Super Sect Development System

Chapter 555 Situation (3rd update)

Above the Zhulong Star Road, there is a dark battlefield.

There is a huge star road here, and its size is even several times that of the main star road of the eighth city, which means that more and stronger underworld people can travel through it more easily.

At this time, three people gathered here.

A Taoist with a tall hat, a beautiful middle-aged woman, and another one, not the red-faced old man Hu Yanzhuo, but a serious man in purple armor, he is the second Taoist master of Jiugong Dao, Luo Hou.

Although Bobang, who died in the hands of Ren Hongyuan, claimed that his strength was similar to Luo Hou, in fact, although Luo Hou was also at the peak of the Pure Realm, his actual combat power was comparable to that of the Broken Realm.

Therefore, he can be on par with the Taoist masters of the other two sects.

"I don't know if Hu Yan's guess is right. We rushed to the Star Road for support, but did not go to assist Ren Hongyuan, and just waited here. Is it appropriate?" Taoist Tianyan looked at the Star Road in front of him impatiently.

"Daoist Tianyan, please be patient. A few days ago, Daoist Master Huyan ordered me to forcibly block several alternative star roads, leaving only this one. I think if the Hades have strong reinforcements from the underworld in a short time, they will definitely pass through this star road."

"We just have to wait here."

"Hmph!" Daoist Master Tianyan snorted in dissatisfaction: "Is old man Huyan so sure?"

"Just say less." Daoist Master Baimei pulled Daoist Master Tianyan: "Brother Huyan's current situation is a hundred times more dangerous than ours..."

Daoist Master Tianyan The master's face lightened up after hearing this: "Yes, this old man Huyan is already a lot of bones, but he is still taking such risks, not steady at all..."


While they were chatting, the Star Road in front of them began to tremble, and the entrance of the Star Road began to slowly turn into a rotating light gate, which means that the Star Road is opening from the opposite side...

The three of them looked at the light gate in front of them with concentration and calmness.

Sure enough, nearly thirty powerful auras moved quickly towards the light gate, and their cultivation was at least above the Realm of Peeping!

Here they come!

The only two commanders of the Realm of Broken Truth who are stationed in Zhulong Star Road are Yi Can and Wu Chao, and there are only a dozen ordinary commanders. These high-end combat forces are sufficient for daily defense, but when it comes to large-scale attacks, they seem to be at a loss...

Therefore, the underworld often sends a large number of candidate-level combat forces to Zhulong Star Road during wars to assist the underworld side of Zhulong Star Road in launching a general attack!

100,000 years ago, when the Sith Lord attacked the first city, at least thirty commander-level foreign aid suddenly descended on the Zhulong Star Road!

Today, there are still thirty!


The star gate at the entrance of the Star Road made a loud noise and began to tremble, as if it was being attacked and demolished by people inside.

The Taoist Master Tianyan, the Taoist Master Baimei, and Luo Hou looked at each other and took out their weapons in an instant.

The mysterious power quickly rose in the palm of the Taoist Master Tianyan, and he slashed at the light gate with one palm, and the light gate shattered with a sound...

Then, the three weapons of the three people emitted a blazing light, and together poured from the entrance of the Star Road to the inside!

Boom! !

With a violent explosion, the original thirty powerful Hades Hou-level strongmen... In an instant, only three were left...

The other twenty-seven people were directly crushed!

But Luo Hou and the other three were not happy at all, and their faces were very heavy.

Because although the twenty-seven Hades commanders had been destroyed, there were still three people. Judging from the breath of these three people, they were almost unscathed.

This means that,

These three people are all equivalent to the peak combat power of the human race's Shattered Realm!

This time, there are three combat powers equivalent to the Shattered Realm...


The First City.

Shi Tianyang stood above the First City, and his blue cloth clothes had been taken off and replaced with a brand new orange standard armor.

According to intelligence speculation, the Hades King-level Star Plate is located at the core star road where the three cities meet, and the target is the First City.

The so-called core star road where the three cities meet is a key point that connects the forty cities, the eighth city and the first city at the same time. If used properly, troops can be quickly deployed from the fortieth city, and a large army will appear in the first city in the next moment.

In a sense, this star road where the three cities meet was originally one of the biggest threats to the First City.

Now, with the king-level star plate entering it, the threat to the First City has doubled.

Therefore, as the supreme commander of the first city, he will go all out to protect the first city at all costs and resolutely prevent the sudden attack of the king-level star disk.

His token was flashing, and there was Li Yuanwei's voice in it. He was sending a message to all the human leaders:

"I am Li Yuanwei. Just now, when Hu Ye was about to capture the 20th city, he received an urgent order to abandon the 20th city that was about to be captured and directly carry the candidate-level star disk away... According to my guess, his direction should be the eighth city!"

"Please stay alert!"

"In addition, according to the disclosure of the Hades, the core target of the Hades' operation this time should be Li Qingyun in the eighth city, so I implore you to protect Li Qingyun!"

Shi Tianyang's hand trembled. He knew that the main star road of the 20th city was broken because he left the first city and was noticed by Hu Ye of the Hades at the first time. He seized the opportunity... Taking advantage of the opportunity that no one was checking him, he left the main star road where the 60th city was located, and directly killed into the 20th city like a god descending from the sky.

He also understood that the Nether Clan launched this overwhelming war just for the king-level astrolabe that Li Qingyun had just obtained... and Li Qingyun was by no means a spy.

In fact, Li Qingyun was not a spy. Shi Tianyang knew it as early as when Li Qingyun was about to use the king-level astrolabe to fight him to the death, but in the end he silently stopped.

Such a person cannot be a spy.

But he still used Zhang Tiancheng and other family heads to label Li Qingyun as a spy, just for the king-level astrolabe in Li Qingyun's hands.

In his current view, if Li Qingyun had handed over the king-level astrolabe to him early, with the strength of the Shi family, he would definitely be able to learn to control the king-level astrolabe in a short time, and finally turn the tide and save the human race from the fire and water.

He thought angrily: "But this stubborn boy just refuses to hand it over, and now he might have been snatched away by the Hades!"

If the human race suffered huge losses today, Li Qingyun himself would have to bear at least nine levels of responsibility. It was all because he ignored the overall situation and insisted on being a hero, which resulted in such a result!

If the astrolabe had been handed over to the Shi family earlier, how could we end up in today's situation!

The more he thought about it, the more it made sense. In the end, he even decided that when this battle was over, he would take advantage of his success in guarding the first city and attack Li Qingyun again, so that he could not live but die and pay the price for what he had done. !

But at this moment,

His face turned pale...

Because he felt that the king-level astrolabe at the intersection of the three cities suddenly changed its direction...

Aimed at the eighth city!

"This..." Shi Tianyang said in disbelief. At the same time, an extremely crazy guess emerged in his heart...

The total strength of these Nether Clan seems to be huge, and almost all the power that Nether Clan can call upon has been mobilized...

But there is only one purpose from beginning to end.

That is, go to the eighth city and kill Li Qingyun!

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