Super Sect Development System

Chapter 1431 Welcome, everyone

Three days passed by in a flash, and it was time for consultations agreed between the Qingshan Sect and the other four Taoist factions.

On this day, countless powerful people on the Holy Meteor Continent were watching Tianyin City, paying close attention to the results of the negotiations.

Because they all know that this negotiation will determine the fate of the Holy Meteor Continent.

Many powerful people are waiting in the sky outside Tianyin City without entering. They come from various forces. Some are Taoist Realm strongmen from the sects under the Four Dao Traditions, some are casual cultivators of Dongzhen Realm, and some simply go directly They are the core members of Xuankong Temple, Hidden Moon Valley or Qingluan Temple.

"I hope that this time, the three senior kings can reach a consensus with Sect Master Li, and do not let Sect Master Li's good intentions go down."


"When forming the Holy Fall Alliance, Sect Master Li already suffered the disadvantage of his young age. I hope he won't do it this time."


These powerful people were talking a lot, but without exception, they were all worried about Li Qingyun, fearing that the simple leader Li Qingyun would be deceived by three old foxes.


Suddenly, a person pointed to the sky.

Then he saw three terrifying rays of light coming from the horizon and swooping towards Tianyin Forest.

"They are the three senior kings!"

The four powerful men obviously noticed the people outside Tianyin City, but without any pause, they landed directly inside Tianyin City.

Tianyin City is the most suitable place for consultations. It is not safe to arrange such important negotiations in Qingshan Sect or any sect where a powerful king is. It can only be arranged in Tianyin Forest, which is currently neutral and has the strongest strength. Among the weak forces.

The senior officials of Qingluan Hall, Hiyue Valley, and Qingluan Hall landed in front of a palace in the center of Tianyin City. This place was the ancestral home of Tianyin Lin's Sun family, and the negotiations were arranged here.

The negotiation was handed over to Sha Jingtian, so Sha Jingtian stood in the center of the crowd.

At this time, his face was solemn and his steps were slow. As he walked towards the meeting place, he reviewed the speech he had prepared in his mind.

He had already thought about it. When he entered the ancestral home, he would first give Li Qingyun an arrogant look as a warning. The etiquette after that would not be enough to make the boy feel alienated and panicked.

Later, when negotiations begin, you must refute Li Qingyun one by one, break down his idealistic demands, tell him that they are unreasonable, and make him doubt himself.

Finally, when the naive boy Li Qingyun doubted himself, he took the opportunity to make a request, threatening him with the conditions of launching a war, forcing him to make a great oath, not to invade the other three sects for a million years, and forcing him to withdraw from Qingshan Port. Benefit distribution, Qingshan Port was renamed Qingluan Port.

In this way, not only the Qingluan Palace can be protected, but the development momentum of the Qingshan Sect will be completely curbed, and it will not be able to flourish again for at least a million years.

Behind Sha Jingtian, Zuo Qiuya and the abbot of Xuankong Temple naturally saw that Sha Jingtian was thinking, and did not rush Sha Jingtian. Instead, they followed him and walked slowly.

Suddenly, Sha Jingtian turned around and looked at Zuo Qiuya: "Brother Zuoqiu, among us, you are the only one who has some relationship with that Li Qingyun. Wait a moment and you will act accordingly. If my behavior offends Li Qingyun, you will take the opportunity to fight him." A round place.”

"Remember, before I make a request, I must appease Li Qingyun's emotions and must not offend him."

Hearing this, Zuo Qiuya nodded solemnly: "Don't worry, Fellow Daoist Sha, I will do my best to cooperate with you."

Sha Jingtian frowned and nodded, then looked at the abbot of Xuankong Temple: "Abbott, you are highly respected in the Holy Meteor Continent, and your words are very weighty. If some of my words are not strong enough, you must comply with me and help me build momentum. In this way, Only then can we defeat Li Qingyun and achieve our goal."


The abbot of Xuankong Temple was a little embarrassed, but in the end he sighed and said: "Okay! In order for Xuankong Temple to continue to exist, I will listen to you."


Sha Jingtian took a deep breath: "Everyone, everything is ready, let's go in!"

The senior officials of the three sects looked up at the Sun family's ancestral home, which was less than thirty feet in front of them, showed a solemn expression, sped up, and walked over.

The gate of the ancestral house is a tall mahogany door. At this time, two attendants with respectful expressions were standing outside the door. When they saw everyone approaching, they stepped forward and prepared to open the door.

But their movements were a bit slow. Sha Jingtian and the others were already standing at the door before they opened the door, so everyone waited at the door for a short while.

During this short period of time, Sha Jingtian looked at the gate, thinking that Li Qingyun, a naive young man, might be waiting to greet them inside the gate. He should show an arrogant expression now, so as to scare Li Qingyun immediately .

So, Sha Jingtian raised his head slightly, narrowed his eyes, and showed the most arrogant expression in his life,

But at this moment,


The heavy red door was pushed open,

Revealing the scene inside the gate,

I saw that the gate was very empty, with only a tall young figure standing in the center.

The man was wearing a green robe and had a calm expression. The moment the door opened, he raised his head, looked at the people outside, and grinned, showing his white teeth.

At this moment, the expression on Sha Jingtian's face froze, and at the same time his body shook wildly. An unprecedented life and death crisis appeared in the sea of ​​consciousness.

This is not the smile that a naive young person would have. This is simply the smile that can only be made by a devil!

be cheated!

"Welcome, everyone."

A sword light soared into the sky from Tianyin City.


Terrifying screams came from Tianyin City.

After that, everything returned to calm.

Everyone outside the city didn't understand what happened and looked at each other.

"What's going on here?"

"Is there a fight?"

"It's impossible. Even if we fight, it's impossible to decide the winner so quickly."

"Yes, maybe a junior offended Senior Sha and was taught a lesson. Senior Sha has a bad temper."

"It should be, it should be."

While everyone outside is comforting themselves,

Tianyin City, within the ancestral home of the Sun family,

Li Qingyun sat in the hall, carefully wiping the Qingfeng Sword.

Beside him, Zuo Qiuya and the abbot of Xuankong Temple were tightly tied with hemp ropes, and their faces were extremely pale.

"Sect Master Li, is this what you said, to use the minimum cost to eliminate misunderstandings and maintain peace in the Holy Meteor Continent?"

Li Qingyun smiled when he heard this, stood up and said: "I have thought about various possibilities. Compared with large-scale war, or laborious propaganda, negotiation, friction, and testing..."

"Killing a powerful king should be the minimum price."

"Of course, if killing one is not enough, you can kill three."

When Zuo Qiuya and Zuo Qiuya heard this, they were all excited and said in panic: "That's enough, that's enough, one is enough."

At this time, they finally realized what was wrong.

Sha Jingtian’s analysis of Li Qingyun was wrong from the beginning.

It's because Li Qingyun's recent behavior has been too gentle, causing them to forget about Li Qingyun and the Qingshan Sect's behavior...

Li Qingyun is not a naive idealist at all.

But a bandit who stays up all night and can solve most problems in the simplest and most rude way!

It's a pity that Sha Jingtian prepared a complete negotiation plan and died at the sword of Li Qingyun without saying a word until the end.

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