Super Scan

Chapter 800: It's endless

Upon seeing this, Xiang Tianze hurriedly hurriedly rushed towards the depths of the cave. And the strange cry from the cave also became more and more stern...

Those flying termites seemed to have heard some instructions, and then they changed their chaotic states, lined up in two rows, and flew in orderly and quickly with each other, and the speed suddenly increased a lot.

Xiang Tianze discovered that in the state of those flying termites flying desperately at full speed, they turned out to be faster than him. He had no choice but to activate the genetic ability of instantaneous burst speed, so that his speed was at the original level. The upper level has almost doubled, and in a blink of an eye, the flying termites behind have been temporarily shaken off.

However, at this moment, Xiang Tianze once again heard a "buzzing" noise coming from the front. Fei Ming had other flying termites flying out from the depths of the cave. In this way... Will be blocked by these flying termites in this cave, it will be dumplings

I rub... isn't it just a king-level alien queen? How can it be so difficult to kill! This wave of waves, there is still no end!

Hearing the "buzzing" from the cave, Xiang Tianze felt his scalp numb for a while. In this case, he might not work hard if he didn't try his best, so he gritted his teeth and moved the two mental power tentacles from the top of his head The heart came out, and the two mental power tentacles each grabbed a dagger. At the same time, he also pulled out the fruit knife that could be manipulated with mental power.

After that, Xiang Tianze didn't hesitate. Although he returned to the normal speed, he didn't stop for a while. He still rushed toward the depths of the cave in the direction that the strange cry came from. He estimated that he should not be far away from the queen ant, and as long as he can rush out from the enclosure this time, he should be able to kill the queen ant...


After Xiang Tianze once again circumvented a curve in the tortuous cave, six flying termites could already be seen flying over in the darkness.

It’s just beyond Xiang Tianze’s expectation that... these six flying termites are not as huge as the flying termites chasing him behind them, but just as small as ordinary termites, which is probably the same. It's only the size of a small mouse, the difference is only two pairs of thin transparent wings on their bodies.

However, Xiang Tianze certainly would not regard these six small flying termites as ordinary termites, nor would he think that they were just more capable of flying than ordinary termites. In fact, the queen will send out these six small flying termites to intercept him at the last moment, which is enough to prove that these six small flying termites should be the most powerful after this group of termites except for the queen. Strong presence.

Sure enough, at the moment when Xiang Tianze discovered the six flying termites, he saw that the six flying termites that were still flying slowly suddenly accelerated, like six sharp arrows." "Swish" quickly exploded in front of Xiang Tianze...

The speed of the six flying termites is too super scanning. Please remind the netizens: Please pay attention to the rest of your eyes when reading for a long time. Recommended reading on Close-up teacher readad1(); coming soon, Xiang Tianze sees that the situation is not good, and once again displays the ability of instantaneous speed, his figure suddenly flashes to the side, and at the same time two mental power tentacles The dagger in the middle, plus the fruit knife in his hand also burst out, and at the same time intercepted three flying termites...

As a result, only three "ding, ding, ding" sounds were heard. Xiang Tianze's two daggers and a fruit knife, under his sense of accuracy, hacked and chopped the three flying termites accurately. On the body, but he felt that what he had struck was not a termite that was shaped like a mouse, but as if it had hit three rhinos running wildly. The power of the mental power tentacles is relatively small, and under the impact of such terrifying power, the two daggers immediately flew out without any suspense, and plunged into the rock wall on the top of the cave. And his fruit knife, because he used his right hand to shoot with all his strength, it was powerful enough, but it only scratched a string of sparks on the flying termite, but it did not break the flight at all. The carapace of the termite was also shaken out.

However, although these three knives failed to injure any flying termites, they also slightly hindered them, and bought Xiang Tianze some time to evade. As a result... Xiang Tianze only escaped five of them in the end. The attack of only flying termites caused them to fly by against their side, but in the end the flying termite could not escape anyhow, and was immediately hit on the shoulder...

With a "puff--", the flying termite flying at such a high speed, coupled with its extremely hard carapace, hits the human body in this way, and its power is definitely not worse than ordinary sniper bullets. , Immediately blasted out a huge hole of blood from Xiang Tianze's shoulder.

Suddenly, a terrible and hell-like pain spread from his shoulder to the surroundings of his body, and Xiang Tianze was so painful that he almost doubted his life in an instant!

"Ah—" Under the torment of the severe pain, Xiang Tianze squinted his eyes vigorously, opened his mouth and let out an earth-shattering roar... At the same time, the power in his body surged like a tide. Immediately afterwards, he put one head on his shoulder, and the flying termite, which was biting his flesh and blood madly, tore off his body abruptly, and immediately overdrawn 10% of his limit physical energy. Holding the head and tail of the flying termite with both hands, they suddenly twisted it... and immediately heard a "poof". The flying termite, which was more than iron stone, was torn into two parts by Xiang Tianze. ...

However, Xiang Tianze’s crisis has not been alleviated much. Although Xiang Tianze dodges the attacks of the other five small flying termites, they only rushed a few meters away and then flexibly turned in another direction. He shot Xiang Tianze quickly again...

After Xiang Tianze had overdrawn his physical stamina, the pain in his body that made him stupefied was slightly relieved, and the terrible poison from flying termites began to quickly transform into pure ability to supplement his physical stamina. . The transformation speed of these ant venoms is obviously much faster than that of ordinary ant venoms and wild bees in the past, but it is still not a short time to complete the 10% overdrawn energy. But... Xiang Tianze is now facing the chase of five other flying termites, is there still time to wait?

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