Super Scientist

Chapter 10: On TV

The little RB brought a shameful page to the modern history of the Celestial Dynasty. It massacred more than 30 million compatriots. In Nanjing alone, 300,000 unarmed compatriots died in the hands of the little RB. This is the pain of the Celestial Dynasty. the pain of the people. And the little RB didn't even admit it, and even talked about the Nanjing Massacre whenever he had the opportunity.

This was so infuriating, the atmosphere in the hall was suddenly cold, as long as it was a person from the Celestial Dynasty, everyone's eyes were full of hatred, and they wished to beat up this RB female reporter.

Ye Chen clenched his fists so hard that the backs of his hands were turning blue, little RB is really nothing.

Song Hongyu's eyes were full of sternness, his face was ashen, his lips were tightly pressed, and he stared at the RB female reporter fiercely.

Even the Western reporters were surprised, thinking that they had heard it wrong, how could the little RB reporter ask such a question on this occasion.

Even American reporters like John Brown who wear a pair of trousers with Little RB also look incredible.

"Hoo hoo hoo." Song Hongyu took a few breaths and forced himself to calm down. If he did something not calm and publicized it to the western media, he would be in trouble.

"This RB reporter, let me tell you very seriously, as well as those RB militarists who refused to plead guilty, the history of RB's aggression against China cannot be erased! The heinous crimes committed by RB cannot be erased! RB massacred 300,000 unarmed in Nanjing The heinous crimes of our compatriots cannot be erased!" Song Hongyu suppressed his anger, his voice was very high, and his tone was particularly severe.

clap clap.

The reporters from the Celestial Dynasty applauded fiercely, agreeing with Song Hongyu's statement very much.

Little RB has always wanted to beautify the history of aggression against the Celestial Dynasty, and has always wanted to deny this history. That is wishful thinking and it is impossible to succeed.

Ye Chen heard it, and couldn't help shaking his head. Song Hongyu's statement is correct, but it's not harsh enough, and he couldn't understand the hatred. He took the conversation and said, "This RB reporter, what I want to tell you is: everyone on the earth knows American soldiers* ***I have had a lot of RB women, why don't you ask these RB women if they are comfortable or not? Do you want to have sex again? "


Deadly still!

Everyone, including the RB female reporter, seemed to have been struck by lightning, with their mouths wide open and eyes rounded, like wood carvings.

Ye Chen's answer is not called sharp, it is already too sharp to say anything, it can be said to be one of the sharpest answers since the press conference.

If they hadn't heard it with their own ears, no one would believe it was true. No one would believe that someone dared to use such foul language to answer reporters' questions at the press conference.

Clap clap!

After quite a while, they finally came back to their senses. The reporters from Tianchao stood up in unison and applauded fiercely. They were too hard, their palms were red, and they were still clapping.

It was Song Hongyu, who was stunned for a while before he realized it, and then he stood up and applauded.

As an official, there are some things he can't say. Now, Ye Chen's sharp counterattack is too relieved, too relieved, it makes him happy from the bottom of his heart, and he has to applaud.

Even the western reporters were applauding, especially the reporters like Andre who didn't wear a pair of pants with RB, applauding and laughing at the same time.

The RB female reporter blushed and her eyes were about to fall off. She was dizzy, thinking that there was something wrong with her ears and she had heard it wrong. There is no reason to answer the reporter with such foul language, let alone she is still a woman.

Ye Chen answered her as a female reporter in such a way, how could she be embarrassed?

The more I thought about it, the more wronged I became, the tears of this RB female reporter rolled in her eyes, and she tried to hold back, but they flowed out unsatisfactorily. She picked up her bag and was about to get out in despair.

However, Ye Chen didn't intend to let her go, and said, "Wait a minute."

"What are you going to do?" The RB female reporter was terrified, with a look of horror on her face, thinking that Ye Chen was going to do something to her.

"You think too highly of yourself,

I'm not interested in you at all. Perhaps, some special actors in your country will be interested in you. "Ye Chen grinned and sneered.

Ha ha!

There was a burst of laughter, and everyone burst out laughing, even the Western reporter who wore the same pants as RB was no exception.

What are some special actors? Those are BT young RB Ye Chen who made an AV. Those words are really poisonous. Isn’t this calling this RB female reporter an actress?

Song Hongyu kept applauding, and couldn't help shaking his head and smiling bitterly. This Ye Chen really knows how to seize the opportunity. As long as he seizes the opportunity, he will definitely pursue it. However, to relieve my anger, I just want to do this!

"You... bullying people." The RB female reporter stomped her feet angrily, tears streaming down her face.

"Didn't I tell you? The special actors in your country are interested in you." Ye Chen's lips curled up.

Ha ha!

Ye Chen was chasing and beating this RB female reporter, he was beating her hard, everyone thought it was very funny, and burst out laughing again. The RB female reporter heard it in her ears, wishing she could find a crack in the ground and sneak in.

"Your behavior reminds me of your female defense chief who cried when she was named by the Celestial Dynasty, and also cried when she was questioned in Congress. Your defense chief loves to cry, no wonder you love to cry too." Ye Chen mocked.

The female defense chief in RB wanted to worship ghosts on 815, but Tianchao was very tough and called her name. If she dared to worship ghosts, the consequences would be at her own risk.

She cried again when her competence was questioned by the opposition in Congress.

Ha ha!

Everyone on earth knows that the female defense chief loves to cry, and everyone laughed out loud again, and everyone was rocking their heads.

"You you you..." The RB female reporter was so angry that she didn't know what to say.

Ye Chen waved his hand, as if chasing away flies, and said, "Go back and discuss the crying scriptures with your female defense chief."

This remark caused a burst of laughter again, what is the Sutra of Crying? This Ye Chen is real, he doesn't hurt people and doesn't use dirty words.

The female reporter from RB blushed and panicked, and ran away in a desperate manner.

This matter has come to an end, and the people who came to the press conference have a very different view of Ye Chen. The reporters from Tianchao think that Ye Chen is very powerful, and he is a good person, and they have a good impression of him.

But Western reporters like John, who love to sing bad news about the Chinese Empire, were vigilant, for fear that Ye Chen would cause trouble for them. Western journalists like John and the others have been to many countries and participated in many press conferences, but this is the first time they have encountered such a ruthless person like Ye Chen, and they have to be afraid.

The following questions are interesting. The reporters from Tianchao urged them to ask some interesting and personal matters. Ye Chen answered those who could answer, and avoided those who could not.

Western reporters, especially those who like to badmouth China, stopped raising their hands. They dare not ask questions. God knows if it will anger Ye Chen and embarrass them.

In this way, it lasted for a while, and the press conference was over.

Hula, the reporters from the Celestial Dynasty surrounded Ye Chen.

"Scientist Ye, sign a piece for me, okay?" Xu Jing's electric eyes were full of electricity, with a look of anticipation on her face.

"Sign me one."

"And I."

The reporter from Tianchao looked at Ye Chen eagerly, wanting to get Ye Chen's signature.

"Okay, okay." They were too enthusiastic, and Ye Chen couldn't refuse, so he agreed.

Xu Jing was the first to sign for Xu Jing. Xu Jing was very happy, and put her business card into Ye Chen's hand, saying: "Scientist Ye, this is his business card, come to me if you have anything to do." To Ye Chen.

After a while, Ye Chen collected a lot of business cards and gave out quite a few of his own.

After being busy for a while, it was finally over, and Ye Chen breathed a sigh of relief.

"Xiaoye, not bad, not bad." Song Hongyu put his hands on Ye Chen's shoulders, his eyes widened, and he looked at Ye Chen for a while, admiring him.

Ye Chen felt a little nervous, and hurriedly said, "Uncle Song, you're too old, I'm not interested in you."

"Stinky boy, what are you talking about?" Song Hongyu tapped Ye Chen on the shoulder, glared at Ye Chen, and said, "I was still worried that you would fall into the hole dug by the reporter because of your lack of experience. Now it seems that my worry was for nothing. Yes. You kid is not only smart, but also very good at seizing opportunities, answering questions skillfully, and what’s rare is that you are very forceful! Very relieved!”

At today's press conference, Western journalists made things difficult for them from the very beginning. Song Hongyu's answer was quite satisfactory, but it was too soft and not forceful. Ye Chen's answer was very sharp and powerful, which made people feel happy listening to it.

In the end, Xixi Ji didn't dare to ask any more questions. This was the first time Song Hongyu met him in his life, and he couldn't help but admire Ye Chen.

"Didn't our founding leader just say that imperialism is a paper tiger, as long as you get tough, these western journalists with color-changing glasses will have to admit it." Ye Chen said.

"I also know this truth, but I am an official, and there are some things I can't say. You don't have this restraint, you can say whatever you want." Song Hongyu felt a little regretful. Being an official is good, but there are too many constraints, and you can't let go of your hands and feet. big job.

After talking for a while, I bid farewell to Song Hongyu.

"Brother, you are so amazing." Ding Yiling hung on Ye Chen's arm, excited like a bird, and said: "I recorded it all, and I want to put it on my Weibo, I want my Weibo It will definitely catch fire."

The advent of photonic chips is itself explosive news. With Ye Chen's sharp answer, it's hard not to get angry.

Ding Yiling did what she said, and immediately posted it on Weibo. Not long after, there were hundreds of hits, nearly ten reposts, and rave reviews.

Ye Chen took Ding Yiling for a stroll, and in the evening, Ding Yiling's Weibo became popular, with tens of thousands of clicks and hundreds of reposts, all of which were positive comments.

Brother, this is the rhythm of fire! Ye Chen thought a little stinky.

In the evening, state television broadcast the press conference on the news. The news on the national TV station at 7 o'clock every night is only 30 minutes, but Ye Chen is given 12 minutes, which shows how much he attaches importance to it. Naturally, the news had to be edited. The scenes of Ye Chen answering the Western reporter and the RB female reporter were preserved in its original form, even Ye Chen's vulgar words remained intact.

This kind of thing is very rare on national television, which shows how much Ye Chen's answer is recognized.

Before the news was over, Ye Chen raised his brows, and there was a movement in the system.

"Congratulations to the host for getting 1 contribution point."

"Congratulations to the host for getting 1 contribution point."

"Congratulations to the host for getting 1 contribution point."

Ye Chen turned on the system and looked at the blue screen with a look of shock.

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