According to the information Li Qingyun had just urgently collected in his storage space.

The Bak tribe is one of the largest races in the underworld besides the Underworld tribe.

There is more than one type of Nether Clan in the underworld. It is said that the underworld has been fighting for years. Many realms connected to the underworld have been annexed by the Nether Clan. Many races have been enslaved by the Nether Clan and have become inferior races in the underworld.

The Buck tribe is also a race that has submitted to the Nether Tribe, but it is the most special tribe among them.

Not only do they have a separate fiefdom in the underworld, but in terms of strength, they are not inferior to many underworld forces that have been inherited for countless years. The most important thing is that there is a supreme family in the Buck tribe's fiefdom.

Ancient tribe.

The ancient clan is a family that has survived from ancient times. This family has lasted for several epochs. Isn’t it true that May Day has a profound heritage and there are terrifying and powerful people in the clan!

There are not many ancient tribes in the entire underworld.

But the Buck tribe happens to have one like this.

The name is Prison Heaven Clan.

In desperation just now, Li Qingyun chose to pretend to be the young master of the Prison Heaven Clan, but in fact he didn't even know if the Prison Heaven Clan had a young master.

However, according to his guess, such a mysterious family has a high probability to have nothing to do with other forces of the Buck tribe. Although these people present are all powerful kings, there are probably not many people who are qualified to contact the ancient tribe, so they pretend to be This young master of the Qi Tian Clan is not easily seen through.

As for what you said just now, what a stinky pig, what a little ball, what the young master of the ancient clan said, can you still take it back? We can only let these bastards forget...

When he walked up to the elder Sang Gong of the Bak tribe, Li Qingyun was worried about whether this elder, who obviously had a higher status, had ever come into contact with the Qitian family.

Elder Sang Gong suddenly shook his sleeves and shouted to the sky: "Sang Gong has seen the young master!"

After saying that, he knelt on the ground with a bang.

As Sang Gong knelt on the ground, nearly a thousand Buck clan members behind him also huffed and puffed.

"I have met Young Master Qi Tian!"

Li Qingyun stayed where he was. He thought that at most he would just get some courtesy to make things easier for him.

But I didn't expect these Bak brothers to be so polite. They knelt down directly, as if they were going to go through thick and thin for themselves, up and down the mountain of swords and in the frying pan!

Li Qingyun was extremely excited in his heart, but on the surface, he still imitated the tone of his second ancestor. He raised his head, pointed his nostrils at the crowd, and hummed: "Get up."

Elder Sang Gong was lying on the ground. Hearing Li Qingyun speak like this, he said even more respectfully: "Yes."

As Elder Sang Gong stood up, nearly a thousand powerful men who were crowned kings behind Elder Sang Gong also stood up.

Moreover, the eyes they looked at Li Qingyun were even more full of reverence!

"Is this the young master of the ancient tribe? He is indeed extraordinary!"

"Yes, you treat us like ants! With such a vision, you really agree with the appearance of people from the ancient clan in the legend!"

"Even Young Master Qi Tian showed up! It seems that the National Master is bound to win this operation!"


Taoist Duobao and other powerful people from the Chaos Star Territory were all dumbfounded. What kind of young master was this Buck tribe that Taoist Duobao made trouble for just now? He could make all the Buck tribe present kneel down, and his status was so high. ?

The soul-body clan and the cloud-body beast clan also looked at each other, with a thoughtful look in their eyes.

These forces, no matter which race or force they come from, although they seem to be living in harmony now, when the Palm Heaven Secret Realm is opened and everyone enters together and meets each other again to compete for opportunities, they will definitely be enemies who will never die.

Therefore, for the Buck clan, an opponent who is obviously not weak in power, any disturbance has special meaning to them.

For example, the sudden appearance of Young Master Qi Tian...

"Li Qingyun, why do you always talk to them with your nostrils?" Zhou Yaoqiao, a familiar girl, always calls Li Qingyun by his first name.

At this time, Li Qingyun had been keeping secrets from the Buck tribe for a long time. When he heard Zhou Yaoqiao's question, he rolled his eyes at Zhou Yaoqiao and replied disdainfully:

"What do you know? Using your nostrils to talk to people and not opening your eyes to look at them is the standard way for those second-generation ancestors to speak. If I don't do this, my secret will definitely be revealed!"

"Really?" Zhou Yaoqiao blinked.

"Of course it's true!" Li Qingyun affirmed: "I, Li Qingyun, have met countless second-generation ancestors, and of course I know better than you!"

"You are a weak little girl and a second-generation ancestor who knows nothing!"

Zhou Yaoqiao scratched her head: "Okay..."

"I wonder if Young Master Qi Tian is here. Do you have any explanations from the Imperial Master?" Elder Sang Gong and Li Qingyun finished their greetings and began to ask Li Qingyun questions.

Li Qingyun thought for a while and said seriously: "This..."

Sang Gong: "I'm in Sang Gong."

"Oh, Elder Sang Gong, I am dissatisfied with Your Excellency for saying that the National Master's request for me to come this time has nothing to do with the mission you are responsible for, but for something else." Li Qingyun was vague, but it also made people feel itchy. .

Sang Gong thought for a while and asked tentatively: "May I ask, young master, if the task entrusted by the national master is a magic weapon?"

magic weapon?

Li Qingyun thought for a while, there must be too many magic weapons in the Palm Heaven Secret Realm. It was said to be a magic weapon, but no one knew which one it was, so he nodded incomprehensibly: "Elder Sang Gong, this is all, you shouldn't ask. Yes, don’t ask any more questions.”

"!" The moment Elder Sang Gong heard Li Qingyun's warning, a trace of panic flashed across his face: "I'm talking too much."

Li Qingyun said lightly: "No problem, please remember what this young master said, elder Sang Gong. The mission attached to this young master is beyond your imagination. Therefore, my whereabouts, purpose, and true strength are not allowed." Come and investigate, this is not what you should know, understand?"

Elder Sang Gong nodded heavily, turned around, and sent a message to the nearly a thousand kings of the Bak clan behind him: "The whereabouts of Young Master Qi Tian this time are top secret. We must not have any covetous intentions. Remember, Young Master Qi Tian The whereabouts, purpose, and strength of the Lord have nothing to do with us. Anyone who is tempted to peek into it without permission will be doomed!"



Just after Elder Sang Gong finished speaking and all the Bak tribesmen answered yes, the sky above them suddenly became gloomy.

Immediately afterwards, above the sky, the terrifying Heaven Palm Pot began to rotate rapidly.

As it rotated, the spiritual energy and other forces in the entire world began to rapidly become restless.

"This is... the secret realm is about to open!"

Everyone looked excitedly at the secret realm ahead.

But at this moment, Li Qingyun suddenly felt a strange feeling in his heart. He turned around and looked behind him. At this time, the sky behind him was dark.

He always felt that in this darkness, there seemed to be such a very powerful, incredibly powerful being, peeking at him with a pair of eyes that he couldn't see...

In other words, peeking here...

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