunze thought for a while and said, "Immortal, you go out on the bench and let the wind of speaking come in."


Immortal's loneliness dungeon took 2 pieces of equipment, and the contribution value was about the same. Li Wenying did not take much equipment contribution value. Therefore, he has no objection to Li Yunze's arrangement. Everyone is a team. Give others a chance to make the team ascension as a whole.

The soul door pulls people, and after the whispering style comes in, the battle continues.

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