Xiong Shan spent almost all his life's cultivation to rush to the 20th city. Just now, Ji Yang suddenly changed his face because of some news he received, and no longer struggled with himself.

He had no choice but to move forward to rescue Li Qingyun, but when he reached the twenty-second city ahead, he only saw horrific traces of battle and two masses of blood. This blood came from the human race.

He didn't know what this flesh and blood represented,

Has Li Qingyun been poisoned?

After all, it was the Nether Clan who had just rushed over who killed Li Qingyun.

Or are they targeting Li Qingyun within the human race?

Or maybe Li Qingyun is not dead at all...

He didn't know, and he couldn't care less.

The only thing he can do now is to rush to the twentieth city to reinforce Palace Master Ren!

Xiong Shan has always adhered to rules, had a bad temper, and was arrogant. After he was promoted to the Four Symbol Realm, he never obeyed anyone... except Ren Hongyuan.

Ren Hongyuan acts openly and aboveboard. Although he is extremely powerful, he will never suppress other people in Jiugong Dao. Even though Taijun She is extremely powerful and often exceeds his authority in Cangliu Palace, Ren Hongyuan will always be calm and calm.

He once told Xiong Shan,

As long as it's something that's beneficial to the Cangliu Palace, it doesn't matter who has the right;

As long as it is something powerful for the human race, no matter who sacrifices it, it will be the same...

Xiongshan, who was as strong as an iron tower, had tears in his eyes.

"You said it doesn't matter whoever sacrifices... But why do you always rush to the front, resist the king-level astrolabe alone, and sacrifice for the human soldiers..."

Twenty cities are coming soon,

Xiong Shan had already seen, in the distance, the huge thing emitting huge red light. Even though Xiong Shan was still quite far away from it, he still felt the huge pressure.

"Is this a king-level astrolabe?"

"not good!"

Xiong Shan screamed and burst out with speed again. He didn't care about the pressure of the king-level astrolabe and rushed forward quickly.

Because he saw a figure standing proudly in front of the ferocious king-level astrolabe. The figure was wearing a Taoist robe, holding a sword in his hand, and his back was straight, even though...his breath was already quite weak at this time...

"Jiugong Dao! Fight!"

"Jiugong Dao! Fight!"




The familiar sound of battle sounded, and Xiong Shan watched the human army in front of him making a noise, as if performing some kind of ritual.

He knew that this kind of ceremony was to see off Palace Master Ren.

He finally reached the last step.

He wants to die together with the king-level astrolabe.

"No... no, no -!" Xiong Shan bit the tip of his tongue, spurted out a large mouthful of true blood, burned his original power, and rushed towards Ren Hongyuan.

He wants to stop Ren Hongyuan!

In his heart, not to mention an army of 100,000 people, even an army of 1 million people could not compare to Ren Hongyuan!

He doesn't allow it!

However, the king-level astrolabe seemed to block the surrounding space. Xiong Shan's speed was greatly hindered, and he was unable to reach the front...

He could only watch helplessly, Ren Hongyuan waved downwards with a smile and murmured to himself, and then, as if feeling something, he saw Xiong Shan rushing towards him desperately.

But he made no further moves,

Instead, a very strange and intense yellow light radiates outward from the whole body. This yellow light is composed of countless light particles. The light particles are like countless transparent quicksands emitting yellow light, carrying endless mystery of time.

Xiong Shan knew that these particles of light were Ren Hongyuan's most original power. Now that he was releasing these powers, he wanted to let these original powers have a brilliant explosion at the end of his life...

That is, self-destruction...

As these forces gathered, even the red light around the king-level astrolabe stopped at this moment. It seemed that only Ren Hongyuan was left in the world, and the origin of time that he released...

"Puff——" Xiong Shan slammed forward, but was counterattacked by the huge force in front, flew backwards, and spurted out a large mouthful of blood.

He looked sadly at Ren Hongyuan, who had gathered all his power and would disappear into the world like an explosive pill with just a hint of encouragement. He kept muttering: "Palace Master Ren, why..."

"You are obviously the strongest genius in Jiugong Dao after Huyan Dao Master. You can defeat the Shattering Realm by seeing the truth. With such a talent, you obviously have an infinitely bright future. Why do you want to die in vain..."

"Why..." Xiong Shan stared ahead blankly.

The flow of time seems to have slowed down several times,

Xiong Shan clearly saw Ren Hongyuan slowly making the secret in his hand,

He clearly saw that every hair and beard of Ren Hongyuan was slowly flying in the wind.

He saw clearly that Ren Hongyuan's determined gaze was fixed on the king-level astrolabe, and his steps kept changing, constantly looking for the weaknesses of the king-level astrolabe.

Finally, he was fully prepared, took a deep breath, turned into a stream of light, and bravely... rushed towards the king-level astrolabe!

Xiong Shan didn't want to look anymore and closed his eyes in pain.

Li Yuanwei flew up, opened his arms, and held up a huge light curtain to cover the human army below.

The human army collectively took off their battle helmets, bowed their heads in salute, and bid farewell to the strong human being...!


A few breaths passed,

Xiong Shan did not feel the expected explosion, and did not even hear a trace of movement.

He opened his eyes,


The look of determination on Ren Hongyuan's face completely disappeared, and instead he laughed loudly.

Xiong Shan followed Ren Hongyuan's eyes,

Surprisingly discovered,

In front of Ren Hongyuan,

King-level astrolabe,

No longer a building,


Two seats!

How could there be two king-level astrolabees on Zhulongxing Road! ?


Xiong Shan fell into deep shock and fear. Could it be that the Nether Clan had a second astrolabe that appeared at this time and didn't even give the human race a chance...

Li Yuanwei's eyes widened, as if he couldn't believe his eyes. There were countless human beings below, and they were silent.

A king-level astrolabe has already made the human race very anxious. If the Nether Clan has two, then the Zhulong Star Road will definitely be given to the Nether Clan...

Does God want to destroy our human race? ?

"Hahahaha..." Ren Hongyuan actually put away the source of time that was about to explode brilliantly, laughed happily, moved back, and retreated.

And in the new king-level astrolabe,

A very familiar voice from Xiong Shan came:

"Senior Ren, please don't take the great credit of making an astrolabe from me, a junior like me."

"This credit should go to our Qingshan Legion!"

It's Li Qingyun!

He is actually within the king-level astrolabe!

Within the original king-level astrolabe, Yue Yan stared ahead at the sudden appearance of another king-level astrolabe... This king-level astrolabe was not only full of power, but even its running core had patterns. They are all extremely dexterous, even like a king-level astrolabe that has just been refined!

And this king-level astrolabe was found by Li Qingyun? !


"Li Qingyun! Where did you find the king-level astrolabe!" Yue Yan roared, unable to accept this fact.

Soon, Li Qingyun's words came again from the king-level astrolabe in front of him: "Don't say stupid things, Yue Yan, this king-level astrolabe is the one I snatched from you..."

Yue Yan's head roared like thunder...

He remembered that in the Wangdi world,

He originally got two king-level astrolabes, but one was destroyed by Li Qingyun, who was like a god of war. He only took away half of the core, and escaped from the restricted area of ​​​​the Sea of ​​Ghosts with the only remaining king-level astrolabe.

In other words, another king-level astrolabe that was almost completely destroyed was... repaired by Li Qingyun?

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