Super Sect Development System

Chapter 2109: The intention of Huacai Zhenren

"Now the Swallowing Sky Bird is..."


Li Qingyun was stunned when he saw this and said, "Is it, stuck?"

With the fall of this sky thunder, Huacai Zhenren was split into charcoal again.

But in the blink of an eye, he returned to normal!

"Now the Swallowing Sky Bird..."

"Stop!" Li Qingyun stopped.

Huacai Zhenren was a little confused, but he didn't continue to talk, just looked at Li Qingyun strangely.

Li Qingyun smiled and said, "I want to know why you are on the Chaos Nine Mountains first!"

Huacai Zhenren's eyes lit up when he heard this, and he said excitedly, "We are imprisoned on the Chaos Nine Mountains!"

This time, no sky thunder fell again!

Li Qingyun looked at the sky and continued to ask, "Who imprisoned us?"

Huacai Zhenren said, "By..."


With just one word, Huacai Zhenren was split into charcoal!

This time the sky thunder was extremely fierce, and almost split Huacai Zhenren into ashes!

Moreover, Huacai Zhenren, who was bombarded by the sky thunder, could never recover quickly.

After a hundred breaths, Huacai Zhenren finally recovered!

Li Qingyun hurriedly stopped him and asked the next question: "What should you do if you want to go out?"

Huacai Zhenren heard this, a trace of loneliness flowed from his eyes: "If you want us to go out, we need to get rid of..."


After a hundred breaths, Huacai Zhenren finally recovered...

He was about to say something when he was stopped by Li Qingyun.

"Do you want to go out?" Li Qingyun asked

"Of course!"

"Then answer my question!"


Li Qingyun stared at the eyes of this 'Huacai Zhenren', and then he understood the real Huacai Zhenren's intention!

The so-called third trial is simply a cover-up!

In this illusion, Huacai Zhenren is immortal, so he can say a lot of things!

Although it will be forcibly terminated at every critical part, it also allows Li Qingyun to get a lot of information!

This group of old members of the Swallowing Sky Bird were all captured in the Chaos Nine Mountains!

And they are restrained by a certain person or a certain force, and cannot escape from the cage of Chaos Nine Mountains!

Li Qingyun took a deep breath and said, "What is the Chaos Qi covering?"

"It's us." Hua Cai Zhenren said softly, without the arrogance just now.

"Are you trapped in the cage behind the Chaos Qi?"

During the trial of the Guardian Spirit of the Seventh Mountain, because Li Qingyun and the Gray Sword Saint destroyed the foundation of a large number of mountains in a duel, a hunter from the Bloodthirsty Demon Sect was attracted.

The moment the hunter appeared, Li Qingyun actually saw the appearance behind the Chaos Qi, and there were countless cages inside!

At that moment, Li Qingyun even thought he was dazzled!

Hua Cai Zhenren didn't say anything, just nodded.

"There is another question, which is very critical." Li Qingyun paused and looked back at Ren You: "Why do you want to protect him?"

But because of Ren You's existence, almost all the actions of this group of mountain-guarding puppets are very contradictory!

On the one hand, their performance in the trial seemed to be letting people go. Which force's trial would move mountains with Li Qingyun in such an occasion?

On the other hand, when there is real danger, they will remind and protect everyone one step ahead!

The Gray Sword Saint moved the mountain with Li Qingyun at the Seventh Mountain, which was obviously letting people go!

In fact, he was stalling for time!

If Li Qingyun calculated correctly, if the two of them did not destroy the mountain to attract hunters.

That battle should have dragged on for a long time under the guidance of the Gray Sword Saint!

It was not until the Eighth Mountain Tianling was captured by the group of Saint Lords and collectively left the Eighth Mountain that everyone was let go!

The appearance of the hunter immediately made the group of mountain guarding puppets a little anxious, and they directly protected everyone regardless of everything.

They also accidentally threw them into the relatively safe medicine garden of the Divine Medicine Sect on the Eighth Mountain, allowing them to solve the problem of Mei Suer by the way!

Li Qingyun saw all this, otherwise, he would not have used Ren You as a sword to resist their attack before!

Huacai Zhenren looked at Ren You and sighed, "It's not the time yet. You can't get any related memories, otherwise you will be targeted."

Li Qingyun asked in confusion, "Who is targeting?"

Huacai Zhenren said, "By..."


This time, he almost turned him into ashes!

Seeing this, Li Qingyun had a guess in his mind.

The strength of the thunder depends on the sensitivity of what Huacai Zhenren said.

According to the degree of the two times Huacai Zhenren's body was broken.

The people who imprisoned the mountain-guarding puppets should be the same group as the people Huacai Zhenren said they would target them just now, or the same force!

In addition, Li Qingyun had stopped Ren You from the Tianji Pavilion before, and the people who took Ren You away at that time were the reincarnated ones!

And the force targeting the reincarnated ones is the immortals!

All this may be planned by the immortals...

If Li Qingyun guessed correctly, the chaotic energy should not be all over the sky as it is now, and it should only be in certain key nodes, such as the position of the mountain-guarding spirit.

But after the immortals intervened, the sky above the Chaos Nine Mountains was directly filled with chaotic energy, becoming a cage for the immortals to imprison these powerful monks!

Otherwise, these ancient sects would not have settled down on the Chaos Nine Mountains from the beginning!

Who is willing to live under the surveillance of the immortals?

On the other side, the Kunlun Crime Realm can imprison low-level people because they cannot break through the boundary wall of the Kunlun Crime Realm.

The Nine Mountains of Chaos imprison those monks who are powerful enough to break through the boundary wall of Kunlun's sinful realm!

And those pieces of jade that are enough to resist the erosion of the energy of chaos should have been jointly created by the original forces on the Nine Mountains of Chaos, in order to unite outsiders to jointly resist the immortal clan!

Li Qingyun took the opportunity to ask about the jade piece, wanting to confirm whether his idea was correct.

Huacai Zhenren, who had just reorganized and recovered, immediately lost his expression when he heard the jade piece.

"Those jade pieces were originally used together with outside monks to resist the pressure from the immortal clan, but later they were used by some young people!"

Li Qingyun wondered: "How to use it?"

A look of anger flashed across Master Huacai's face, and he angrily said: "Just like the group of bat cubs in the Seventh Mountain. They locate foreign monks through jade pieces, and then send hunters to capture them and refine them into blood elixirs!"

Li Qingyun's heart moved: "Is there such a force on the Ninth Mountain?"

Master Huacai said calmly: "Of course, but they will also be more careful."

"After all, the ninth mountain of the Nine Mountains of Chaos is generally called the Mountain of Freedom by outsiders."

"Because there are no rules on the Ninth Mountain, there are many fights and massacres. Being able to gain a foothold on the Ninth Mountain shows that it is strong and not something that ordinary sects can afford!"

"In other words, the stronger the sect, the less disdainful it is to do such a thing, so only the weak among them will target outsiders."

"But it is precisely because of this that more ancient sects are trying to challenge the weakest sect in the Ninth Mountain!"

"There are even assassins sent by some sects to weaken the weakest sect in the Ninth Mountain!"

Li Qingyun was shocked after hearing this.

Ninth Mountain, there are no rules...

In other words, if they take one careless step, they may be slapped to death by a powerful monk passing by!

Whether they can survive or not depends entirely on the mood of those people...

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