Super Sect Development System

Chapter 2361 Surveillance

Spiritual Realm, Qingshan Domain, the former Qingshuang Domain.

A large group of people were quietly heading towards Qingshuang City.

One of the king-level warriors asked, "Can we win this time?"

Another king-level warrior replied, "I heard from you that the defense force of Qingshuang Domain is not strong. With our manpower and wisdom, it will definitely be enough!"

After that, they continued to move forward, looking for small roads with no people to march.

Soon, they came to the outside of a city.

Although there were no corpses outside the city at this time, the smell was still everywhere, and even the wild flowers on the roadside were stained with a breathtaking red.

This place is Qingshuang City.

A powerful king muttered: "Millions of people died outside this city, and the adults personally led them here, but they still couldn't take it. Can we really take it down?"

Another king immediately questioned: "When the adults assigned the task, we volunteered, right? Why are you scared now that we are here?"

Next to him, the other kings looked at the man with some disdain.

The king immediately retorted: "Who is scared! Isn't that to make everyone be careful?"

A king next to him said: "Come on, retreat to a safe place first, don't let them find you, are your cave magic weapons ready?"

After everyone checked everything, they retreated hundreds of miles away together.

When they came to a large open space, a powerful king gave orders: "This is a good place, let's camp here, be careful not to be discovered!"

Everyone heard this and released all the disciples in the cave magic weapons.

Roughly speaking, there are about three million troops!

A large camp soon filled the entire open space.

A powerful king looked at this scene and couldn't help laughing: "The Qingshan Sect's sense of smell is too poor. We have already set up the camp, but they haven't found us here yet!"

After that, he took out another glass ball and smiled: "No matter who wants to come and attack, a spiritual power trajectory will be displayed on this enemy-defending bead, and it can also point out the direction of the troops!"

"In this battle, we think we have mastered all the information of the other party. What can they use to fight us?"


However, on the other side, the abbot of the Hanging Temple has been paying attention to those camps with formations, with a mocking look on his face.

Previously, Xu Taihe had specifically explained that Saint Miexia might attack Qingshuang Domain in the future.

So, the abbot of the Hanging Temple took the lead and set up surveillance formations in all places where camps might be set up in the entire Qingshuang Domain.

Without the cultivation of Saint level or above, it is difficult to find this formation, let alone break it!

Not long after, a letter of challenge from Qingshuang Domain was delivered to the abbot of Hanging Temple.

The abbot of Hanging Temple looked at the letter helplessly, and without opening it, he smiled dumbly and said: "All cities, send a team of scouts with fast escape speed to explore around their camp."

"The other side has a treasure that can know the direction of the attackers, find a few smart ones."

Elder Su Ding smiled and accepted the order: "No problem!"

Not long after that, more than 60 cities in the entire Qingshuang Domain drilled out a team of scouts at the same time!

This group of people were tall or short, fat or thin, and the only thing in common was that their escape speed was very fast.

It was also on this day that the king who was in charge of guarding the enemy-defending bead was shocked and hurriedly called the other kings over.

At this time, the enemy-defending bead showed more than 60 tracks, all heading towards this place at the same time!

Seeing this, the kings' brains buzzed and their faces turned pale.

"They already know our location and are coming to attack!" A king said with a look of shock: "Quick, everyone, move out of the camp, let's change places!"

Soon, a group of soldiers packed up the camp and lined up to enter the cave magic weapon of each leading king.

The kings looked at each other and fled away!

After running for hundreds of miles, the kings gathered again and set up camp again in a new open space.

The abbot of the Hanging Temple in the Qingshan Branch Hall shook his head slightly and ordered: "Tell the scouts that the destination needs to be changed and stay where they are for the time being."

After half a day, the camps were finally completed.

While the kings breathed a sigh of relief, the abbot of the Hanging Temple finally issued the new coordinates.

The scouts got the news and rushed to the new coordinates immediately!

And the group of kings had just sat down and took out the enemy-defending beads and put them on the table. Before they could catch their breath, they saw more than 60 spiritual power tracks on the enemy-defending beads!

The kings were shocked when they saw this, and immediately ordered the disciples outside to uproot the camp and return to the cave magic weapon again.

The abbot of the Hanging Temple looked at the map of the Qingshuang domain and ordered: "Tell those scouts to go back for the time being, and you go to prepare some rolling logs and boulders, and put some blasting pills in them."

"Then go to Baishuang City and take people to wait in the Baishuang Mountains a hundred miles outside the city. Remember to bring two pure yang-level formations, preferably ones that hinder the flow of spiritual power."

Su Ding received the order and took the teleportation array to Baishuang City.

He gathered the elite disciples and brought a few king elders, and then he set off to the Baishuang Mountains with a huge storage bag.

On the other side, the kings retreated thousands of miles before finding a place at the foot of a mountain range that could barely be used as a camp.

Several kings sat on the open ground and stared at the enemy-defending bead for a long time.

After seeing that the enemy-defending bead did not move for most of the day, they released the disciples in the cave magic weapon and began to sort out the terrain and set up the camp.

After the camp was set up, Su Ding, who was confused on the top of the mountain, suddenly received a message from the abbot of the Hanging Temple.

"Place the trap array and throw the prepared rolling logs and boulders down!"

After receiving the message, Su Ding didn't care about the situation. He immediately took out the whole bag of rolling logs and boulders inlaid with blasting pills and ordered everyone to push them down.

At the same time, a Pure Yang-level peak trap array appeared!

Before the kings under the mountain could react, they heard a loud rumbling sound on the top of the mountain approaching rapidly.

From a distance, black shadows were seen rolling down from the top of the mountain.

The kings reacted very quickly and immediately used their spiritual power to try to disperse the black shadows in the middle.

But the moment the spiritual power was used, it fell to the ground like a deflated ball!

"Fuck, the spiritual power cannot be released. When did there become so many trap arrays here!"

One of the kings looked nervous and immediately rushed over. Although the speed was much slower than usual, it was enough to stop some of the black shadows before that!

He came under the shadow and saw that it was just an ordinary rolling log. He immediately jumped up and punched it!

But the next moment, a loud bang was heard!

An unexpected explosion broke out from the moment the king came into contact with the rolling log!

Then, a charred figure flew out and lay on the ground twitching.

The next moment, boulders and rolling logs came one after another!

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