Super Sect Development System

Chapter 773 Nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine? ? ?

"I am the will of Faxiang Mountain..."

The grand voice sounded from the stone tablet, and Sun Wenmao and others looked at Li Qingyun in confusion, with their hearts racing. Google search reading

But soon, they were completely shocked by the grand voice from the stone tablet, and forgot about the fact that Li Qingyun inexplicably awakened the will of Faxiang Mountain with a slap.

The entire Dharma Mountain was in complete silence, echoing with the grand but cold and ruthless voice in the stone tablet:

"I have been entrusted to wait here for two Chaos Eras and three million years. The Dharma Mountain Ruins are opened once every 100,000 years. Now... it is the 246th opening..."

As soon as this voice fell, everyone in front of the Dharma Mountain seemed to be restrained by something, staring with eyes wide open, eyes full of incredible and unbelievable...

Two Chaos Eras and three million years...

The measurement unit of "Chaos Era" is very far away from them, or they have never heard of it, but based on "opening once every 100,000 years, now it is the 246th opening", it can be calculated that

a Chaos Era is 10.8 million years...

That is to say, if calculated in years, the Dharma Mountain Ruins have existed for 23.16 million years! !

More than 20 million years!

The master of Qixing Mountain is the one with the longest life span on the Holy Land, but he only has a life span of more than one million years.

More than 20 million years...

Countless people's lips trembled slightly. Can anyone really live to that age?

Li Qingyun was also extremely shocked. At this time, he was thinking whether the destruction of the Spiritual Hall and the relic of the Dharma Hall happened at the same time.

He knew that the Spiritual Hall belonged to the Ghost Sea Realm, and according to his understanding, the Ghost Sea Realm had four eras from the beginning to the present. More than 20 million years ago, which era was the Ghost Sea Realm in?

He didn't know.

He forced himself to stop thinking about it. Every time he thought about this kind of design that affected the secrets of endless years, he had a feeling of looking up at the starry sky.

The endless and deep starry sky made him feel mysterious, but at the same time, cold and terrifying...

These secret past events about the Ghost Sea also made him feel the same.

"Now I will introduce the rules for opening the ruins of Faxiang Mountain. Faxiang Mountain originally belongs to the eighth-grade branch sect. There are Saint-level restrictions inside, which restrict the entry of cultivators above the Cave Realm."

Eighth-grade branch sect...

Li Qingyun felt relieved and touched the Palace Emperor token on his waist. It seems that the territory given to him by Bingyi and Binger in Lingxiang Palace is here. I just don't know what twists and turns will come when I get this piece of land.

"For cultivators below the Cave Realm, their talents will be judged by me at the beginning of their entry, and they will be judged as first- to ninth-level geniuses according to the standards of the Spiritual Hall, and their areas will be allocated reasonably."

Immediately afterwards, a grand voice announced the standards for the ninth-level geniuses of the Spiritual Hall:

"The Spiritual Hall's genius assessment standards:

First level, with a half-step spiritual sea of ​​mental power, you can obtain the status of [Palace Citizen];

Second level, with spiritual sea mental power, you can obtain the status of [Palace Guard];

Third level, you can comprehend the secret technique before the Four Elephants;

Fourth level, the power of the secret technique reaches the level that can kill those in the Peeping Realm, and you must ask the way, and you will be crowned king with a high probability, and you can obtain the status of [Palace Soldier];

Fifth level, the physical body reaches the late stage of the Ten Thousand Elephants Body, and you can obtain a physical body magical sensing opportunity once. This level of genius only has strong defense, It is possible to consume the puppet in the battle, and have the qualifications to be crowned as a king, and obtain a spiritual energy source;

Level 6, realize the physical magical power or the Dharma magical power, and can use it to kill the strong man in the realm of peeping into the truth head-on, and can obtain the status of [Palace Honor];

Level 7, geniuses who are recognized by the top ten spiritual phases can get a chance to enhance their spiritual phases once, and have the qualifications to become a second-rate powerful king;

Level 8, peerless geniuses who have opened up their spiritual cultivation will become first-class kings, and have a one in ten thousand chance of realizing the holy way;

Level 9, geniuses who transcend the Spiritual Phase Palace, with unknown qualifications, can obtain the status of [Palace Emperor].

When this standard came out, all the geniuses from the Holy Land were stunned at first, and then they all exclaimed:

"This, this, this... How is this possible!?"

"What kind of requirements are these! It's too harsh! "

"Even the lowest level of first-class geniuses requires the half-step spiritual sea realm. As far as I know, there is not even one half-step spiritual sea realm in the younger generation of the entire Holy Fallen Continent!"

"Is there not even one first-class genius in our entire Holy Fallen Continent? I can't accept this..."

The exclamations were from the geniuses of other forces in the rear, and Sun Wenmao and others had long known that the Faxiang Mountain's assessment of talent was strict, but after seeing it today, they could only look at each other, crying and laughing.

Speaking of which, they were also the first-tier geniuses of the Holy Land, but they could not even meet the passing standard of this first-level genius...

This is really, unacceptable...


A huge mental power burst out from the stone tablet, instantly sweeping all the geniuses of the Holy Land waiting in front of the stone tablet.

After a moment: "It seems that the area you come from is quite rough for spiritual power cultivation, and there is not even a method to cultivate spiritual power..."

"This time the Faxiang Mountain ruins are opened is quite special, so I will make a leniency and evaluate you based on your other talents. "


The stone tablet banged, the entire pass was bright, and the barrier above was torn apart.

"From here, the light on your body is the identity you have obtained. "

Before everyone hesitated,

Under the huge gate, a huge suction force came, sucking in everyone outside the Dharma Mountain.


A token appeared in everyone's hands at the same time.

"Now I will give you a temporary token. The token is used to collect the Dharma Qi source and record the information of the trial participants."

"Without this token, you will not be able to collect the Dharma Qi source, and you will not be able to absorb the Dharma Qi source to enhance the Dharma."

"Remember, in the Dharma Mountain, the effect of the Dharma you practice will be unprecedentedly huge, make good use of it!"

As the voice of will fell, everyone turned into streams of light and disappeared everywhere in the Dharma Mountain.

But at the same time,

Almost everyone saw the following information in the token that recorded the information:

"Zhao Wushang, first level;"

"Yang Tianci, first level;"

"Lin Cangren, first level;"

"He Tianshuang, first level;"


The range of the first-level Tianjiao continued to the top ten of the Tianjiao list.

When it came to the tenth Qi Chou, things got better.

"Qi Chou, second level;"

"Wang Lang, second level;"

"Luo Tianyi, second level;"

"Nian Kong, third level;"

"Hong Chen, third level;"

"Zuo Qiu Qingyu, third level;"

"Sun Wenmao, third level;"

"Zhao Shenyuan, third level;"


"Zheng Yuan, nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine level."

Everyone: "????"


Where did this guy named Zheng Yuan come from? ?

The highest level is only the ninth level, how can he be the ninth level?

What the hell?

This place has been abandoned for more than 20 million years, and someone can still get in through the back door? ?

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