Li Qingyun stepped into the array plate,

Runes like stars suddenly rose up around him and flickered around him. Google search reading


The array whistled and was about to start.

At this time, Xian Yushuo's voice came from the outside world: "This Hu Lie Zi token is extremely important. If you don't use this Hu Lie Zi token, you may not be able to move in the Totem Hall..."


When the array was activated, Li Qingyun felt a flash in front of his eyes, and the scene in front of him changed rapidly. The power in the air around him surged rapidly, the temperature changed, the space was twisted, and time was passing...

I don't know how long it took, it seemed like hundreds of years, and it seemed like only a moment had passed, Li Qingyun suddenly opened his eyes.

"This is..." Li Qingyun looked around, and his eyes showed a trance.

"Is this the Totem Hall?"

This seems to be a little different from what he imagined...

Hua La La——

The huge sound of water jumped like a musical instrument, surrounding Li Qingyun's ears.

The white mist surrounded Li Qingyun, making him feel a long-lost coolness.

The mist could not block Li Qingyun's sight. His eyes easily penetrated the mist and saw the scene in front of him clearly.

Right in front of him was an endless expanse of water.

The water spread from both sides of him to the surroundings.

The water was extremely vast, with no edges on the left and right, like an ocean, but Li Qingyun knew very well that this was not an ocean,

but a pool of water.

Even though it was vast and boundless, it was still a pool of water...


it was formed by the waterfall falling down...

Li Qingyun looked up,

above his head, above this pool of water like an ocean, there was a white water dragon falling from the sky and falling into the pool of water.

The arc of the waterfall was not too steep, but the water flow was too huge, and it fell down, as if it was overwhelming.

"What is this place..." Li Qingyun muttered to himself.

He thought he had seen many storms, but today he was still horrified by the huge pool and the waterfall.

He lowered his head and took out the Hu Lie Zi token that Xian Yu Shuo had left for him, wanting to see what the hell was going on in this Totem Hall, and how did it send him here?


The Hu Lie Zi token flickered gently,

The message left by Xian Yu Shuo came out from it:

"The dojo where the totem power of Lord Tian Yuan is located is a mountain full of desolate and iron-blooded auras..."

Li Qingyun turned off the token,

raised his head suspiciously, looked around again, sniffed the thick water vapor around him, listened to the sound of the water, and muttered: "Desolate aura?"

"Iron-blooded aura?"

"How could it be?"

"Did we come to the wrong place?" Li Qingyun looked very strange: "This is too much.

While Li Qingyun was thinking, dozens of powerful auras suddenly came from a distance.

"Not good! "

Li Qingyun exclaimed, and jumped into the cool water in front of him.

He could feel that this pool of water seemed to have the ability to conceal the breath, because he could not feel the breath under the water.

Soon after Li Qingyun jumped into the pool, dozens of breaths fell directly from the sky and landed on the place where Li Qingyun was originally standing.

Li Qingyun in the water opened his eyes in surprise.

At this time, he could clearly feel the breath of these people outside the pool.

In other words, this pool only isolates the breath in one direction. People in the pool can feel the breath of the outside world, but the outside world can't feel the breath of the pool at all.

Hehe, what a good place.

Li Qingyun was delighted and silently felt the breath of the dozens of people outside the pool.

These dozens of people are not The saints did not reveal their true bodies, and their appearances were different, but Li Qingyun was very sure that they were the saints, because the blood and qi in their bodies were very strong, which was obviously due to the practice of the saints' method.

The cultivation of these dozens of people was very strong, each of them was above the realm of asking questions, and there was even a strong man in the realm of sealing the king leading them.

Li Qingyun was secretly complaining in his heart, could it be that there was something wrong with the teleportation array, and it teleported him to another place all of a sudden?

Didn't it say that the Totem Hall can only be entered by the master of the Great Domain or the young generation of the Great Domain?

Li Qingyun's face was full of question marks, hiding in the water, feeling above.

And the people above also began to speak.

"Elder Weishui, is this the place where the Totem Hall is located as mentioned by my Tianhai Great Domain?" A strong man in the realm of asking questions asked.

The elder Weishui replied: "That's right."

"But the Totem Hall is divided into many parts, and this is one of the parts controlled by our Tianhai Great Domain. "

After hearing this, Li Qingyun quickly searched for information about the Tianhai Domain in his mind.

Soon, he found information about the Tianhai Domain in the many unofficial histories he had read before.

"The Tianhai Domain is one of the most powerful domains in the Holy Realm. Its territory is several times that of the Hulie Domain, and the number of strong people is also several times that of the Hulie Domain."

Li Qingyun had some guesses in his mind.

Could it be that he was teleported to the Totem Hall controlled by the Tianhai Domain?

And this Tianhai Domain may be stronger and have more places than the Hulie Domain.

The elder above spoke again:

"Although you are the leader of the younger generation in our Tianhai Domain, your opportunities to enter this place for enlightenment are limited. You must pass the test before you can qualify for the ultimate great opportunity." Elder Kai Shui calmly introduced the rules to everyone.

Li Qingyun secretly smacked his tongue,

The younger generation, everyone is asking about realm?

The quality of this young generation is high enough.

"I'll understand." Dozens of young people who asked about the realm replied.

Elder Kai Shui continued: "Then I will tell you the rules of the trial."

"The big water in front of us is called White Water. It is a grand landscape copied from Zhongzhou in the spiritual world. Legend has it that it was set by a supreme power in ancient times, so it is very extraordinary."

"You can go up from here and go upstream from the bottom of this waterfall. The first one to reach the top of the waterfall will be immediately qualified for enlightenment."

"Yes." Everyone answered honestly.

But one person asked: "Elder, this waterfall is not that high. For us, it takes only a moment to leap up. Isn't it comparable to this?"

The elder smiled and said: "You will know when you actually set off. The higher you go, the more you will feel the powerful power of the law and the suppression of the power of the source. It will take constant time to truly leap up."

"Okay, get ready to go up and seize this opportunity."

"Yes!" All the disciples replied and began to gather strength.

"Remember," the elder advised: "Don't fall down. If you fall into this deep pool, no one can save you..."

When Li Qingyun under the pool heard this, his hair grew cold.

Suddenly, he turned around and looked,

Shocked to see,

In the dark pool, there was a pair of deep and terrifying eyes, staring at him quietly...

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