Super Sect Development System

Chapter 1841: For the sake of your sincerity

In fact, when Li Qingyun was lying just now, he felt a little nervous.

He was not sure whether King Sirius understood the value of the Star Stone.

According to his observation, it seems that the Sirius King's department does not use star stones, so he dares to lie so boldly.

"Okay, let's make the deal for 50,000 low-grade star stones!"

The Sirius King took over Li Qingyun's low-grade star stone and was very happy in his heart.

In fact, when he just said that the more than 100 magic weapons made from ghost sea stones were worth half a holy treasure, he was just talking nonsense.

Although the ghost sea stone magic weapon is a little more valuable than ordinary magic weapons, it is not that exaggerated. If there are more than a hundred pieces, they are only worth one-tenth of the holy treasure at most.

But he didn't expect that Li Qingyun would be so cheerful and directly give him a star stone worth half a holy treasure.

I made five times my profit in one go, which was really embarrassing.

His ears were slightly red.

She thought to herself that after all, Li Qingyun was a guest from outside and was here to help the Heavenly Wolf King's tribe. She shouldn't have tricked him like this. Let's just do it this time.

I also want the Sirius King to have more star stones that can be converted into spiritual power.

At the same time, Li Qingyun also felt a little guilty.

The holy treasure was obviously worth 10 million star stones, but he said it was worth 100,000, and he made the Sirius King a hundred times as much when he changed hands.

It's really a bit much...

Although I am here to help, helping the Sirius King is to help myself. It is better not to go too far. I must increase the price appropriately for the Sirius King later.

"Fellow Daoist Li, please come this way. This is the formation area. It displays some formations that have been handed down from endless years ago. Of course, there are also some residual formations that my Sirius King's team obtained in the restricted area."

The Sirius King smiled and waved, leading Li Qingyun towards the formation area inside the treasure house.

"Please look at this formation disk. It comes from the Sirius King's tribe from endless years ago. It can be used to gather the power of faith and summon a giant beast that matches the attributes of the caster."

"Please look at this array plate. I don't know where it comes from. It is said to come from a small holy land. After using it, it can simulate ghosts and ghosts within a radius of thousands of miles. All enemies within this range will be eroded by ghosts and their strength will be weakened. "

"This is a corner of the killing array, coming from the restricted area of ​​the Ghost Sea. According to the calculations of my ancestors of the Heavenly Wolf King, the body of this corner of the killing array may be above the level of a saint..."

"This is also a corner killing array..."

The Sirius King introduced Li Qingyun enthusiastically.

Li Qingyun also watched carefully, but his eyes mostly stayed on the unknown killing formation from the Ghost Sea restricted area, and he was less interested in the killing formation of the Sirius King's tribe.

Finally, the Sirius King finished introducing more than thirty kinds of killing formations here.

Li Qingyun asked: "Fellow Heavenly Wolf King, how much are these killing formations worth? I happen to need some protective formations in my sect, and I want them all.

The Sirius King thought for a while and said: "The value of these killing arrays... is probably worth half a holy treasure..."

Li Qingyun thought for a while and said: "Fellow Heavenly Wolf King, you don't have to be humble. I see that these formations are extremely miraculous, and the value of a half-sacred treasure is far inferior."

"In this case, I will give you the price of a holy treasure!"

Hearing this, the Sirius King's body shook wildly: "This is absolutely impossible!"

He thought to himself, these formations are worth at most one-tenth of the holy treasure, you just give me a holy treasure! Wouldn’t it be a tenfold loss?

I don’t want to trick you like this!

Li Qingyun also shouted in his heart.

Sirius King, Sirius King! Why are you so stubborn! If I say I’ll give you one, I’ll give you one! Even if I give you one piece, I still make fifty times the price difference from you!

As he said that, without any explanation, he took out a storage bag and forced it into the hands of the Sirius King: "This is one hundred thousand low-grade star stones! Take it!"

The Sirius King took the star stone and looked at Li Qingyun with complicated eyes: "Fellow Daoist Li... thank you very much!"

At this moment, he understood clearly.

When Li Qingyun deliberately raised the price, the Sirius King realized it.

He understood Li Qingyun's painstaking efforts.

This Elf kid who looks like he’s cheating has actually always wanted to help me, but in order to protect my self-esteem, he was unwilling to give me the Star Stone directly. Instead, he helped me by deliberately raising the price!

This behavior... is so touching!

This Li Qingyun... is really a man of high righteousness! honourable!

"The next one is the elixir seal area, right?" Li Qingyun looked up, saw the name behind the formation area, and asked.

"Exactly, I will take fellow Taoist fellows in."

The Sirius King led Li Qingyun more seriously into the last area of ​​the treasure house.

The elixir talisman seal area.

"Fellow Daoist Li, although there are very few masters in the tribe who are good at alchemy and talisman making, there are still many extremely high-grade elixirs and talismans in this treasure house."

"Is it also from the Ghost Sea restricted area?" Li Qingyun asked.

"Fellow Taoist is really a smart person," the Sirius King praised Li Qingyun, and then said with a smile: "But that's not entirely true. Some of the elixirs were left over from the hands of the previous generations of Sirius Kings."

"That's what they got from the sea of ​​ghosts from endless years ago..."

Having said this, the Sirius King pointed to a pill box in front of him.

"Fellow Taoist, please see, this elixir comes from the Ghost Sea Realm back then. There is a record on the front of the elixir box."

Li Qingyun stepped forward and looked carefully at the pill box, clearly seeing five big characters on it.

These five characters were obviously ancient writing, but Li Qingyun understood their meaning at the first glance.

"Ghost Sea Pill Palace System?"

"Exactly!" said the Sirius King: "According to ancient records, during the heyday of the Ghost Sea Realm, there were several extremely powerful branch sects."

"Three of them are the most famous."

"One is the Lingxiang Palace, which is in charge of the totems of all races. The second is the Zhan Palace, which has the strongest fighting power among all races. The third... is the Guihai Dan Palace, which has the highest level of super alchemy among all races."

Li Qingyun was a little excited when he heard this.

He had a deep connection with the Lingxiang Palace, so he naturally knew the existence of the Guihai Dan Palace, but he didn't expect to see something related to it here.

"Legend has it that at that time, every hundred years, the Ghost Sea Pill Hall would give each royal tribe a holy-grade pill, but at that time each royal tribe was too powerful, and this holy-grade pill was even preserved."

"This pill is what was preserved back then."

The Heavenly Wolf King pointed to several other pills and said, "These pills are the same."

If these pills are taken back and studied carefully, perhaps some alchemy skills from countless years ago can be seen, which will be of great help to one's own alchemy...

Li Qingyun took a deep breath to ease his inner excitement and asked, "How much are these pills worth?"

The Heavenly Wolf King was silent, as if he was struggling in his heart.

Finally, he sighed and said, "Since you are so sincere, I will give it to you for free."

Li Qingyun: "???????"


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