Super Sect Development System

Chapter 1419 Three million years ago

The dead sea of ​​stars roared, and the black sea water washed the sky over and over again. From time to time, the starry dust wandering in the starry sky fell into the exposed air, making waves of terrifying roars.

The dust in the starry sky is the various materials left behind in the endless starry sky. They are just like a grain of dust in the vast starry sky. But when they fall into the spiritual world and fall from the dead sea of ​​stars, they are terrifying meteorites like mountains.


The terrifying meteorite landed in the Dead Sea of ​​Stars, causing terrifying vibrations and setting off waves of tsunami-level terrifying waves.

"The reason why the creatures in the spiritual world can survive is because of the protection of the will of the spiritual world. Without the will of the spiritual world, the entire spiritual world would become as terrifying as this dead sea of ​​stars."

Ling Xiao calmly looked at the terrifying scene of the Starry Dead Sea and said calmly.

At this time, he and Li Qingyun were under the protection of his spiritual power, and the violent scenes outside could not affect them.

Zhou Yaoqiao breathed a sigh of relief: "It is really thanks to the will of the spirit world that our spirit world is now prosperous."

But Li Qingyun didn’t think so,

He quietly stared at the black sea water and the dark starry sky, and asked quietly: "Why is the Dead Sea of ​​Stars not protected by the will of the spiritual world? This place clearly belongs to the spiritual world."

As far as he knew, it seemed that only the sea areas of the four Beiling regions were so violent that ships could not pass at all. That was why the Snow Desolate Region almost monopolized the trade routes of each of the four Beiling regions.

The sea areas in other places in the spiritual world are protected by the will of the spiritual world and are calm.

Zhou Yaoqiao didn't expect Li Qingyun to ask this, and looked at Ling Xiao curiously, wanting to know the reason.

Ling Xiao smiled and looked at Zhou Yaoqiao: "This matter must start three million years ago."

"Three million years ago?" Li Qingyun and Zhou Yaoqiao asked in unison.

They have learned many secrets recently, and it seems that the words "three million years ago" appear frequently.

"Yes, three million years ago..."

Ling Xiao's voice was very melancholy: "You seem to know something about three million years ago, you might as well tell me."

Li Qingyun said: "Three million years ago, wasn't it the time when this era started?"

"According to what this junior knows, a major event should have happened in the four major regions of Beiling three million years ago. This major event led to the destruction of Tiansha Palace founded by senior. Senior, you seem to have been hit hard and had to hide in the past. Holy Meteor Continent, and Tianji Pavilion has created a powerful formation to seal off the entire Holy Meteor Continent, and does not allow the Holy Meteor Continent to communicate with the outside world. "

Ling Xiao murmured: "No more?"

Li Qingyun thought for a while: "No more.

He does know some other secrets, but these secrets are all related to the Ghost Sea Forbidden Zone, or the legendary Ghost Sea Realm, which is from an older era.

"A big event did happen three million years ago, but this big event was by no means what you thought. I was not the protagonist of this big event, I was just a small character who came on stage after this big event happened... "

"This is a big deal..."

Ling Xiao said quietly:

"It swept almost half of the spiritual world..."

"At that time, there were at least ten Tianji Pavilion saints and hundreds of saints participated in the war, which eventually led to the death of nearly ten saints and two powerful saints suffered heavy losses."

Li Qingyun and Zhou Yaoqiao looked at each other, with extremely shocked expressions in their eyes. At this time, they were no longer anxious to ask about the news about Zhou Yaoqiao's father, Zhou Wanfu, and listened attentively to Ling Xiao's story.

"Three million years ago..."

"Or three million and ten years ago."

"Not only is it the beginning of a new era of immortality, it is also the beginning of the forbidden area of ​​​​the Sea of ​​Ghosts."

"On the first day of the new era of Immortal Dao, it is when the power of Immortal Dao is strongest, and when the Ghost Sea Forbidden Zone opens, it is the time when the power of the Great Taboo outside the Ghost Sea Forbidden Zone is at its weakest."

"Long, long before this day comes, there has been a saying in the spiritual world that on this day, a peerless strong man will enter the forbidden area of ​​​​the sea of ​​​​ghosts, slaughter all the creatures in the forbidden area, and help my immortal path prosper!"

"Originally, this statement was just talk, but as it spread, more and more people believed that this rumor was true. Even many powerful monks were deceived by this restless rumor, and many saints Invite friends and make an appointment to watch the peerless strongman before going to the Ghost Sea restricted area. If there is no peerless powerful person, then they will become that peerless powerful person and go to the restricted area..."

"A new era has begun. This is already the third era under the commander of the Immortal Dao. This symbolizes the prosperity of the Immortal Dao. All monks firmly believe that the Immortal Dao will continue forever. This is a manifestation of the peak of Immortal Dao practice. The monks in the entire spiritual world are Caught in a frenzy.”

"That day is slowly approaching."

"The fanatical monks attracted by the rumors rushed into the Holy Meteor Continent crazily and gathered in the current Nine Realms, the Desolate Realm, where your Qingshan Sect is located. They are looking forward to seeing the peerless powerhouse slaughtering the forbidden area and strengthening the Immortal Dao."

"At that time, Tiansha Palace basically controlled the entire Holy Meteor Continent. I was the master of Tiansha Palace..."

"I have never seen so many crazy people. Everyone's faces are covered with heat and madness. They are eager to witness something..."

"At that time, there were nearly fifty powerful men of the holy way, hundreds of thousands of powerful men above the Taoist realm, and more than tens of millions of monks below the Taoist realm..."

"They come from all over the spiritual world. Some are from ancient families in Zhongzhou. Some of them are extremely talented and even ride on holy-level mounts!"

"Although I can call the shots on the Holy Meteorite Continent, I know to shut up and declare that I am in seclusion. Therefore, no matter how they pour into the Holy Meteorite Continent, I won't say a word to anyone who comes to me."

"They started to gather a year in advance. A large number of monks gathered outside the Ghost Sea restricted area. Countless monks talked to each other, and madness spread among them."

"Madness and paranoia are contagious. Although these monks can cultivate to such a level, if everyone in their environment is crazy, everyone will become crazy."

"Within this year, these Crazy people began to plan to attack the Ghost Sea Forbidden Zone. Countless spiritual powers and star stones were donated by them, and a steady stream of precious treasures were transported here. They began to form an army and build war equipment. They found countless information about the Ghost Sea Forbidden Zone and even drew a map... "

"They no longer cared whether there were any peerless strongmen who wanted to take action. They decided to attack the Ghost Sea Forbidden Zone themselves!"


"They didn't expect,"

"The Ghost Sea Forbidden Zone was opened before the scheduled time..."

"That day, footsteps were heard from the forbidden zone..."

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