Super Sect Development System

Chapter 1173 [Zhulong's Entrustment]

The melancholy in Li Qingyun's heart didn't last long before he was suppressed, because he knew that a powerful person like Qiu Long must have found him because of more than just the weapon spirit. There should be more important things.

"You must also know that I secretly controlled you before you were sent to the Holy Realm."

"Do you have any complaints?"

Qiu Long is very humble. He does not call himself 'I' or 'This Saint' like other powerful men, but calls himself 'I'.

"Senior," Li Qingyun said hurriedly: "Qingyun has long been yearning for all the tribes in the world and all the great realms, but because he has no way to go there, senior takes action to move Qingyun to the Holy Realm. Speaking of which, he might as well give Qingyun a chance. !”

", you..."

Qiu Long shook his head and smiled helplessly.

"Before the power of this great taboo weakened, I calculated through deduction that the underworld and the holy world would undergo great changes. After this great change occurs, it is very likely to trigger a war between the holy world and the underworld, which will lead to all races in the future. The situation is more difficult,”

When Li Qingyun heard this, his face became solemn. Indeed, as Qiu Long said, if the Immortal Lord disguised as an elder of the Nether Clan goes smoothly in the Holy World and directly attacks several major areas of the Holy World, then the Holy World will definitely not swallow his anger, and the Holy World and the Underworld will An all-round war between them will be provoked almost immediately. At that time, the relatively stable situation among all races will be broken, and they will enter a state of melee, and the destruction of life will be inevitable.

"But according to my deduction, this crisis is not without a solution," Qiu Long looked at Li Qingyun.

Li Qingyun blinked: "Senior, are you saying that I am the one who can crack it?"

Qiu Long smiled and said: "Of course, you are the variable. I have noticed you since you entered the restricted area of ​​the Ghost Sea. In the deduction method, you seem to carry a kind of rampant power. Although it seems It is a very weak, but extremely unstable 'cause'. If placed in any rigid situation, it will cause severe 'effects'..."

"This 'result' is violent turmoil, and within the turmoil lies vitality."

Qiu Long said this and looked at Li Qingyun meaningfully.

Li Qingyun hesitated at the corner of his eyes. He knew very well that Qiu Long was praising him, but it didn't sound right. How could he praise someone as an "extremely unstable factor"?

"It turns out that I was not wrong about you. You broke the deadlock between the Holy World and the Underworld, and even defeated an Immortal Lord. Hahaha... Not bad!"

Qiu Long spared no effort to praise Li Qingyun,

But at this moment, Li Qingyun's whole body suddenly shook, and a dazzling light flashed in his eyes. He looked at Qiu Long and asked expectantly:

"Senior, in this case, does this junior help you?"

At that moment, he suddenly remembered that a long time ago, he had received a side mission from the system on the Zhulong Star Road:

"Long-term side mission [Zhulong's Entrustment].

Mission content: Help a ferocious beast on the list of 100 ferocious beasts when he is in crisis.

Mission reward (choose two out of four): 1, possessing the ability of a peak heaven-level weapon refiner

2. Get a chance to upgrade for free (within three small realms)

3. The system acquires the ability to invade

4. Obtain the method of cultivating spiritual beasts."

Although Li Qingyun has now surpassed the peak heaven-level weapon refiner and the cultivation of spiritual beasts, Li Qingyun still needs the opportunity for free upgrades and the so-called 'invading' ability.

"Reminder to the host, this mission appeared during the host's golden elixir period, and its rewards were listed based on the host's cultivation at that time. Now that the host is still enlightened, the rewards will change."

"The updated task should be:"

“Long-term side mission [Zhulong’s Entrustment].

Mission content: Help a ferocious beast on the list of 100 ferocious beasts when he is in crisis.

Mission rewards (choose two out of four):

1. Possess the ability of a pure Yang level peak weapon refiner

2. Get a chance to upgrade for free (within a small realm)

3. The system will immediately gain a new capability

4. Improve the method of cultivating spiritual beasts to a large level."

Li Qingyun looked at the large screen of light in the system speechlessly. The opportunity for free upgrades actually changed from three small realms to one small realm...

Why is this going backwards...

But if you think about it, you can understand that Li Qingyun's golden elixir didn't seem to use much power to advance to three small realms before. Now, it would take more power to improve even one small realm than the previous three small realms.

"Help me once?"

Qiu Long looked at Li Qingyun suspiciously: "That's right."

Li Qingyun was overjoyed and contacted the system and asked: "Does this mean I have completed the mission?"

The cold voice of the system sounded: "Please read the question carefully. The host must help a villain when he is in crisis to complete this task."

The corners of Li Qingyun's eyes twitched: "Baijie is in crisis? Should I help him? How difficult is it? I can't help but die for love with Baiji."


Li Qingyun said: "Can the will left by the horned dragon in the totem hall be considered saved by me?"

System: "According to the detection of this system, the host did not take any action to save the horned dragon statue."

Li Qingyun said: "Look, if I don't show up, will Immortal Lord Wuhun take over the six major areas of the Holy World?"

System: "Yes."

"Would winning the six great domains destroy the totem power belonging to the six great domains?"

System: "It's possible."

"Does the power of will left by the horned dragon in the Totem Hall also belong to those six great domains?"

System: "Yes."

"Isn't that right!" Li Qingyun arrived: "In a sense, I saved the six great regions of the Holy World and killed the Immortal Lord Soulless. The will left by the horned dragon in the Totem Hall was saved by me. ”

"And because the will of the horned dragon represents the true nature of the horned dragon, then the final conclusion is... I saved the horned dragon when he was in crisis."


Li Qingyun: "Really?"

System: "The host is a bit far-fetched."

Li Qingyun: "Can't it be counted as saving him?"

System: "Can't."

Li Qingyun: "How about counting it as saving half, and counting me as completing 50% of the task?"


“It’s such a happy decision!”

Li Qingyun slapped his hands, ended the conversation, and looked at the horned dragon in front of him.

The conversation between Li Qingyun and the system just now was very long, but because he was very familiar with the system and the speed of the conversation was not transmitted through words, the real time was only a short moment.

In Qiu Long's view, Li Qingyun was just stunned for a moment, so he did not have any doubts about Li Qingyun.

On the contrary, when he saw Li Qingyun asking him "Have you done me a favor?", he thought to himself,

This guy is so anxious to ask for credit. Is he afraid he wants to ask me for the treasure?

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