Super Sect Development System

Chapter 1478 Ten Thousand

With a faint sigh, Li Qingyun only felt that the shattered competition platform under his feet quickly recovered, and he quickly resumed his down-to-earth attitude.

A whistling sound came from the darkness all around, and then a giant object landed in front of Li Qingyun.


The moment it landed, Li Qingyun subconsciously took a few steps back with a solemn look on his face.

The giant thing that fell was none other than the puppet who had been talking to him in the darkness just now, but the appearance of this puppet surprised him greatly.

Logically speaking, this kind of extremely intelligent puppet should have the same appearance as a real person and be lifelike, but the puppet in front of him looks extremely ferocious.

Its overall structure is in the shape of an animal, with sharp teeth on its head and ferocious eyes. However, there are ragged wounds on its huge body. Because of the puppet structure, no blood flows out, but there is a terrifying death aura spreading. It makes people’s hearts tremble when they see it.

"Senior, I didn't expect you to look like this." Li Qingyun expressed his surprise directly.

The puppet twisted its heavy head and said stiffly: "I was originally a puppet with saint-level strength, but in the final battle, I was severely injured. The core formation was almost completely damaged, and even my memory was lost. many."

"Has the memory also been lost?" Li Qingyun asked with a frown. He was also planning to ask the puppet for some information about the seventeenth fortress...

"Yes, except for the memory of this level of training, all other memories are slowly lost as the years go by."

"I have been guarding this eighth level since I was born, providing trials for the testers on the eighth level. The memory of the eighth level is the most basic and instinctive, so it has not been erased, but the other... I have completely forgotten……"

The puppet's voice was still very stiff, but Li Qingyun could hear a lot of sadness in its words.

He nodded and said: "That's fine, let's just talk about rewards."

"Senior just said, can I give out rewards at will?"

The puppet said stiffly: "Succeeding in the Forbidden Son difficulty challenge means that you will at least become a saint in the Immortal Star Territory in the future. Logically speaking, I will try my best to satisfy you with any request you make."

Li Qingyun blushed when he heard this: "How embarrassing..."

The puppet said: "It doesn't matter, as long as the conditions are within my ability, I can satisfy you."

Li Qingyun said coyly: "Then..."


"Senior, if you want to say this..."

"Junior, I am very embarrassed to ask..."

"Senior, just hang out with me from now on."


Everyone in the audience: "..."

There was dead silence on the eighth floor.

Everyone in the audience stared at Li Qingyun dumbfounded, almost petrified...

What the hell...

Still human?

I asked you to make requests casually, but you really made them casually!

You don’t know what politeness means, you bastard!

Are you really not afraid that this puppet will slap you to death?

Yu Xiaoye also sweated for Li Qingyun, sighing that this dear man is really not an ordinary person, he really has some of the temperament of that person back then...

The silence lasted for a long time, and the puppet's stiff voice sounded again: "I have thought carefully about it just now. It is obviously within my ability to hang out with you in the future.

"But I have been infected with the ominous power. Although because I am a puppet, this ominous power has not exploded, but it has been connected with me and the eighth layer, and it is impossible to separate. ”

"Therefore, I cannot go with you."

Everyone in the audience was dumbfounded again, staring blankly at the puppet.

It really works...

Someone made a request for you to hang out with him. You, a dignified saint-level puppet, actually seriously considered it?

Could it be that his head was damaged?

Li Qingyun was puzzled: "This... okay, I will be considerate of you."

Everyone was speechless again and didn't bother to complain about Li Qingyun. This bastard really embodied the four words "big tail wolf" vividly.

Puppet: "Thank you."

Everyone: "..."

Li Qingyun asked: "Senior, do you have any treasures?"

Everyone: "!!!"

The puppet thought for a while and said: "To tell you the truth, boy, except for the armor on the Suan beast just now, I have nothing now."

Li Qingyun: "???"

"Then what rewards do you want to mention casually?"

The puppet said: "In the past, rewards were given casually, but now the eighth floor has not received supplies for who knows how long, so there are not many things that can be given."

Everyone in the audience heard this and gloated: "Hahahaha..."

Li Qingyun stared down, and everyone immediately shut up, not daring to laugh again.

"Then what rewards do seniors have now?" Li Qingyun asked seriously: "Is there any true blood that has taboos?"

The puppet shook his head and said: "There has never been a drop of forbidden blood since the eighth level until now."

"The only treasures I have left now are the cyan armor worn by the Suan beast just now, and a long sword from unknown origin."

Li Qingyun said bitterly: "Is there nothing else?"

"No more." The puppet said matter-of-factly.

Everyone in the audience looked at Li Qingyun with sympathy,

Indeed, anyone would be sad when encountering this kind of situation. Originally, his reward should be freely proposed without restrictions, but now he only has a pair of armor and a long sword. The gap is indeed huge.

But Li Qingyun is Li Qingyun after all. He is not someone who will give up easily. He took a step forward and stared into the puppet's eyes:

"I don't believe it."

The puppet seemed helpless: "There is no need for me to lie to you."

Li Qingyun said: "Then let me ask you, do you have the blood of the Saint?"

"Uh, this..." The puppet said stiffly: "Yes, there are still five drops in stock."

"Okay! I want them all!"

Li Qingyun shouted and asked: "Do you have any more blood of the Saint?"

The puppet said: "There are more than 30 drops."

"I want it too!"

"What about the king-level true blood?"

The puppet said: "This is more, and there should be thousands of pounds at present."

Li Qingyun slapped his thigh: "I want it too!!"

"Do you have any ordinary true blood?"

The puppet said: "No."

Li Qingyun was stunned: "Why?"

The puppet said: "Because the value of ordinary true blood is too low, it is not worth rewarding."

Li Qingyun suddenly realized: "I see."

The eyes of the people in the audience kept twitching. So that's what it is! No matter how you think about it, no one would pay attention to ordinary real blood! You actually did this, you mixed match!

"What are the rewards for ordinary level challenges?"

The puppet said: "No reward."

Li Qingyun was still unsatisfied and said: "Well... let's just say what you said first."

The puppet suddenly emitted spatial power, and a set of green battle armor and a silver-white long sword with a scabbard fell in front of Li Qingyun.

Then, thousands of pounds of king-level real blood were placed in several spatial bone bottles and fell in front of Li Qingyun.

More than 30 drops of saint blood and five drops of saint blood were placed in exquisite jade bottles and finally fell down.

"Not bad, not bad..."

Li Qingyun looked at the spoils in front of him with a satisfied face.

Just when everyone in the audience thought that Li Qingyun's blackmail was about to end,

Li Qingyun said:

"These jade bottles are really good, senior, can you give me 10,000 of these jade bottles?"

Everyone fell to the ground together: "\u0026#@¥*#@****!!"

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