Super Sect Development System

Chapter 1451 Undercurrent

When Tan Mei fainted and Li Qingyun was protecting Tan Mei, the bodies of the others swayed and appeared in Li Qingyun's cave.

At that moment, he directly saw the movements of Li Qingyun and Tan Mei, as well as Li Qingyun's frowning expression.

He quickly said:

"Sorry, sorry, we came at the wrong time.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I didn't expect you two..."

Li Qingyun looked up at Ren Ren and Zhou Yaoqiao who were gloating about their misfortune, and said resentfully: "Why don't you come over and help."

Ren Ren and Zhou Yaoqiao suppressed their laughter and stepped forward to help.

After a while, with the efforts of several people, Tan Mei slowly woke up.

Ren Ren and Zhou Yaoqiao haven't asked yet.

Li Qingyun jumped in front of the two of them and said: "Fellow Taoist Tan, except for some mistakes in your practice just now, fortunately after our treatment, you are much better now."

"Didn't you say you wanted to take us to the cave? Lead the way."

"But, but..." Tan Mei hesitated: "Those ten stars..."

"What Shi Meixing!" Li Qingyun glared and urged: "Let's go, let's go, lead the way."

"Okay, okay."

Tan Mei looked at Li Qingyun confused, why did she want the money just now, but not now?

"Fellow Taoists, please come here. I will take you to the best VIP cave."

Li Qingyun and the others followed Tan Mei and left.

On the way, Ren Ren and Zhou Yaoqiao stared at Li Qingyun suspiciously, but in the end they didn't find any clues and gave up.

And Li Qingyun secretly cursed in his heart,

Why did he feel guilty as if he was a thief when he let them come, and stopped talking to Tan Mei?

Why do you have a guilty conscience?

Have you never felt guilty before?

Li Qingyun somewhat understood. It seemed that after his friend said that he was slow to respond to women, some of his thoughts had quietly changed.

Li Qingyun and others live in a residence built specifically for guests by the Divine Phoenix Sect. This residence is very high and can accommodate hundreds of thousands of people, but it has a strict hierarchy. One-star palace guests live at the bottom, and the higher up they go. , the higher the status of the resident guest.

When everyone came out of the original cave, they thought Tan Mei was going to take them to the top cave and go back to the top floor. Unexpectedly, with a hand seal in Tan Mei's hand, she directly led Li Qingyun and others to turn around and face the low-rise buildings of the Divine Phoenix Sect. Go to Dongfu District.

The mountain gate of Shenhuang Sect is located in the center of the small world. The small world is not separated from the spiritual world. The sun rises in the east and sets in the west. It also has the four seasons of spring, summer, autumn and winter, so it does not look any different from the outside world.

At this time, the sun was setting in the west, and the huge and dim sun was slowly setting in the west along the horizon. The sunset was like a fire. Li Qingyun and others were flying high in the sky, looking at this scene, feeling a little dazed for a while.

But at this moment,

Tan Mei's soft voice sounded: "Fellow Taoists, we are here."

Everyone came back to their senses and looked down, only to see a majestic mountain range below. This mountain range is located in the center of the mountains and looks the most unique. It is covered with green pines and cypresses, surrounded by clouds and mist, just like a fairyland. Feel carefully. , you can also see the extremely rich spiritual energy filling the air. At first glance, it is an excellent holy place for long-term practice.

"Is this here?" Li Qingyun asked with patient surprise.

Tan Mei smiled and said: "Exactly, this place was the practice place of an elder of the Holy Path countless years ago, but unfortunately, the elder died in an accident, and this dojo became empty."

"No one is qualified to live here on weekdays. Only when distinguished guests come, will they be arranged to stay here temporarily."

Ren clicked his tongue a little and asked uncertainly: "So, let us live here now?"

Tan Mei nodded: "Exactly."

Ren Ran: "Are you sure you're not mistaken?"

Tan Mei said: "I'm sure not."

Ren Ren turned to look at Li Qingyun and asked via voice transmission: "Brother Li, how did you trick them again?"

Li Qingyun said helplessly: "It really didn't happen this time."

"What's going on? How can we be accommodated in a place that only powerful saints are qualified to live in?"

"Tell me, did you want to date a saint, so you forged a false identity and deceived the Divine Phoenix Sect?"

Li Qingyun said impatiently: "How many times have I told you, I, Li Qingyun, am not a shallow person. I have important things to do when I come here, and it has nothing to do with the saint daughter's recruitment of a son-in-law."

"Everyone, please stay here for the time being. This is the token for this dojo's formation. Fellow Taoist, please." Tan Mei handed a token to Li Qingyun's hand.

Li Qingyun took the token and said calmly, "Okay, I understand."

Tan Mei said knowingly, "In that case, I'll take my leave first."

"Don't forget, everyone, in three days' time, the ceremony for the saint's son-in-law recruitment will begin."

Li Qingyun said calmly: "Okay."

Tan Mei smiled again: "You haven't asked your Taoist friends for their names yet?"

Li Qingyun frowned and said, "Zheng Yuan."

Tan Mei said dumbly: "Isn't my Taoist surname Li?"

Li Qingyun was stunned. It turned out that he had already revealed that his surname was Li before the Holy Miracle Tower.

"That's not important. It's a Taoist name. My real name is Zheng Yuan."

Tan Mei suddenly realized: "Well, Taoist friend Zheng Yuan, Tan Mei takes her leave."

After that, he turned around and left.

Li Qingyun and others were left looking at each other with puzzled faces, not knowing exactly what happened, which made the Divine Phoenix Sect improve their standards.

After settling Li Qingyun, Tan Mei immediately took out the communication token and sent a message to the senior leaders: "Reporting to the elders, the man has been settled. I found out that his name is Zheng Yuan."

Somewhere in the space above the Shenhuang Sect,

Chu Yan and several semi-saint elders gathered together and saw Tan Mei's message together.

"Since the news has been almost received, you can go back first. This saint will go to see the ancestor again. The ancestor... is still waiting for me." Chu Yan stood up and said to everyone the moment he saw the message.

Many semi-saints were shocked when they heard the words. The ancestor Chu Yan mentioned was the ancestor of the Shenhuang Sect. He was a big man who really stood at the top of the world. He usually didn't care about the affairs of the sect, but now, he was waiting for Chu Yan!

It can be seen how much they valued the young man named Zheng Yuan!

"I'll take my leave!"

They knew they couldn't ask more questions, so they all took their leave tactfully and disappeared on the spot.

Chu Yan's body also moved out of thin air, and the next moment, he appeared in the hidden space again.

The ancestor of the Shenhuang Sect was still waiting here.

"Ancestor, the young man has been settled, and we found out that his name is Zheng Yuan."

"What is the big thing you mentioned before?"

The ancestor was silent for a moment, and slowly said:

"Although Zhongzhou has not responded to the claims of the Hades and the Saints, this seat and several other saints who are not from Zhongzhou are somewhat moved, so..."

"The Saint Maiden Ceremony in three days will..."

The voice of the ancestor of the Shenhuang Sect was barely audible, but after the voice fell,

Chu Yan's eyes were filled with a kind of horrified shock, and he swallowed his saliva: "Yes..."

"I will definitely get this done!"

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