Super Sect Development System

Chapter 552 Recruiting Again

Zhang Tiancheng did not turn around to look at Li Qingyun again, but took a step forward and stood in front of Li Qingyun.

He did not express his inner regret, nor did he apologize to Li Qingyun. He just stood in front of Li Qingyun.

He expressed his determination to die.

To kill Li Qingyun, he must step over his body.

"Oh?" Bobang said disdainfully: "Just you, do you still want to stop us?"

A leader of the Hades said lightly: "Maybe you don't have the face to face the human race again, and want to die."

"Maybe, if I do such a stupid thing, I don't have the face to face the Hades Emperor again..."

"Give up, the human race will be destroyed..."

At the same time, not only Zhang Tiancheng stood in front of Li Qingyun, but She Taijun, Xiong Shan, and even Mu Feng, all stood in front of Li Qingyun layer by layer.

They knew that these Hades were coming for the King-level Star Plate on Li Qingyun's body...

"No need to stop them." Bobang said with a smile: "To be honest, you guys can't even stop one of my moves."

"I have something to say to Li Qingyun. Maybe Li Qingyun doesn't have to die today."

Then, Bobang ignored everyone's eyes and continued to talk.

"Li Qingyun, I am the leader of the Hades, Bobang. Even among the leaders, I am one of the stronger ones."

"You know, you can't escape today, please listen to me."

"Before coming here, Lord Blood Hunter entrusted me, saying that as long as you are willing to submit to the Hades, my Hades is willing to pay any price, for example, immediately provide you with a set of top-level star-level skills, and all the resources needed for a Taoist-level force..."

"After that, there will even be an opportunity to enter the treasure land of my Hades that has not been opened for millions of years..."

"But if you don't want to submit, the Lord has also made it clear that he won't listen to you and will just kill you.

"So, Li Qingyun, I'll give you another chance, are you willing to submit to the Hades? "

Zhang Tiancheng, She Taijun and others were extremely shocked.

The Hades and the human race are mortal enemies. They don't even take prisoners, and they have never persuaded each other to surrender... But now, the leader of the Hades actually extended an olive branch to Li Qingyun in public to persuade him to surrender.

Moreover, he also offered a price that no one could imagine.

Starry sky-level top-level skills, all the resources needed by a sect-level force...

These words are easy to say, but in fact, all the resources of a sect-level force not only include an endless population and boundless territory, but also industries that produce resources all the time... There are also dozens of cave-level elders, hundreds of four-element realms, and countless heavenly infants...

These are simply astronomical figures.

Even if Blood Hunter is a big shot at the level of the Lord, it is impossible for him to pay such a high price. The only explanation is that these resources were given by the real high-level officials of the underworld, and the purpose is to recruit Li Qingyun at all costs.

"The Lord has another message for me to bring to you. Bobang said: "He said that your cultivation is still shallow now, and one day your cultivation will surpass his - it will be easy for you."

"When that time comes, you will stand between heaven and earth, and the concept of the tribe will not be so deeply rooted, and you will even feel that the tribe is a burden... Today's war between the human race and the underworld race on the Candle Dragon Star Road is just a joke."

"You will not care about what your choice today violates, but will understand that this choice has saved you time and detours!"


"This is not the first time I have heard these conditions." Li Qingyun smiled. Last time on the Ancient Star Road, Yue Yan also offered him such conditions.

"Then are you...willing to surrender!" Bobang's face quickly turned cold: "You must understand that if you dare to say no, I will kill you immediately!"

Zhang Tiancheng tightly grasped the long knife in his hand, ready to block Li Qingyun at any time. She Taijun's cultivation was trembling, and it seemed that she was ready to use her ultimate means for endless years.

Everyone was waiting for Li Qingyun's refusal, waiting for the bloody battle after Li Qingyun's refusal... or crushing!

"I'll think about it."

Li Qingyun's faint voice came.

"Don't try to delay time!" Bobang said: "I'll give you ten breaths to consider, and you must give an answer after ten breaths."

Li Qingyun was silent.

Although he had been using the system to practice the control of the king-level star disk during the period when he was detained by Zhang Tiancheng and his consciousness was sealed and autistic, he has only mastered 50% of the control so far, and he is still not proficient in the control of the king-level star disk.

If he sacrificed the king-level star disk at this time, it is very likely that the six commanders of the Hades will work together to control it and directly take the king-level star disk away.

This is also the purpose of the Hades sending so many commanders.

"Ten, nine, eight, seven..."

Bobang opened and closed his mouth, speaking the language of the Hades, but he was actually counting down...

At the same time, the other five Hades leaders were slowly surrounding Li Qingyun. As long as Li Qingyun dared to say no, the six of them would kill Li Qingyun and others with thunder.

"Three, two, one... Time is up."

"Are you going to submit or not?"


Bobang summoned his weapon, which was a bone blade emitting a chill...

Li Qingyun held the star disk token in his hand.

No matter what, although it is possible to lose the star disk, summoning the star disk can still gain a glimmer of life for himself and the people in front of him...

Although it is possible that the gain outweighs the loss and there is no recovery...

But that’s it,

Why not give it a try!

"Do not surrender."

"I answered for him."

Suddenly, from behind Bobang and the others, a cold voice sounded word by word.

Bobang turned around in shock and found,

behind him,

I don't know when a middle-aged Taoist appeared. He had a dignified appearance, with flying black hair, his Taoist robes fluttered in the wind, and a beautiful beard on his chin.

The person coming is none other than Ren Hongyuan!

Li Qingyun loosened his grip on the astrolabe token and smiled on his face. Someone came to save him again...

Zhang Tiancheng felt both relieved and shocked at this time, because he could no longer count how many times Li Qingyun had escaped death today. Every time there was a life-or-death crisis, someone would always come to the rescue...

"Ren Hongyuan!?" Bobang asked in shock: "Aren't you seriously injured and in seclusion to recuperate?"

Ren Hongyuan stroked his beard and said with a smile: "I don't know where your Nether Clan got this information from, it's really wrong..."

"I am in seclusion, but not because of my injuries, but because..."

"I was lucky enough to have some insights during the battle, and I just made a breakthrough."


As soon as he finished speaking, Ren Hongyuan's whole body's cultivation exploded, violent power raged, and the aura of the Pure Realm could be seen at a glance.

Boban's face was extremely solemn.

It is said that Ren Hongyuan's combat power is extremely terrifying. When he was at the peak of the Peeping Realm, he was comparable to the Shattering Realm in many aspects. Now that he has broken through to the Pure Realm... I don't know how terrifying it will be!

A domineering voice full of murderous intent sounded: "I would like to know, if all six of you commanders are wiped out, how will the attack of the Underworld be carried out?"

At the same time, a powerful force that made Bobang feel cold all over his body was overwhelmingly suppressed!

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