Super Scan

Chapter 336: No scruples

I tried to probe Hao Shiqi's breathing and heartbeat, and felt that everything seemed to be normal. If I hadn't seen her being shot and bleeding, I would think she was just asleep!

Damn... I'm scared to death, I'm not dead!

After Xiang Tianze confirmed this, he let out a long sigh of relief.

He had only seen Hao Shiqi been shot several times before, and then closed his eyes and fell down. At that time, he was preconceived and thought Hao Shiqi had been shot to death! Now that she learned that she was only being anesthetized, the anger in her heart that was like a volcanic eruption was extinguished a lot.

But then I looked at the plainclothes policemen who were killed and injured by him, and suddenly felt a headache...

It seems that this is really a big deal!

Along the way, Xiang Tianze has been trying his best to control himself, easily avoid using killer moves on others, try not to kill if he can solve the injury, and try not to fight if he can solve it through negotiation.

But... just now, at least five plainclothes policemen were killed by Xiang Tianze, and he was severely injured, they might hang up at any time, at least five or six. .

In this peaceful age, killing one person is already a big case that alarms one party, and killing two or three people is already a big case. And those who kill more than five...definitely can be crowned as murderers. If these five or six people were all police... then 100% would be treated as terrorists...!

However, although Xiang Tianze felt that he was being forced to this point, it was a bit wrong, but since the things had already happened, there was no point in regretting anything. Sooner or later, I can only face...

So Xiang Tianze was just a little dazed, and then he stretched out his hand to pull out all the bullets on Hao Shiqi's body, and then simply bandaged her, and then he backed Hao Shiqi again. When he got to the body, he took a big step and rushed straight to the next office building...

Xiang Tianze didn’t have more time to play some killing games with these policemen. Anyway, he had already killed so many people. Next... he decided that as long as someone came to entangle him, he would come no matter what his identity. Kill one by one, kill one by one.

From here to the China Consulate General in Luoshan Airport, it is only a few minutes away, and if it is a straight line...even less than two kilometers, Xiang Tianze decided to...wait and just pick up and stay on the building group desperately. Leap, this will not only speed up his advancement a lot, but also avoid all kinds of troubles as much as possible.

Even if the police knew that Xiang Tianze had this trick, they could fly from the top of the high-rise building, they couldn't have all the buildings of Luoshan Airport full of police?

If the police only deployed manpower at the top of a part of the building, Xiang Tianze could completely change his route when the chances were bad. This is not a big deal. For him, it was just a lift. It's just about the legs.

But when Xiang Tianze rushed into the building with Hao Shiqi on his back, he saw that a rope ladder was dropped on the helicopter that had been hovering at low altitude above the street. A tall and thin man was walking down the rope ladder. Sliding over, but when he saw Xiang Tianze's figure disappearing in the building, he suddenly frowned slightly. Please note: Please pay attention to the rest of your eyes when reading for a long time. Recommended reading on Marry a fairy to open a supermarket readad1();, and then made a gesture to the pilot above.

The pilot immediately realized that he stopped lowering the rope ladder, but began to pull the joystick, and slowly lifted the plane into the air...Until a moment later, the helicopter passed over the building, but it had been hoisting. The person under the helicopter has disappeared.

Although Xiang Tianze had already seen that helicopter hovering at low altitude, maybe there was some powerful person on the plane.

But now Xiang Tianze feels a bit more indebted, and seeing that the task of guarding is about to be completed, he can't care about so much. Even if there are two more mutants, he dare to kill them all!

When the helicopter fell and rose again, Xiang Tianze rushed into the elevator of the building with Hao Shiqi on his back...

This is a high-rise commercial building. The department stores on the lower floors have not yet opened for business, but the office area upstairs has reached working hours.

There were a lot of people waiting for the elevator there, but after Xiang Tianze rushed in, he immediately arbitrarily drove everyone aside.

These people also heard a fierce gunshot from the street just now, and then saw Xiang Tianze rushing in with a woman covered in blood on his back, and they all knew what was going on. Where would you dare to argue with Xiang Tianze? Naturally, they gave way...Even if Xiang Tianze and Hao Shiqi got on the elevator, there were still many people on it, but no one had the guts to take the elevator with this evil star .

Naturally, Xiang Tianze didn't mean to be polite with them, so he immediately closed the elevator and pressed the button to the top floor...

It was just that when the elevator reached the fourth floor, it dinged to a halt, and then... I saw a person dressed as a waiter walk in.

Xiang Tianze hadn't paid attention to this person, and when he saw that person came in, he pressed the button to close the elevator door anxiously. But at this moment, the person who had just entered suddenly uttered an exclamation and said, "You...what did you do to her? You...I know you don't seem to be a good person, and sure This bad guy, let Kiki go away soon, otherwise I will call the police!"

Xiang Tianze was stunned when he heard the words, then turned his head to take a look... Then he discovered that this guy was actually the Zhang Huasong who had been quarreling with Hao Shiqi at the airport.

This is really a coincidence. Xiang Tianze has only a few people he knows when he arrives at Luoshan Ji. Among them, there are even fewer Chinese, but... he didn't expect to think that he would never have anything with him in his life. The intersecting Zhang Huasong will unexpectedly meet again here today!

Originally, Xiang Tianze was planning to hire Hao Shiqi and Zhang Huasong together. After all, they were originally together. If you hired one of them, if you didn't know how to get rid of the other.

But who knows... this Zhang Huasong is really amazing. You said that he likes to take a little bit of money and likes to enjoy vanity. Xiang Tianze can understand it, and he won't care so much. But... this guy thinks Xiang Tianze is really good-tempered, and he wants to point fingers no matter what. Even Xiang Tianze will give a tip to the waiter, he will come up to take care of it, and then finally Xiang Tianze got angry and drove him away.

As a result... this kid seemed to be working in this building, but unexpectedly met again...

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