Super Scholar [Quick Wear]

Chapter 85 The Miraculous Doctor Son-in-law 2nd Update

The day Xie Rongzheng arranged for his son to meet his wife Chu Lingyun, the weather was fine and the sun was shining. Chu Lingyun was in good condition and did not fall into the hopeless sadness and madness. She was taken to Xie Rongxi's small garden, which was full of white roses, Xie Rongxi's favorite flowers and Chu Lingyun's favorite flowers.

Xie Rongxi was able to stand up. He was in pain because of the blood rolling in his body before. Now that Bai Yanting has taken care of him, he will not be as weak as before. He pushed his sister-in-law to the small garden to see the flowers. After pushing the wheelchair to the center, he squatted in front of Chu Lingyun and looked at Chu Lingyun.

The woman sitting in the wheelchair has a face like spring flowers and autumn moon. Even though she is almost fifty years old this year, because she is well taken care of by Xie Rongzheng, she looks like she is only in her early thirties. There is confusion and innocence in her eyes. It seems that after she went crazy, she stayed in the time before she was thirty years old. What she saw in her eyes were all the pictures of her youth.

Bai Yanting's face, in addition to inheriting Xie Rongzheng, the affectionate eyes are inherited from this beautiful and gentle woman.

"Sister-in-law, the white rose you like is blooming today, do you like it?"

Xie Rongxi in front of Chu Lingyun is always the most gentle. He was raised by Chu Lingyun as his own son since he was a child. Later, Chu Lingyun went crazy, and the only two brothers who could get close to her were Xie Rongzheng and Xie Rongxi. She has always been very stingy with her feelings, so in this life, the only two feelings she has are for these two brothers.

"I like it."

Chu Lingyun's eyes fell on the white rose, with a smile in her eyes. She would occasionally wake up, but most of the time, she was in this confused state, but she still liked things she liked before.

"Do you like it? Then I will cut a beautiful one for you, okay?"

Xie Rongxi squatted there, looking up at Chu Lingyun, as if he was looking at his own god. It is said that when every child is born, God will send an angel to protect the child, and the name of this angel in the world is mother.

Xie Rongxi lost her mother after she was born, but Chu Lingyun took her place and became Xie Rongxi's mother.

"No, the flowers are blooming so well, they will die if you cut them off."

Chu Lingyun shook her head and spoke logically. After looking at the flowers for a while, she suddenly lowered her head and saw Xie Rongxi squatting in front of her. She reached out and touched Xie Rongxi's head.

"Rongxi, you seem to have grown taller, but have you lost weight? Have you eaten well recently?"

She always treated Xie Rongxi like a child. Only when she looked at him would she offer her motherly love. Even Xie Bing could not get such love.

From childhood to adulthood, Xie Rongxi doted on Xie Bing very much, and Xie Rongzheng also felt guilty about his daughter Xie Bing. It was because they knew that Chu Lingyun could not take care of this girl, and the two grown men would love Xie Bing even more. However, they did not expect that the endless doting would be exchanged for Xie Bing's harm to Chu Lingyun.

"I ate well, but it's not good for a man to be fat. I'll be able to protect my sister-in-law when I grow taller."

When his name was suddenly called, Xie Rongxi's eyes were shining with joy, like a child called by his mother, and then he lay on Chu Lingyun's knees, very dependent.

Chu Lingyun had long been accustomed to being relied on by children, and reached out to gently touch Xie Rongxi's hair, just like when he was a child.

In Chu Lingyun's eyes, Xie Rongxi will always be that five-year-old child.

Her time will always stay in that year, and she has forgotten that she had given birth to another child.

Bai Meigui surrounded this scene, and Bai Yanting and Xie Rongzheng stood behind, looking at the two people who were dependent. At this moment, Bai Yanting suddenly understood Xie Rongxi's madness.

Xie Rongxi is smart and sentimental, so he seems ruthless in many things.

His life began to count down at the age of 20. In such a limited time, all he can do is to make the people around him better, no matter what way.

"Rongxi has been attached to Lingyun since he was a child. My mother died not long after giving birth to him. Lingyun and I raised him. He is a precocious child and was very sensible at the age of five. Later, after Lingyun went crazy, he would always make a big fuss when he saw others. Only when he saw Rongxi would he hold Rongxi in his arms to coax her. There was a period of time when Lingyun was very crazy and even had a tendency to self-harm. At that time, Rongxi would pretend to fall down deliberately, and then Lingyun would wake up instantly..."

Looking at his wife and brother in front of him in a daze, Xie Rongzheng still remembered everything that happened that year, and the years when Lingyun was the most crazy. In order to prevent Lingyun from hurting herself, Rongxi began to learn to hurt herself, falling down deliberately, and accidentally cutting her hand...

He saw his wife wake up after Rongxi called him, but he understood more clearly that this was the result of his brother being hurt.

"Later, when Lingyun was pregnant again, she was very lucid during that period. She specifically told Rongxi not to hurt himself again. But by that time, Rongxi had already gotten used to hurting himself. He began to like hurting himself to achieve some goals. You know what happened later. After Xie Bing was born, Lingyun was hit again and became even crazier. After that, Rongxi stayed by his side all the time. I know he regards Lingyun as his mother, but I also hope that he can live his own life."

But by that time it was already too late, Rong Xi almost tied his life to his wife.

He was ill, a serious mental illness.

Xie Rongzheng still feels guilty about this incident, but Rongxi had grown up by then and he could make choices for his own life.

He was willing to be like him, using the earth as a prison just to protect his wife and use his identity as a son.

Bai Yanting listened to all this and recalled what Chu Lingyun looked like after he woke up in his memory, and she knew why the two Xie brothers let themselves go like this.

In addition to regaining the lost treasure, the most important thing is that he made Chu Lingyun wake up again.

This alone is enough for the Xie brothers to dote on him in every possible way.

"But it's fine now. Dad believes you can cure Rong Xi. Your mother will be very happy when she sees you. Our family will get better and better in the future..."

After Xie Rongzheng finished speaking, he patted Bai Yanting's shoulder. All the pains in the past were not worth mentioning, as if all the sufferings were for the day when happiness would come.

Their family's merits are finally complete at this moment.

"Come on, let's go to your mother and let her see you."

The most important person in Xie Ronzheng's life is Chu Lingyun. No matter what she becomes, she is still Xie Ronzheng's favorite existence.

The two walked through the rose garden. This bright and blooming white rose seemed to be the purest love in the world, without any darkness at all. It was pure and white, making people feel happy when they saw it.

Today, Bai Yanting was simply wearing a white shirt, with a clean and clear appearance. He followed Xie Ronzheng to Chu Lingyun, and then the woman in the wheelchair looked up in an instant.

At this moment, the two of them looked at each other. Chu Lingyun was stunned. She stared at this man who looked like her husband and looked like her between his eyebrows. She didn't speak for a long time, just so stunned. Looking at Bai Yanting.

Xie Ronzheng pulled Bai Yanting over and put Bai Yanting's hand in Chu Lingyun's hand with a gentle voice.

"Lingyun, I found our child. You see, he looks a lot like us, and he is a very powerful doctor. His current name is Bai Yanting, doesn't it sound good?"

A man seems to be able to let go of all caution in front of the woman he loves the most. Xie Ronzheng smiled slightly, just like when he proposed to Chu Lingyun.

Xie Rongxi stood aside and was in a good mood. What he hoped for most in his life was that his eldest brother and sister-in-law could be well. Now that he had helped his eldest brother and sister-in-law find his son, and he might not have to die, then... he might still It is not certain that I can wait until the day when my sister-in-law wakes up.

Bai Yanting also squatted down, and his hand was suddenly held tightly by the woman in front of him. Chu Lingyun just looked at Bai Yanting and opened his mouth, as if he wanted to say something, but couldn't.

"Hello, I am your child Bai Yanting. When I saw you for the first time, I was a little nervous. Did you feel that my hands were shaking? You pulled me tightly, which made me less nervous..."

He looked up at the woman and smiled, with a childish smile. The woman quickly let go of her hand, as if she was afraid of hurting him, and then gently held Bai Yanting's hand. Carefully, the look in her eyes They were all nervous, as if they were afraid that Bai Yanting would disappear from sight in the next moment.

"It doesn't doesn't hurt..."

She suddenly said these two words, then carefully picked up Bai Yanting's hand, put it to her mouth, and blew gently.

"Mom, it doesn't hurt anymore when you whir. It doesn't hurt~"

After blowing a few silly breaths, he stared at Bai Yanting expectantly, as if waiting for his reply.

"Well, it doesn't hurt anymore. You are very gentle."

At this moment, an invisible sourness began to spread in her heart. The corners of Bai Yanting's eyes were slightly red, but she said this with a smile.

This is probably what my mother is like, right? Even if he loses his mind, he will care about his children immediately.

The brothers Xie Rongzheng and Xie Rongxi on the side also felt sour and happy in their hearts, because their family was finally reunited, and there were no more cracks.

All this suffering seems to be finally over...

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