Inherit the power of the Saint Clan's bloodline, go to the Saint Clan, and inherit the palace-level power...

Who would have thought that Xian Yugong would finally offer Li Qingyun such a tempting condition. Google search reading

This is a huge benefit!

Li Qingyun looked at Xian Yugong and was stunned for a long time before he reacted. He looked at Xian Yugong deeply and said, "Is it because of my identity?"

Xian Yugong grinned, and the voice of transmission sounded in Li Qingyun's mind: "To be selected as the Palace Emperor by several Saint Dao masters in 20 million years is worthy of my trust."

"Moreover, don't think this is a benefit that can be taken for free. More than 20 million years have passed, and the world has changed. You can obtain my bloodline power. The difficulty of inheriting the Xianyu family may not be lower than the difficulty of becoming the Palace Emperor."

Li Qingyun did not speak.

Xian Yugong took a deep breath, clenched the soul threads of Mei Suer and Zheng Yuan in his hands, and asked solemnly: "So, do you want to accept this great benefit?"

At the same time, Lin Yushiqi, Hu Yanzhuo, and Ren Hongyuan all looked at Li Qingyun. They all knew what this meant.

The blood power of such a strong man, and the inheritance right of a palace-level force, such a great benefit, can only be comparable to giving the entire Chaos Star Domain to Li Qingyun.

However, the dangers in this must not be what ordinary people can imagine. After all, if you get an opportunity, you must bear the cause and effect behind this opportunity. The greater the opportunity, the stronger the cause and effect behind it.

"Okay, I promise you." Li Qingyun said suddenly.

"Are you serious?" Xian Yugong said happily.

"Of course I am serious. I, Li Qingyun, must keep my word and do what I say." Li Qingyun said solemnly.

Yes, no matter how big the cause and effect behind the opportunity brought to him by Xian Yugong is, Li Qingyun has never been afraid.


So far, he has suffered countless terrifying karmas, the karma of Lieyang Hou, the karma of Zhulong, the karma of Lingxiang Palace and Faxiang Mountain, which one is a hundred times or a thousand times more terrifying than Xianyu Gong's karma, and he has never been afraid.

"Good!" Xianyu Gong laughed and stood up suddenly.


His arms suddenly crossed and played a set of mysterious hand gestures.

Then, Li Qingyun and others saw that Xianyu Gong's body suddenly shrank. As he shrank, all the power contained in the surrounding space was like being emptied, all heading towards Xianyu Gong's body!

A terrifying sound was heard in the snowy area. Not only was the power of the space where Li Qingyun was located emptied, but the spiritual power in the entire snowy area was suddenly sucked out. It took a full quarter of an hour to recover.

At this time, the terrifying power and light outside Xianyu Gong's body finally dissipated, revealing the scene inside.

Li Qingyun frowned.

He saw that the light contained a golden bead, which radiated a surging blood and energy. Just by approaching it at this distance, Li Qingyun felt that it was full of explosive power like a volcano.

"This bead contains the power of my blood. My physical body has reached the state of unity of body and soul. Therefore, as long as you can solve my obsession before I died, you can obtain my blood power."

Xian Yugong's voice echoed.

Li Qingyun hurriedly asked, "What is your obsession?"


The bead was completely silent.

Li Qingyun: "..."

After such a long period of practice, he had already seen one thing clearly. Anything he was unwilling to say was a big pit.

The current situation is obvious. Xian Yugong dug a big pit for himself and jumped into it.

He even tricked himself before he died.

This bastard is as bastard as Lin Cangren.

Thinking of Lin Cangren, Li Qingyun had a headache again.

According to what he said before he died, he had handed the jade slip recording his killing of five branch hall masters to a foreign continent force called the Soul-Breaking Sect.

If he did not find the Soul-Breaking Sect as soon as possible, the news would definitely be handed over to the Tianji Pavilion by the forces that were eager to please the Tianji Pavilion.

Even now, the jade slip has been in the hands of the Soul-Breaking Sect, it is too late!

Li Qingyun put away the golden bead and the two bracelets next to the bead that carried the soul threads of Mei Suer and Zheng Yuan.

Anxiously said to Ren Hongyuan and Hu Yanzhuo: "Two seniors, please help me check which force this Soul-Breaking Sect is and where it is now?"

When saying this, Li Qingyun looked extremely anxious, anxious, and looked like a desperate man.

Of course he was anxious. His path of cultivation and Qingshan Sect were both booming. If this matter was really exposed, then he and Qingshan Sect would really be finished.

But after saying this, Hu Yanzhuo and Ren Hongyuan seemed not to feel Li Qingyun's anxiety, but asked slowly: "Qingyun, what are you looking for this Broken Soul Sect for?"

Ren Hongyuan came over to comfort Li Qingyun and said: "Yes, don't worry, talk slowly."

Li Qingyun became more anxious and said anxiously: "Two seniors, the Broken Soul Sect may have the secret of my killing of the five branch hall masters. I must find them and take back the jade slip at all costs, so that we can save us!"

Hu Yanzhuo and Ren Hongyuan looked at each other with strange expressions.

"Cough!" Hu Yanzhuo coughed dryly and asked a little embarrassedly: "Then I want to ask you, how do you want to deal with the Broken Soul Sect?"

Li Qingyun said: "If they haven't seen the jade slip yet, then destroy it!"

"If they see the jade slip, then... they will have to be destroyed together!"

"If the jade slip has been transmitted to the main hall, then there is nothing we can do. We will all be doomed together."

Hu Yanzhuo wanted to say something, but was stopped by Ren Hongyuan.

Hu Yanzhuo put away his relaxed expression, walked to Li Qingyun with a serious face, patted Li Qingyun on the shoulder, and said in a long voice: "Qingyun..."

"I know the Soul-Breaking Sect very well, I can assure you that it is not dangerous."

Li Qingyun was surprised: "How is this possible!?"

"Do they also have a grudge against the Tianji Pavilion?"

Hu Yanzhuo shook his head: "No."

"Could it be..." Li Qingyun thought for a while: "Could it be that they are a profit-seeking sect, as long as we pay the price of spirit stones, we can solve all problems?"

Hu Yanzhuo shook his head again: "No."

"That is..." Li Qingyun slapped his thigh and looked at Hu Yanzhuo with bright eyes: "Could it be that Senior Hu Yan knows the elder of the Soul-Breaking Sect who came to the Holy Meteorite Continent this time?"

At this time, Li Qingyun finally figured it out. Why did Hu Yanzhuo look relaxed when he told him such a serious matter? He might know the elder of the Soul-Breaking Sect!

Hu Yanzhuo shook his head again, walked to Li Qingyun, put his hand on Li Qingyun's shoulder, and sighed: "At this time, there is a kind of genius, who is very lucky and can rely on luck to get through every life-and-death crisis..."

"And you are just such a genius."

Li Qingyun asked in a daze: "What do you mean?"

Hu Yanzhuo smiled and said: "The elder of the Soul-breaking Sect is tied up in the main hall of the Qingshan Sect at this time."

Li Qingyun was stunned at first, then he opened his mouth and laughed out loud.

As Li Qingyun grew older, Hu Yanzhuo, Ren Hongyuan, and Lin Yushiqi all laughed together.

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