"Oops!" Ren Ren patted his head and exclaimed, seeming to remember something: "I almost forgot, I left my weapon behind. I have to go back to get it. If I don't take my weapon for a while, I will feel uncomfortable all over. …”

As he spoke, he turned around and walked backwards.

But suddenly a force suddenly clamped down on Ren Ren, who turned around and showed a bright smile: "Senior..."

"Shut up!" Ma Wenlong sneered: "What kind of weapon? It's not too late to get it after I finish asking you questions."

Letting his smile freeze, his face twitched: "Okay, okay."

Ma Wenlong didn't see it, and a trace of anger flashed across Ren Ren's face.

Li Qingyun saw it, and he knew that Ren Ren was usually smiling and cheeky, and the emotion of anger rarely appeared in him, but now, he was angry.


A flash of light flashed, and Byron finally arrived.

Obviously he also felt four powerful auras besides Ren Rong and Li Qingyun, but he did not retreat, but approached them faster.

As he appeared, not only Ma Wenlong, but also Hu Yanzhuo and three other people looked at him very seriously.

The four gazes from the Broken Truth Realm carried such powerful pressure that even a strong man at the peak of the Four Symbol Realm would have an unnatural expression and sweat on his forehead.

However, Bai Lun remained expressionless, just looking at Ren Rong and Li Qingyun quietly, as if even if a powerful force stood in front of him, he would not change his expression.

Ma Wenlong sneered: "Three fellow Taoists, is this person a disciple of Jiugong Tao, Tianyan Tao, or Baimei Tao?"

Li Qingyun seemed to realize something, and suddenly his whole body became cold. He rushed forward, pulled Bai Lun and fled backward.


Hu Yanzhuo glanced at Li Qingyun in embarrassment. Because of their efforts to protect Li Qingyun and Ren Ren, Ma Wenlong already hated them in his heart, but this other junior who appeared was not from their sect, so they could no longer protect him...

Taoist Tianyan looked at Li Qingyun who was leading Bai Lun on the run, sighed and shook his head.

Ma Wenlong laughed ferociously: "That's good! Then you're welcome!"

As he spoke, a hand as huge as a mountain appeared out of thin air, and stepped forward to grab Byron who was hiding in the light!


Li Qingyun's eyes were filled with tears. He threw Byron away from him, turned around, swung his sword, and slashed at the giant hand behind him!


As if Li Qingyun had been hit hard, blood spurted out from his mouth, and his body fell downwards like a stone.

"You don't know how to live or die!" Ma Wenlong sneered, moved his giant hand again, and grabbed Byron in front of him.

"Beast..." Ren Ren cursed loudly, took out the jade fan from his waist, and directly attacked Ma Wenlong's true form!

"Let it go!" Taoist Tianyan exclaimed, but it was already too late.


Ren Ren's body twisted strangely, and then, blood oozed out from his whole body. In the blink of an eye, his whole body was already blood red. His body was constantly shaking due to pain, and he looked at Ma Wenlong with tears in his eyes:

"Why...don't you come with us...to raid the Hades?"

"Why...you want to take action against your own people..."

Immediately afterwards, he lost all his strength and fell downwards.

Taoist Master Baimei exclaimed, flew down, caught Ren Ren and Li Qingyun, and healed their injuries without saying a word.

Ma Wenlong said coldly: "Two juniors attacked me, but I didn't take their lives and gave them a small punishment. I can't blame others."

Taoist Tianyan said expressionlessly: "It's best to do this. If you really dare to hurt the foundation of the two of them, the three of us will make you pay for it!"

After hearing this, Ma Wenlong activated his mental power and felt that Hu Yanzhuo had put down the wine gourd in his hand. He did not look at himself, but at the two people saved by Taoist Master Baimei below.

His heart trembled. He knew that the extent of his attacks on these two disciples had reached the limit. If he attacks again, Hu Yanzhuo's patience will be limited...

But it doesn't matter, I have already caught this junior who is not a disciple of the Third Path, and I don't need to interrogate him at all, so it is much easier to handle!

Although after this method, this junior is likely to be unstable and have some problems, but there are no elders here to protect him, who cares about his life and death?

Byron stood motionless, looking at Li Qingyun and Ren Ren who were covered in blood below, and seemed to understand something.

But a black shadow appeared behind him, and a giant hand grabbed him directly.

Immediately afterwards, a black energy with endless violent power was like hooks, hooking towards Byron.


Li Qingyun, who was being treated by Master Baimei, shouted in a hissing voice, broke away from Master Baimei's treatment, and once again broke out with his cultivation to kill upwards: "You will kill him!"

How could he not see that this bastard wanted to forcefully search Byron's soul!

In this case, Byron will become a madman even if he does not die!

"No!" Taoist Master Baimei appeared in front of Li Qingyun and shook his head at Li Qingyun.

Li Qingyun saw that Taoist Baimei's face was pale at this moment, and his eyes were full of tears.

But she still stopped Li Qingyun firmly: "If you go up again, you will die too."

At this moment, Li Qingyun seemed to understand the feeling of helplessness.


A powerful white light erupted in the sky.

Li Qingyun murmured: "Bailun, just like that... died?"

With a cruel smile on his face, Ma Wenlong directly exploded the sea of ​​consciousness and captured the memory fragments. Although it was a bit rough, it was the safest method...

This mental impact of my own was enough to burst this junior's sea of ​​consciousness, and then I searched for his memory fragments and became better.

He looked down at the desperate Li Qingyun and the humiliated Taoist Master Baimei, and the smile on his face became even more wanton...

It seems that the first step of this mission is quite smooth...


Ma Wenlong's smile suddenly froze and turned into a face full of surprise. The scene in front of him made him unbelievable.

In the dazzling light that filled the sky, Byron was still looking at him expressionlessly, and a strange vortex appeared above his head, which seemed to be condensing something.

Immediately afterwards, the shadow of an old man with a gray beard appeared above Byron.

The old man was extremely slovenly, with an unkempt beard and a few grains of rice that had turned black and dried due to time. He raised his long eyebrows, glanced at Ma Wenlong, and said disdainfully:

"Who dared to attack my disciples from Yuelu Academy outside? It turned out to be from Tianji Pavilion..." The old man pinched his nose and muttered: "You don't know how to live or die, please die!"

Immediately afterwards, a grain of rice flew out of the old man's unkempt beard and flew quickly towards Ma Wenlong.

Ma Wenlong turned around, with a look of fear on his face, and ran away!

"You three, please save me! I'm going to die here! You all have nothing to do with it!"

But it's too late,

The rice grain turned into a white terrifying thread,

Flashed by!


Ma Wenlong, in response, split into two halves!

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