The Fifth Elder and his party had already entered the Nameless Mountain and climbed halfway up the mountain. They were walking slowly backwards along one side of the mountain.

There were countless peaks in the Nameless Mountain. The one closest to the Qingshan Sect went straight into the sky, giving people a huge sense of oppression. The peak that the Fifth Elder and his party were bypassing was the one closest to the Qingyun Sect.

"By bypassing this peak, go down a hundred feet and you will find the location of the cave." The Fifth Elder held a tattered piece of paper in his hand and directed the direction of the party.

In addition to the Sixth Elder, there were five or six core disciples of the Soul-Snatching Sect following, including Luo Jingsheng, Zhang Tianpeng, and Liu Xuan.

After all, this operation was extremely important, with dangers and great opportunities. Having these talented disciples following could provide training opportunities for the later generations of the sect.

Hearing the words of the Fifth Elder, the tense expressions of the few people relaxed a little, and a hint of joy flashed in their eyes.

"Don't take it lightly. Although the previous journey was very smooth, it was too smooth, which was a bit strange. We may encounter dangers and difficulties that we cannot estimate next..."

"Yes." The disciples were shocked when they heard this, and their expressions became nervous again.

At this time, Li Qingyun, who was hiding in a huge tree and eavesdropping, rolled his eyes and thought to himself: "If this sect master had not dealt with so many Jindan monsters and Yuanying monsters nearby in advance, would you be so relaxed?"

He and Yang Hai Aoxue were now turning into a green shadow, following behind these people.

This is Yang Hai Aoxue's secret method, which is used to hide the traces. As long as the other party's spiritual power realm is not one major realm higher than yours, they cannot detect the fluctuations of the use and it is impossible to find the user. Li Qingyun's spiritual power realm has reached "spiritual power transformation", and Yang Hai Aoxue may be higher. The two elders of the Soul-Capture Sect cannot find them.

The secret method of hiding traces is very precious.

But seeing Yang Hai Aoxue's indifferent attitude, Li Qingyun dared to conclude that she might have many secret skills that Li Qingyun dared not even think about. He didn't know how powerful this young lady was.

"Next, slow down and reach the destination in two hours."


A team of people began to move at an extremely slow speed. Li Qingyun looked at the disciples in the team. After Luo Jingsheng was defeated by Li Qingyun, his cultivation was improved a little, and he seemed to have reached the great perfection of foundation building. Liu Xuan and Zhang Pengtian, who were walking with him, also seemed to have broken through the foundation building. At this time, these people followed the team obediently.

Li Qingyun was quite emotional. A month ago, he still regarded these people as competitors. Now facing them, he actually looked down on them. It really looked like an elder looking at the younger generation.

It was already late at night. Li Qingyun didn't know why the Soul-Snatching Sect chose to travel at night. So far, the feeling of uneasiness that Wuming Mountain gave him had not subsided at all, but became stronger and stronger. However, he did not find anything wrong...

Like the Fifth Elder and his group, he and Yang Hai Aoxue were also too smooth...

Suddenly, a few crows cried in the air, and Li Qingyun broke out in a cold sweat. An absurd but impossible thought came to his mind... Could it be that he and Yang Hai Aoxue had been monitored since they entered?

Yang Hai Aoxue felt the change in Li Qingyun's expression, and seemed to have thought of something, and his face suddenly became solemn...


Suddenly, a scream came from the front, but then the scream stopped abruptly, and the front fell into a dead silence again.

Yang Hai Aoxue cast an inquiring look at Li Qingyun, and Li Qingyun shook his head, indicating that he didn't know what was happening in front.

"Go and have a look."

Li Qingyun whispered, and the two slowly moved forward to find out.

But when Li Qingyun saw the reason why everyone was screaming, his expression became very interesting.

A green thing was holding Liu Xuan and sitting on a tree, while the five elders and others were standing under the tree, looking at the green thing on the tree nervously.

Li Qingyun listened carefully before he heard the voice. The Sixth Elder said, "Shentu Bo? How come you are here? Aren't you..."

"You still have the nerve to say that? You bastards from the Soul-Catching Sect, I worked hard to make pills for you, but what about you? You didn't even know that a Nascent Soul had arrived in my alchemy room?"

"I think you leaked my whereabouts!"

The Sixth Elder said, "Mr. Shentu, don't misunderstand. Your whereabouts are confidential. Only the Great Elder knows about it in our sect..."

"Wait!" The Fifth Elder interrupted the Sixth Elder's explanation and said, "Shentu Bo? But how did you know about our whereabouts? And you're not surprised at all that we came to this nameless mountain?"

Shentu Bo said, "This..." He was too embarrassed to say that he failed to rob the Qingshan Sect and was kicked to the nameless mountain by a donkey.

"Hmph!" The fifth elder snorted coldly: "Put my disciple down quickly and explain to us."

"Hehehe..." Shen Tubo laughed, but his laughter was extremely strange, like a child with a broken throat, echoing in the originally gloomy jungle, which made the originally extremely nervous people feel a chill in their hearts.

"Enough! If you don't return the person, I will take action." Elder Liu interrupted Shen Tubo's strange cry.

"Return it - how can I not return it -" Shentu Bo showed a strange expression on his face after laughing. He stretched out his tongue and licked Liu Xuan's neck, from Liu Xuan's collarbone, along the white neck, all the way to the chin.

"It tastes good, but it's a pity that she is a slut." Shentu Bo laughed wantonly, looking at Luo Jingsheng who was standing under the tree and was extremely nervous.

Li Qingyun reacted at this time. No wonder Shentu Bo had been taking care of Liu Xuan on the way just now. So that's it...

These were obviously seen by Shentu Bo, so he looked at Luo Jingsheng with a provocative look at this time.

Liu Xuan was restrained by Shentu Bo at this time, unable to move, and could only make a painful whimper. Luo Jingsheng looked nervous and worried, but he was afraid of Shentu Bo's power and did not dare to act rashly.

"Return it to you." Shentu Bo smiled triumphantly, threw Liu Xuan away, and flew down the mountain.

Luo Jingsheng caught Liu Xuan and hugged her tightly. This man who wanted to save face almost cried.

Li Qingyun shook his head. Luo Jingsheng was really an honest man... but women like Liu Xuan are often the most suitable for honest people.

The fifth elder took out a pill and gave it to Liu Xuan to take. He said solemnly: "Shen Tubo's route... is consistent with the direction of where we are going."

"Did our whereabouts really get leaked to him?" Elder Liu was a little excited. Except for the seven elders of the Soul-Capture Sect and Ye Xiaoyu, no one else knew their whereabouts.

"No, I think he... seems to be wrong..." The fifth elder's face was as gloomy as water: "That place is really not simple..."

Yang Hai Aoxue also whispered to Li Qingyun: "Shen Tubo was controlled by the charm..."

"Charm?" Li Qingyun also saw that Shen Tubo was very different from the last time he saw him. The whole person was sometimes ferocious, and sometimes as stiff as a wooden man, which was extremely weird.

"Yes..." Yang Hai Aoxue seemed to have thought of something terrifying: "Charming Spirit... There is indeed something terrifying here..."

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