Super Sect Development System

Chapter 2128 The Secret of the Low Wall

Li Qingyun hurried to the low wall and observed it carefully with his spiritual power!

But when Li Qingyun really observed this low wall, the content recorded on it instantly boosted Li Qingyun's spirit!

The patterns on it had completely condensed into substance in Li Qingyun's eyes, and were indeed engraved on the low wall.

There were a large number of animal totems and various Dharma images on it, and these patterns seemed to be in different places, and some places were stacked on each other.

But it was obvious that only by finding the secret on the low wall could everyone find the next goal.

Li Qingyun was a little overwhelmed for a while, and immediately concentrated his spiritual power and began to look for a trace of rules in the chaos.

Because this wall was very short, only one head taller than everyone, the patterns of Dharma images and totems on it were densely arranged.

At a glance, there was almost no open space on it!

Li Qingyun's head ached even more when he saw this. He counted carefully and found that there were more than seventy Dharma images and more than thirty totems on it.

However, because the picture was too crowded, it took Li Qingyun a lot of effort just to pick them out one by one, which also led to the first sign that his spiritual power was about to be exhausted!

Afterwards, Li Qingyun actually felt that his spiritual power was almost exhausted!

As a last resort, he had to temporarily stop comprehending and sit cross-legged on the spot to recover.

At the same time, everyone saw Li Qingyun standing up to comprehend the low wall, and they also observed the low wall with their spiritual power.

But the highest spiritual power of everyone was only less than the Saint Venerable Realm, and they could not bear this consumption at all!

Those who were slightly better, such as Ren Hongyuan, Hu Yanzhuo and Ling Xiao, had a high realm themselves, so they could comprehend for a longer time.

However, it was only slightly longer than the others.

When they couldn't bear it anymore and had to quit the meditation, Li Qingyun had stood up again and returned to the low wall to start a new round of meditation.

Because this place is in the Zhantian Sect, everyone's situation is very safe at this time.

The only uncertainty can only come from the dojo left by Han Huai!

But Li Qingyun had a hunch in his heart that before they cracked the secret of this low wall, there should be no abnormal movement in this dojo.

Therefore, Li Qingyun did not choose the fastest way. He did not take the pills condensed by the million-year-old spiritual medicine Tianling, but it took only a short time to recover to the peak!

This is enough to show that Li Qingyun's recovery ability is really amazing!

He sat cross-legged in front of the low wall again, and then separated the Dharma images and totems one by one, trying to find the hidden rules in this chaos.

Soon, Li Qingyun broke away again and sat cross-legged to recover his mental strength.

Because of their high "efficiency", everyone has already meditated about four rounds at this time.

But except for the three people with high realms, the others did not find any clues, they just knew that this wall was a little extraordinary.

But Byron was not among these others.

Byron just sat on the stone pier, silently observing the two exquisite jade cups placed on the stone table, and occasionally turned back to observe Li Qingyun's state.

In this way, Li Qingyun recovered three rounds of spiritual power before he completely separated the hundreds of patterns on the wall!

Afterwards, Li Qingyun did not rest, and directly began to look for the relationship between the blocks of the pattern.

Just this one search, he searched for another five rounds.

Before the sixth round of comprehension began, Li Qingyun seemed to suddenly realize something.

He took out several patterns recorded in the sea of ​​consciousness separately, and after arranging them, he seemed to have discovered the rules!

Li Qingyun suddenly opened his eyes, and a gleam of light flashed in his eyes!

Found it...

The pattern arrangement on this low wall not only filled the entire wall, but also had some intersections.

Li Qingyun originally thought that the interlacing of those patterns was due to the size of the low wall when Han Huai was carving.

But now, it seems that it is a bit of a waste of effort!

All the interlaced totems or Dharma images have their own unique attributes!

For example, a muscular ancient ape, under its pattern, there is actually a golden giant, and at the same time, a red demon!

At first glance, among these three, only the golden giant seems to have some relationship with the ape. If the ape has diluted its blood, it may turn into a golden giant.

But looking at the demon, it has nothing to do with the ancient ape.

And from Li Qingyun's observation, their similarity is that they are mainly based on body refining, and their vitality far exceeds that of other races!

Looking carefully, under the golden giant is a macaque emitting golden light and several other races that cannot be named, and they all have a strong breath of life.

After discovering this, the arrangement of these Dharma images and totems became much easier.

Li Qingyun only needed to compare the intersections of the patterns on the wall and arrange them in a tower shape according to the size of the patterns.

In the end, Li Qingyun got an arrangement that he felt very familiar with!

This familiar arrangement was exactly the same as the totem wall in the world of the king!

After discovering this, Li Qingyun immediately broke away from the state of comprehension and gathered everyone together.

Li Qingyun explained happily: "The Dharma images and totems carved on this low wall are arranged according to the origin of blood!"

As soon as this was said, Ren Hongyuan, Hu Yanzhuo and Ling Xiao were confused and hurriedly asked Li Qingyun.

"According to the origin of blood, how can a figure of the Saint appear under the Dharma image of the Nether Clan's aura?" Ling Xiao asked.

Li Qingyun smiled and pointed to the place where Ling Xiao said and said: "What attributes does the Dharma image of the Nether Clan's aura represent?"

Hu Yanzhuo turned his head and observed it, and said with some doubt: "Spiritual power, the Dharma image of the Nether Clan is obviously good at spiritual power, so practicing this Dharma image can improve spiritual power."

"But the Saint Clan..." Hu Yanzhuo didn't finish his words, his eyes widened, and he looked up at the low wall!

Then, he asked again: "But there are hundreds of patterns on it, and many of them have similar attributes. How can we judge whether they are from the same faction?"

Li Qingyun immediately called everyone to the front of the low wall and pointed to a corner of the Dharma image of the Nether Clan's aura.

At this time, that corner was intertwined on the hair of the Saint Clan's aura pattern!

Ren Hongyuan also widened his eyes when he saw this, and hurriedly looked at other patterns, and instantly sorted out the arrangement pattern of this low wall!

Everyone was very surprised when they saw this, and they observed the pattern pattern on this low wall and remembered the patterns that appeared on it.

But at this moment, when everyone understood the secret of this wall, the pattern on it actually changed.

Hundreds of completely different Dharma images appeared on it!

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