Super Sect Development System

Chapter 1439: The old donkey is missing?

"The sect leader has seen that since you left, the old donkey that often accompanied Uncle Liu suddenly disappeared. I sent people to search the back mountain several times, and even photographed some low-level disciples exploring the edge of the restricted area, but found nothing. Another disciple was slightly injured as a result.

The competition between Dong Meng and Sun Xingbo above the Holy Miracle Tower had already begun. At this time, Li Qingyun received such a message from Feng Yong.

Ren Ren saw that Li Qingyun's expression was different and stepped forward to ask.

Li Qingyun told the truth, Ren Ren was shocked: "Something is wrong, something is wrong! In the past, Lao Donkey disappeared with Uncle Liu, why has he disappeared by himself now?"

Li Qingyun nodded: "There is indeed something wrong, especially during this time period."

Ren Shen thought it was true: "Now is really the wrong time."

"It's spring after all. Maybe he was abducted by some pretty little female donkey."

Li Qingyun: "..."

"We'll see in two days. If the old donkey can't be found after two days, we'll go back to look for him."

Ren Ren was stunned and said: "Go back directly? What about this grand ceremony where the saint daughter recruits her husband? Are you not going to date the saint daughter?"

Li Qingyun said: "If the old donkey can't be found, it's okay not to participate in this grand ceremony."

Ren Ran looked at Li Qingyun with emotion: "Brother Li, I really saw you right. You can have such feelings for your enemy. You are really a good and kind person."

Li Qingyun ignored it and frowned, lost in thought.

At the same time, in the small world of the Divine Phoenix Sect, somewhere in space.

A figure in red robe stood respectfully.

The fire attribute aura on this person was extremely strong. He was Chu Yan who had gone to the Chaos Star Territory to look for Li Qingyun before.

He has been waiting here for several hours, but he is not impatient at all.

Finally, the surrounding space shook slightly, and a powerful will descended here.

"Tell me, Chu Yan, what is going on?"

The will did not appear, only humming sounds came from all directions.

Chu Yan hurriedly cupped his fists and saluted, and said respectfully: "Forefather, this matter has something to do with Zu Teng."

"Oh? Tell me."

Chu Yan said seriously: "Six months ago, a deacon who was living outside the sect suddenly died. According to the investigation, it was a young sect leader from the Holy Meteor Continent of the Chaotic Star Domain. According to the sect's rules, he should be killed directly. That little sect leader will set an example to others."

"But just when I was approaching the Chaos Star Territory and preparing to take action, suddenly..."

"Heard...a series of screams."

"It was sent by that being."

"Are you sure?" The voice in the space showed violent mood swings.

"I have sensed the aura left by that existence several times. There is nothing wrong with it." Chu Yan affirmed.

The will fell into silence.

a long time,

Will said: "Continue talking.

Chu Yan quickly said: "I don't know whether that existence is on the Holy Meteor Continent or within the restricted area. I just heard the warning to me and turned around to escape."

"After that, in order to find out what happened, I asked someone to send an invitation to the leader of the Holy Meteor Alliance in the Holy Meteor Continent, inviting him to this grand ceremony for the saint's son-in-law recruitment."

"The purpose is to find out information about that existence through him."

"Well done." The will praised him.

"Continue to observe that young man and report to me at any time if you have anything."

Say it, the surrounding space shook again, and the ancestor's will left.


Chu Yan breathed a deep sigh of relief, lowered his head and sent a message to several elders: "Keep an eye on the Holy Miracle Tower and take care of Sect Master Li who came from the Holy Fall Alliance."

The elder replied: "Excuse me, what is the specific name of Sect Master Li?"

Chu Yan was stunned for a moment and replied: "It's not important, just remember the Holy Meteor Alliance."


Relic Tower.

boom! boom! boom! boom! boom!

Five terrifying auras descended in succession, hanging high in the sky outside the Holy Miracle Tower.

"I have met five semi-saint elders."

The disciples of the Divine Phoenix Sect immediately recognized that the five terrifying auras were the five semi-saint elders with extremely high status in the sect.

A semi-saint strong person is a strong person who has stepped out of the Hedao realm and is only half a step away from the true holy world.

Even in the Divine Phoenix Sect, the status of such a powerful person is extremely high, and most of them usually stay in seclusion in the cave and rarely appear.

As it is now, it is very rare for five to appear at once.

When everyone below saw this, they immediately became excited and whispered:

"Five semi-saints are here. I think some saint-level elders must have paid attention to this place."

"As soon as Sun Xingbo and Dong Meng started competing, five elders came. Is it possible that there is someone high-level attention among these two people?"

"It's very possible. I think Sun Xingbo's talent is very strong and he has a good chance of becoming an eighth-level disciple."

"Why would a mere eighth-level disciple photograph five half-saints coming to investigate?"

"Then what kind of disciple do you think the five Half-Saints are investigating? Could it be that they are the Son of the Holy Son?"

"Hey, how is that possible..."


The people below were talking a lot, and the two people above the Holy Miracle Tower were working even harder. Sun Xingbo's face was full of excitement. Now it was a competition between him and Dong Meng. Dong Meng was from the outside sect, and the five half-saint elders were sure Don’t pay attention to people from other sects,

It must be me!

I have attracted the attention of senior officials!

He was almost shaking with excitement,

Laughing wildly inside,

Hahahaha... I, Sun Xingbo, have been practicing diligently for many years, and I dare not be negligent. Is it finally going to bear fruit now?

After the inspection of the five semi-saints, I can at least be promoted to the tenth-level disciple. At that time, I can surpass 97% of the people in the Shenhuang Sect and become one of the few geniuses!

In this way, Sun Xingbo became more and more courageous, constantly breaking through the divine thoughts on the Holy Relics Tower, and in a blink of an eye, he broke through the 20th floor.

You know, before today, his best result was only the 17th floor!

At this time, Dong Meng's face was filled with extreme regret. He thought the same as Sun Xingbo. The five semi-saints came at this time, definitely not to see him, an outsider, but to see Sun Xingbo.

Being able to get the care of the five semi-saints, this Sun Xingbo must be much stronger than he imagined.

Because even if he was in the sect, at most he would get the attention of some elders in the Hedao realm.

In this way, his momentum became weaker and weaker,

Finally, he stopped at the 18th floor.

He failed.

But it was obvious that his original strength was not just the eighteenth level. The arrival of the five saints hit his confidence and limited his strength.

Standing on the 20th floor of the Holy Relics Tower, Sun Xingbo announced loudly: "Fellow Daoists from the outer sects, thank you for letting us win the first round. Our Shenhuang Sect will win."

After that, he looked up confidently at the five semi-saints in the sky, hoping to get the affirmation of these five elders.

But he found that the five semi-saints were suspended in the sky, motionless, and did not even look at him.

The others naturally noticed Sun Xingbo's actions, and they were immediately shocked, and the same surprise surged in their hearts:

"Could it be that the five semi-saints are not looking for Sun Xingbo?"

But at the same time, there was also the same curiosity:

"Who are the five semi-saints coming for?"

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