"Congratulations to the host. After this battle, the name of the Qingshan Legion has been passed on to the Zhulong Star Road, and the third stage of the [Creating the Great Demon King's Legion] has been completed ahead of schedule.

"Earn rewards……"


Li Qingyun stopped the system and asked: "Let's not talk about the rewards for the third phase. It seems that the rewards for completing the second phase have not been settled yet."

The system said without any emotion: "The rewards in these two stages will be superimposed into one settlement and given to the host."

Li Qingyun muttered: "Did your system forget to settle it at that time, and only now did it come to mind, so it was superimposed on me."

System: "That's absolutely not the case."

"The rewards are as follows: The host will get an opportunity to enter [Chaos Space]."

Li Qingyun: "Is this the end?"

"The second stage and the third stage are superimposed together to give a chance to enter [Chaos Space]. Such a reward?"

"Yes." The system's cold voice continued: "This reward is the best reward given by the system based on the host's current training status."

"Oh?" Li Qingyun suddenly became interested: "What does the so-called [Chaos Space] refer to?"

The system said: "It refers to a broken space that no longer has any attributes, no rules exist, and is not governed by any will of heaven. There, there is a high-level power that only exists when the world is about to be destroyed or born. It has already reached the level of [Tao].

"The host can enter at any time, stay in [Chaos Space] for any time, and can return to the location when Zhulong Xinglu left at any time."

Li Qingyun's head roared, and he didn't hear anything behind the system.

He only heard the front, the system said,

"A broken space that no longer has any attributes, no rules, and is not governed by any will of heaven..."

"A space not governed by any will of heaven..."

Li Qingyun has experienced breaking through the power of the underworld on the Ancient Star Road, and he already understands that any breakthrough he makes in the future will provoke the power of heaven and lead to a punishment from heaven that will destroy the world...

Heavenly Punishment is different from Heavenly Tribulation. Although Heavenly Tribulation is also very dangerous, to a certain extent, it is the test and tempering of Heaven's way for the breakthroughr, because the breakthroughr, no matter what, is a monster, but still breaks through according to the trajectory of Heaven's way...

But heaven's punishment is different. Those who provoke heaven's punishment are, in a sense, disobedient to heaven's way and will be obliterated by heaven's way!

The Heavenly Punishment that Li Qingyun triggered on the Ancient Star Road, the terrifying bright red python that symbolizes Heavenly Punishment, can even destroy the Nine Palaces Road ten times!

He knew that the [Road to the Most Powerful Golden Elixir] that he had embarked on by mistake was so unconventional that it must have angered Heaven, or in other words, it had attracted the attention of some terrifying big shots... …

He still remembers it now,

Above the sky, those "eyes" made his hair stand on end...

If you can enter this [Chaotic Space]...

The fortieth city.

This is one of the six fortresses of Zhulong Star Power, and it is a fortress adjacent to the 20th city.

At this time, the gates of the huge 40th city were wide open, and the expedition field within the city was filled with heavily armored Hades.

If there are human beings here, they will definitely find that these gathered armies of the underworld are obviously different from the ordinary armies of the underworld that they usually see.

In an ordinary Nether Clan army, low-level "ghosts" can account for 70 to 80%, and only 20 to 30% are higher-level "Nether Clan" with stronger combat power.

Even the elite army led by Panxi and assigned to attack the 20th city had the same ratio, but the ghosts among them were of higher levels and more experienced.

And now, the army of the Underworld gathered in front of the 40th expedition site,

Unexpectedly, there is not even a ghost figure to be seen. They are all taller than the ghosts. They are wearing white armor and have at least one horn on their head!

At the front of the Hades army, stood a commander in orange armor and nearly twenty commanders in purple armor.

In the sky above the army, there were several huge black whirlpools, exuding gloomy colors, spinning slowly, seeming to be swallowing something.

Several handsome-level underworld tribes looked at each other, their eyes full of doubts, because they had gathered for half a stick of incense, but the leader still did not give the order to attack, but stared blankly ahead, as if in a trance.

Finally, a young handsome Nether Tribe couldn't bear it any longer and asked: "Lord Commander, we..."

The orange-armored leader stretched out his hand to stop the handsome Nether Tribe from continuing.

At this moment, all the Hades raised their heads together, their eyes widening in horror...


They saw a behemoth flying over in front of the 40th city. They knew that this was the king-level astrolabe that they were proud of.

But... the current king-level astrolabe is trembling even when flying, and it looks like it can fall down at any time. Even the appearance of the astrolabe is full of pits and dents, as if... it has been damaged?


They thought in their hearts, how could something possibly damage the king-level astrolabe...

...There can't be anything that can really damage the king-level astrolabe...

The leader of the Nether Clan said softly: "Disband."

Those handsome-level underworld tribes had realized something at this time. They turned around quickly, jumped into the air, and sent orders to the army below:

"Disband immediately!"

"The whole city is under martial law!"

"From now on, the 40th city will enter a state of full defense!"


Above the first city, under the boundless starry sky, Hu Yanzhuo looked at the dark star road hidden in front of him.

"The king-level star disk... I have it in the human race too."

"This kid... No wonder, a breakthrough can attract the attention of Qixing Mountain and make Ma Wenlong of Tianji Pavilion come to investigate in person..."

"However, he can also attract the power of the underworld, and is related to the legendary immortals, and even let an immortal die on the ancient star road..."

"These troubles are no less than those of the underworld."

"I don't know whether this kid is a blessing or a curse for my Jiugong Dao..."

"But it doesn't matter. Since he has joined my Jiugong Dao and is dedicated to being a human being, tribe, then I, as the old man of the Dao, must protect him. "

"Alas, what can a useless old man like me do?"

"I only know how to guard this star road, and I can't even rescue Ren Hongyuan when he is in danger..."

"Hehe... Fortunately, Ren Hongyuan is not dead, otherwise the old man will regret it for the rest of his life..."

Hu Yanzhuo raised the wine gourd, raised his head and took a big sip, with an expression that no one could see,

but he seemed to drink in a hurry, and a few drops of crystal wine spilled out, shining under the starry sky.

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