Super Sect Development System

Chapter 1066 Heaven...

On this day, the streets in Kulie city were deserted.

All the residents in the city gathered on the square in Kublai City, stood on the square, and looked up at the sky.

These residents, regardless of their cultivation level, regardless of whether they have the true form of the saint, regardless of their true identity, and regardless of which force they come from, they are looking at the horizon with solemn faces, waiting for something.

In just one hour, hundreds of thousands of saints in the entire Kulay City received orders from the three major families, and then quickly gathered here, waiting for a mysterious big shot.

In addition to the residents of Kulay City who stood in the city with solemn expressions on their faces and greeted them in the streets, there were also countless flying magic weapons standing in the sky. These flying magic weapons were huge in size, and each one carried a solemn look. Feeling, and above the magic weapon, standing neatly behind the cultivation base, the elite saint strongman with a killing aura.

These powerful men all come from the three major families in the Kuhan Great Region.

"My lords are about to arrive."

Above, a strong man with a terrifying aura, whose figure looked dark under the sunlight, reminded in a deep voice: "You will follow the arrangement and greet those adults with the highest etiquette."

"Yes!" The powerful men from the three major families above, as well as the residents in the city, all replied in a deep voice.

The living environment of the holy world is harsh, and those who can survive and reproduce are elites. Therefore, even ordinary residents can guarantee absolute obedience to authority and super high execution capabilities.

This welcome ceremony for the big shot was decided by the three major families at the same time, so the execution of it by the residents of the city was even more thorough.

Xian Yunu nodded as he looked at the scene in front of him. This time, the three major families carried out the welcome ceremony with a tacit understanding, but in the end, the leadership fell to their Xian Yu family, and the Xian Yu family handed it over to him at this time. Responsible, that is to say, he is the commander-in-chief who mobilized the entire Kublai City event.

This kind of experience was the first for him. He knew that if this action was completed perfectly, it would have a profound impact on his status in the family.

"Senior Nu, the first queue that I am responsible for is ready! The strong men in the spiritual world have agreed to my proposal, and I will definitely satisfy that adult later!"

A young figure suddenly rushed out and said respectfully to Xian Yunu.

This person is Ji Yang, who is in charge of the first echelon.

Xian Yunu was overjoyed when he heard this. He walked forward, patted Ji Yang on the shoulder, and said loudly: "Okay! I really did not misjudge you! You can accomplish such a difficult thing! But you have helped me a lot!"

"Tell me! What reward do you want?"

Ji Yang raised his head, looked at Xianyu Nu, his eyes flashed with excitement, and said: "Elder Nu, I don't want a reward, can I make a small request?"

Xian Yunu laughed and said, "Of course!"

The more advanced the power, the more attention it pays to etiquette and the sense of ceremony. During this welcome ceremony, Xian Yunu had an idea about the powerful people in the spiritual world. He wanted to use the powerful people in the spiritual world as the first queue to show Xian Yunu's power. The strength of the family.

In this way, it will not only make that adult happy, but also make the great elder happy, and it will definitely be another boost to his future development.

"Then junior, just tell me!" Ji Yang looked at Xian Yunu excitedly. Xian Yunu was a member of the Parents and Elders Association. Except for the three supreme elders, the elders who ranked at the forefront were now appreciated by him. , it is truly a great honor.

"Say it." Xian Yunu smiled kindly and encouraged Ji Yang.

"Junior hopes that you will help me kill someone!" Ji Yang looked at Xian Yunu and said solemnly.

"Oh? Who is it?" Xian Yunu asked casually. It was extremely casual for a strong man of his status to casually kill an enemy for the younger generation of the family.

Ji Yang took a deep breath, looked at Xian Yunu, and said: "It was Li Qingyun who was the most out of touch and troublesome among the powerful men in the spiritual world a few days ago!"

Xian Yunu was stunned when he heard this: "Li Qingyun?"

Soon, his mind showed the young man who had flashed golden thunder during the Holy Clan Trial, and in that moment, summoned Lord Tian Yuan's intention.

Oh, by the way, this young man seems to have ancestral blood. He was specifically mentioned by the third elder and discussed with all the elders.

This young man named Li Qingyun has something extraordinary. Whether it is his connection with Lord Tianyuan or the vague power of his ancestral bloodline, he is of considerable value and has the capital to be taken seriously. …

Something special.


A sneer appeared at the corner of Xian Yunu's lips.

Nowadays, these special things no longer count for anything.

Kureizi has appeared, and all the abilities of Li Qingyun will be used as a wedding dress and concentrated on Kureizi...

In other words, the fate of this Li Qingyun is just to fill the vacancy of the real Kulayzi, and he will die sooner or later.


Why not be a convenient favor now?

Ji Yang was still adding fiercely: "After the junior's investigation, Li Qingyun's aura seems to have disappeared in Kulie City. At such a juncture, he is missing. We have every reason to suspect that he is a spy of the Nether Clan, and he …”

"That makes sense." Before Ji Yang could finish speaking, Xian Yunu interrupted Ji Yang softly: "This Li Qingyun is indeed very suspicious."

"I will help you deal with him, don't worry."

"This..." In an instant, Ji Yang was surrounded by happiness. He did not expect that a big man like Xian Yunu would agree to his request so easily to help him deal with Li Qingyun!

His body shook violently, and he said with great excitement: "Thank you so much, Elder Xianyu! I will definitely live up to your trust! Complete this welcome ceremony!"

"Make that adult happy! Contribute to the family!"

"Not bad!" Xian Yunu praised with satisfaction.

"Then junior, please retire!" Ji Yang's body flashed and disappeared.

The next moment, Ji Yang's figure appeared at the forefront of the welcoming team in Kulay City, standing next to Taoist Duobao.

Taoist Duobao was dressed in a gorgeous Taoist robe and a precious crown. For some reason, he came to the Holy World, a place where the environment of heaven and earth was completely different. His cultivation seemed not to be affected at all, and he even improved a little.

"Senior Duobao, I just got a positive reply from Elder Xian Yunu. He said that he will definitely help me deal with that Li Qingyun." Ji Yang spoke very naturally. During this period of time, he had a lot of communication with Taoist Duobao. , has become Taoist Duobao's partner in the Xianyu family.

Taoist Duobao nodded with joy on his face: "Yes, Xian Yunu is also from the spirit world. You can try to win over him."

"In this way, my plan will almost be 90% successful."

Ji Yang said hurriedly: "I also hope that senior Duobao will abide by the agreement and allocate the area where the Nine Palaces Road is to the juniors after returning to the spirit world."

Taoist Duobao said: "Since this is the agreement, I will naturally not break the contract."

"Thank you, Senior Duobao!" Ji Yang was overjoyed. When he thought that he could not only defeat Li Qingyun and return to the spiritual world, but also finally use the power of Duobao Taoist to return to the spiritual world and inherit the Nine Palaces, Ji Yang felt that in life Once I have value again, I feel that God is taking care of me.

"God has been kind to me..."

While looking at the distant sky, Ji Yang fantasized about the beautiful life in the future and was in a daze.

And at this moment,

Suddenly someone shouted: "Master Kureizi is here, prepare to welcome him!"

Xian Yunu's voice also rang in Ji Yang's ears: "Get ready, lead the powerful spirits of the spirit clan to welcome you!"

Several streaks of terrifying light streaked across the horizon, carrying long golden tail wings, and arrived above the Kublai City.

Ji Yang took a deep breath, gathered his spiritual power, and prepared to send a message to the powerful spiritual people behind him to command everyone...

And at this moment,

Those terrifying streams of light suddenly dispersed, revealing the figures within the stream of light.

Ji Yang's face changed from full of hope to ashen in an instant, and he murmured:

"Heaven...why do you do this to me..."

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