Super Sect Development System

Chapter 2374: Saint Bai Lan asks for advice

Ren Ren frowned slightly when he heard this, and whispered: "Southern, could it be God..."

But before Ren Ren could finish his words, Holy Lord Bai Lan immediately stopped him and said, "Leader Ren, be careful of trouble coming from your mouth!"

Ren Ren's small eyes stared, and he quickly covered his mouth.

After a long time, Saint Bailan saw no movement in the sky, and then he remembered something. He stretched out his hand and put down an isolation formation, and whispered: "Leader Ren, no matter who loses or wins in the end of Qingshan, please do it. Keep the secrets about the Shishi Clan."

Ren Ren was confused and asked: "Why, it seems that Domain Lord Bai Lan is not a member of the Aishi clan, right?"

Holy Lord Bai Lan sighed helplessly: "It is indeed not the case, but only when the Poshi Clan awakens can the Spirit Clan break through that shackles."

Although Ren Ren wanted to ask what the restraint meant, Holy Lord Bai Lan had already removed the isolation formation and obviously did not want to answer.

So, Ren Ren had no choice but to forcefully change the topic.

He pointed to the sand table on the table that was used to summarize the battle reports, and said slowly: "The battle situation of Fushan Domain Master on the front line is not good right now, Miexia Domain Master has betrayed the Mieshan Alliance, and Wan Tong Holy Lord has not taken action. I don't know what that means. "

"The hope of the Mountain Destroying Alliance rests entirely on you and the Master of the Mountain Forest Palace."

Saint Bailan sighed slightly when he heard the words: "Alas... That Mie Xia was really ambitious. Just to make a splash in the spiritual world, he killed more than a million of his subordinates. Such sinners should serve the spiritual world. Shameless!”

Ren Ren looked a little embarrassed when he heard this, scratched his head and probed: "But those more than one million people were killed by the Qingshan Sect. Shouldn't the Qingshan Sect take the blame?"

Holy Lord Bai Lan shook his head: "As a warring enemy force, Miexia led people to rush into other people's territory. Even if the Qingshan Sect even killed Miexia, what's wrong?"

Ren Ren immediately nodded with admiration: "That makes sense!"

This Holy Lord Bai Lan is really far-sighted!

This kind of thing that made Ren Ren feel so stressed was over with just one sentence in his mouth!

Seeing Ren Ren's admiration, a hint of anger gradually appeared on Saint Bai Lan's face. He slowly stood up and said: "How to break through the Qingshan Domain, please give me some advice from Alliance Leader Ren. At present, Mie Xia's sneak attack on the Qingshuang Domain has failed once. Who knows whether we will succeed next time, this victory must not belong to such villains!"

After hearing this, Ren Ren whispered: "Brother, there really is a way, that is, you, Lord Bailan, can personally put in some effort.

"Furthermore, the success rate is not high, but once it is accomplished, the Chaos Star Territory will be captured in an instant!"

When Saint Bai Lan heard this, his face was stunned for a moment, and then a hint of secret joy appeared on his face.

"Leader Ren, whatever you say, as long as you don't let Mie Xia get the first credit, I won't have any objections!"

"As long as we can get this first victory in the hands of our Mie Shan Alliance, even if Mie Xia succeeds in his next sneak attack, it will definitely not achieve the effect he wants!"

"As Alliance Leader Ren is about to break through now, he should not be suitable to go to the front line to command personally. I also ask Alliance Leader Ren to teach me how to break through the territory. I will lead the troops myself!"

After hearing this, Ren Ren couldn't help but spit at him in his heart.

This old guy, so high-sounding, didn’t just come to be famous in the spiritual world after his first victory!

He, Holy Lord Bai Lan, led the troops to attack the Qingshan Sect. Although it was considered a victory for the Mieshan Alliance, such achievements would only be recorded on his head in the spiritual world.

But that kind of thing was not important to Ren Ren, so he pretended not to see through it and looked at Holy Lord Bai Lan suspiciously: "How did you know that I was about to break through?"

Holy Lord Bai Lan smiled: "When I first met Ren as the alliance leader, you were just an ordinary Juepin King, so you had concerns about joining the Mountain Destruction Alliance."

"But now, Alliance Leader Ren has a faint aura of the holy way in his body. I guess there is hope for joining the way?"

Ren Ren secretly smacked his tongue when he heard this, and at the same time there was a hint of bitterness on his face: "Oh, there is no hope for Hedao. I estimate that Hedao will fail and end up at Half Saint."

"After all, you can also see that my avenue is difficult to walk on. The avenue of time and the avenue of space are difficult to walk..."

Saint Bailan's face froze slightly when he heard this, and then he laughed and said: "As leader of the alliance, don't belittle yourself, you have to have confidence in yourself!"

But after saying that, Bai Lan stopped mentioning the matter of Hedao and continued to ask for advice on how to defeat Qingshan Dayu.

So Ren Ran started to deduce on the sand table on the table in front of him.

"The Qingshan Sect's remaining troops on Starry Sky Continent are estimated to be about 100 million. You see, if we use troops here, based on my understanding of the Qingshan Sect, they will definitely..."

On the other side, on Guixing Continent.

After returning from Xingtian Continent, Wan Tong Shengzun went directly back to the command camp in Guixing Continent.

Saint Fu Hua, who had been sitting in command, saw him coming back and only asked: "How is Li Qingyun?"

Holy Lord Wan Tong replied coldly: "Li Qingyun has no time to take action."

After saying that, Saint Wan Tong turned around and returned to his tent.

As soon as Holy Master Fu Hua frowned, he noticed that the jade slip on his waist was flashing.

He gently took out the jade communication slip and took a look at its contents.

"Lord Bailan has temporarily taken over the frontline fighting rights. Lord Fushan and his disciples will take a break for the time being."

After reading this, Holy Master Fu Hua snorted coldly and ordered his sergeants to retreat from the front lines.

At this time, Holy Master Fu Hua was having a headache due to the high morale of the Qingshan Sect disciples, and it was in line with his wishes to ask him to withdraw and rest.

Two days later, Holy Lord Bai Lan arrived with his people.

After the two handed over the tents in the command tent, Saint Fu Hua took half of the disciples of Fushan Domain and returned to the Hundred Sects Alliance Domain temporarily.

The first thing Saint Bai Lan did when he took office was to recruit soldiers!

He brought a total of 30 million elite disciples of Bai Lan Domain, and with the tactics and strategic points explained by the second elder of the former Qingshan Sect, Saint Bai Lan was full of confidence at this time.

Saint Bai Lan divided his 30 million troops into six columns, each with 5 million people.

After the generals of the six columns were assigned, Saint Bai Lan began to instruct: "Listen to the order of the first four columns. You will set up camps in a line outside the Guixing Continent. After setting up camps, do not rest. Continue to set up new camps outside. Each column of troops needs to set up camps four times, for a total of sixteen columns."

"After the sixteen columns of camps are set up, leave some people in each camp to pretend to be guards. Only a small number of people need to shuttle back and forth in the camp to pretend that the troops are full."

"Then all the remaining people will find a way to go around to the Xingtian Continent and prepare to attack Qingshan Palace!"

The disciples of the first four columns were confused when they heard this, but they still accepted the order happily.

If they were just asked to set up camps, it would be better than fighting on the front line.

Although they were all elite disciples, there were only 30 million people at most, which was nothing compared to the more than 5 billion people in the four major domains of Qingshan Sect.

Moreover, there were a total of sixteen large square formations, and it would take almost five million people to stay behind just to create the illusion that each camp was full of soldiers.

That is to say, on average, one out of four people has the opportunity to stay in the camp and do nothing!

After receiving the order, the four armies left directly and began to implement the arrangements made by Saint Bai Lan outside the Guixing Continent. As for the subsequent hiding in the Xingtian Continent, no one thought about it.

The remaining two teams received new orders: "You two columns, split up and march to the back of the Xingtian Continent. No matter what method you use, you must keep the march hidden!"

"If anyone exposes their whereabouts and causes the entire plan to fail, don't blame me for being rude!"

The two armies looked bitter when they heard this.

There is nothing wrong with hiding and heading to the vicinity of the Xingtian Continent.

But the two armies, with a lineup of 10 million people, also declared that this is an impossible task!

In particular, after they received the order, they must find a passage to ensure that the disciples who set up camp behind can pass safely!

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