Super Sect Development System

Chapter 528: Quicksand Dharma

Shi Song and Shi Tianlai, both wearing purple starry sky armor, quietly stood in front of Li Qingyun and the others. Google search reading

Li Qingyun knew that the two of them were not greeting him.

Because they have weapons in their hands and murderous intent in their eyes.

"Why did they appear here? What do they want to do?" Ren Ren's eyes widened in confusion, and he turned to look at Li Qingyun as if asking for help, hoping that Li Qingyun would give him an answer.

Li Qingyun said: "I don't know how they appeared, but I know that they want to kill me."

"Why is he blocking here..." He let his body begin to tremble along with the voice, and kept mumbling to himself: "We still have to help my father..."

Byron said nothing and drew his sword.

"Li Qingyun, you didn't expect the two of us to show up here, did you?" Shi Song slowly approached Li Qingyun, with a terrifying aura surging around him.

Li Qingyun took a deep breath: "Yes, I didn't expect to meet you in the 22nd city."

"Moreover, they used the same methods as the Underworld tribe to deal with me..."


He just tried to summon the blue-haired giant beast and found that the space here had been blocked.

This method is exactly the same as when those Nether Tribes surrounded him.

But the irony is that the one who is using this method now is Li Qingyun’s dear human compatriots and Star Road comrades...

"It's useless." The corner of Shi Song's mouth curled up in a cold arc: "I have already mastered your information, so I used some methods against you." "

"Today, you will definitely die."

"This is the Dharma Appearance of Palace Master Ren... the Dharma Appearance of Quicksand!"

"According to legend, the dharma image condensed by Palace Master Ren is enough to rank on the list of dharma images in Tianji Pavilion! It is extremely powerful!"

"I seem to see my childhood in this Dharma image..."

The human army looked at a huge dharma statue with a height of a thousand feet rising behind Ren Hongyuan. This dharma statue was composed of countless tiny yellow light spots. At the same time, the light spots exuded a transparent glimmering water, which was still slowing down. Slowly flowing...

It's really like sand flowing slowly in a river...

Including Li Yuanwei, it was the first time for all the people present to see Ren Hongyuan's dharma image. This dharma image that towered over heaven and earth did not have any ferocity or any terrifying aura.

As gentle as water,

Just like the flowing childhood time, it makes people feel friendly...

Even Li Yuanwei's eyes showed tenderness, and he seemed to be recalling the happy times in the past...

But after a moment, he came back to his senses, his eyes full of shock.

He had long heard that Ren Hongyuan used the true meaning of water to achieve the Four Symbols. However, in the realm of the Four Symbols, he used the true meaning of water to understand the legendary true meaning of time... and finally achieved the great perfection with the true meaning of time. Achieved the realm of cave truth.

Monks practice for hundreds of years, thousands of years, ten thousand years, even in the eyes of powerful people, one hundred thousand years is just a blink of an eye.

But the more this happens, the deeper the mark of "time" will be on the monks, and the greater the influence of time will be.

Therefore, the power of the true meaning of time to monks is even more unimaginable.

Time flows like water. The years can be quiet, like a gurgling stream, allowing you to linger,

But big waves can wash away the sand, and time can also show its teeth and claws, transforming into the most terrifying huge waves, leaving you wondering how to face them!

Ren Hongyuan moved, he raised his sword again and swung it down gently.


The trajectory of this sword was broken. Li Yuanwei could only see the trajectory of Ren Hongyuan's sword at the moment he drew it out, and the trajectory of his sword at the moment he dropped it. The process in between was not invisible, but completely absent!


The long sword, which was only three feet long, hit the astrolabe which was huge.

The astrolabe remained motionless, seemingly without any change.

But the next moment, a scene that made Li Yuanwei's scalp numb appeared. He saw...

On the trajectory where Ren Hongyuan swung his sword just now, and on the trajectory where it disappeared, a sword appeared again, and the sword fell again.


It roared again.

Two swords!

Li Yuanwei's brain was no longer in control. With one movement, Ren Hongyuan actually swung two swords? This is different from the two swords that are purely fast. This is a superb grasp of the power of space.

The two swords may seem ordinary, but because the two swords come from the same power, go through the same trajectory, and are blessed by the power of time, the power they finally exert after overlapping... explodes! Very scary!


Within the king-level astrolabe, Yue Yan raised his head and spit out a mouthful of blood. He stared at the scene outside the astrolabe - Ren Hongyuan waved his sword again!

At the same time, the huge Dharma form behind him also followed Ren Hongyuan's movements, raising its arms and waving downwards!

"Don't even think about it!" Yue Yan quickly made a secret in his hand, activating a certain restriction within the astrolabe. Then, a pair of red armor appeared out of thin air around Yue Yan, protecting Yue Yan firmly.

boom! boom! !

Ren Hongyuan's sword slashed down again, and the two swords came out at the same time.

Yue Yan suddenly saw that as Ren Hongyuan slashed out with these two swords, behind him, in the palm of the huge quicksand statue, a long sword with a length of one hundred feet suddenly appeared, and the long sword slashed again... …

Yue Yan knelt down hastily and released a purple magic weapon to protect his body.


Endless mist-like yellow light particles filled the air and enveloped the king-level astrolabe.

Yue Yan raised his head in confusion. How could the attack of this Dharma image be so unexpectedly weak?

But the next moment, his face changed drastically!

Because he felt that as the yellow spread, the materials on the entire king-level star disk seemed to be aging rapidly, as if they had experienced endless years in the blink of an eye. Some places had even begun to age and fail...

Moreover, the energy required to keep the king-level star disk still was also consumed at a terrifying rate!

In the blink of an eye, the king-level star disk, which originally had 50% of its energy left, lost 10% of its power, leaving only 40%!

"What a powerful move," Yue Yan looked at Ren Hongyuan outside the king-level star disk. He still had no expression on his face, but Yue Yan could already detect with the king-level star disk that Ren Hongyuan's power had been consumed by at least 30%.

It can be seen that although the two swords just now looked ordinary, they were so powerful that they must not be released casually by him.

In this case, what Ren Hongyuan said about consuming 40% of the spaceship's energy may be difficult to achieve...

Even if Ren Hongyuan used all his strength, he could only consume a little more than 30% of the power of the king-level star disk in the end, and the star disk still had enough power to kill these human beings.

And Ren Hongyuan would die from excessive consumption...

Yue Yan admired Ren Hongyuan in his heart. He had seen that Ren Hongyuan came with the intention of dying and had no intention of going back alive...

But he showed a cruel expression on his face: "Since you are so anxious to die, then I will help you..."

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