Super Sect Development System

Chapter 974: The Great Secret at the Beginning of the Era

The purple-robed youth's head buzzed when he heard this. At this moment, countless thoughts collided in his mind.

Li Qingyun's words just now rumbled in his heart like thunder.

Yes, as the son of a great sect, he had countless resources and the best practice environment since he started practicing. He had the best elders in the entire Chaos Star Region to guide his practice. Even if he was worried, he only had to consider himself at most...

And this Li Qingyun not only had to maintain his status as a top genius and maintain a strong fighting power, but also had to take care of countless disciples in the entire Qingshan Sect, fight for resources for them, and stand up for them.

Moreover, it is said that he was just a foundation-building cultivator a year ago, and this Qingshan Sect was just a run-down sect...

If he was not ruthless, did not go to the cruel practice world, seize every opportunity to compete, or even snatch benefits, develop the sect, and become a genius, wouldn't it be empty talk?

If he wasn't ruthless and beat the enemy fiercely when he caught him, wouldn't the enemies in this vast cultivation world think that his Qingshan Sect was weak and could be bullied?

So that's it...

The confusion in the purple-robed young man's eyes gradually dissipated, and the look he gave Li Qingyun changed from hatred and confusion to full of admiration.

"So that's how it is. Thank you, Sect Master Li. I've learned a lot from you. The purple-robed young man said respectfully.

Li Qingyun nodded gently without saying anything.

As early as when he first entered the cultivation world, he understood that in this cruel cultivation world, facing the naked reality, any false humility and compromise were all manifestations of weakness.

If you want to become truly powerful, there is only one way to go, and that is... to sweep away all the enemies in the world!

No matter what kind of enemies there are outside the Qingshan Sect, no matter what obstacles there are in front of you, you must defeat, crush, and penetrate them one by one!

Only in this way can the Qingshan Sect become the strongest sect in history as the system said.

Only in this way can you become a peerless strongman standing at the top of the world!

The whole hall was silent.

Elder Hong and Dong Xun sighed and said, "I have a clear conscience, so I swear in the name of the inner demon! "

After saying this, the two of them looked serious and swore solemnly:

"The inner demon is clear, today I swear in the name of the inner demon, I guarantee that the information in this jade slip for Li Qingyun comes from the heart, without a single falsehood, if there is any falsehood, then... the inner demon will backfire and I will never be able to practice! "

The two spoke in a solemn voice that spread throughout the hall.


After the two spoke, a strange scene appeared.

Two people whose cultivation was sealed and who had no power suddenly had two terrifying and ferocious black lights on their bodies. The black lights carried an indescribable evil that made people feel their spiritual power blocked, their mouths bitter, and their heads dizzy.

But soon, the black light disappeared and the hall returned to normal.

The other elders in the hall saw this and their faces turned slightly pale. For them, the inner demon was always a sharp sword hanging over their heads, so when the inner demon oath took effect, they felt a little uncomfortable.

Li Qingyun also felt the fluctuations of the inner demon oath taking effect on the two elders, and a strong sense of horror surged in his heart. For him, he had just witnessed the 20 million inner demon disasters on Xian Yugong not long ago, and he was a little nervous about the inner demon. Seeing the power of the inner demon again at this time, he naturally felt complicated.

"Okay, then I'll come and see your sincerity. "

The atmosphere in the hall was rather heavy at this time, which was somewhat different from the atmosphere of the joyful robbery by Li Qingyun before, but Li Qingyun could not care less. With a wave of his hand, he took the jade slips from Elder Hong and Dong Xun.

The jade slip was placed between his eyebrows, and it felt a little cold.

But at this moment, a huge wave was set off in Li Qingyun's heart!


Li Qingyun put down the jade slip, took a deep breath, and was speechless for a long time.

The jade slip of Elder Hong of the Holy Spirit Church only recorded this one thing,

"In the Star Mark Land, there is a place called the Heaven-Holding Secret Realm, which is the place where the Ghost Sea Forbidden Zone is connected to the endless starry sky. A large part of the treasures lost in the vast starry sky will gather here. It is a place where super opportunities are located!"

"There is a way to the Heaven-Holding Secret Realm in the Purple River King City!"

"This Heaven-Holding Secret Realm is the destination of most forces! ”

The information in the jade slip of Dong Xun of the Soul-Breaking Sect is quite mixed.

He first introduced in detail the records of the Ghost Sea Forbidden Zone by various major sect-level forces in the Chaos Star Domain.

"The Ghost Sea Forbidden Zone, in the last opportunity, for more than 10 million years, the Tianji Pavilion allowed all forces in the Chaos Star Domain to go to the Ghost Sea Forbidden Zone to fight for resources. ”

"The outer restriction of the Ghost Sea Forbidden Zone is opened once every 100,000 years. Countless major sect-level forces have gained great benefits in the Ghost Sea Forbidden Zone..."

For example,

"The founder of the Soul-Breaking Sect obtained a broken sword in the Ghost Sea Forbidden Zone, and he had a great enlightenment. He opened the mysterious gate on the same day, transformed the law into the Tao, and became the realm of asking for the way, and was crowned king within a hundred years..."

"The founder of the Holy Spirit Sect obtained a piece of divine gold in the Ghost Sea Forbidden Zone, and his physical body directly entered the starry sky level! "

"The second leader of the Tianxue Sect encountered mysterious true blood on the road, and his spiritual power turned into a demon. He flew away directly and has not returned yet..."

Such legends are still circulating in the Chaos Star Region, making other continents in the Chaos Star Region even more fascinated by the Ghost Sea Forbidden Zone.

"But the strange thing is that after my observation, whether it is Tianyin Forest or Qixing Mountain, these forces have emerged within more than three million years of this era, and their understanding of the Ghost Sea Forbidden Zone is extremely scarce..."

"It seems that the records of the last era have disappeared out of thin air."

"According to the records of my Broken Soul Sect, in the last era, the strength of the major forces on the Holy Meteorite Continent was the best in the entire Chaos Star Domain. There was even a Taoist named Tianyin, whose power reached the peak of the King and was close to the Saint Path!"

"But after the beginning of this era, the Holy Meteorite Continent was closed by the Tianji Pavilion, and we couldn't get any news. When we can find out the news of the Holy Meteorite Continent, At that time, those powerful forces of the last era had long disappeared, and there was no news about the Taoist Tianyin who had the hope of being canonized as a saint..."

"Therefore, I speculate that at the beginning of this era, something terrible must have happened on the Holy Meteorite Continent or in the Ghost Sea Forbidden Zone, causing all the forces on the entire Holy Meteorite Continent to collapse overnight, and all the peerless strongmen who once shocked the Holy Meteorite Continent fell!"

"And this great terror, did it come from the Ghost Sea Forbidden Zone, or from some other force..."

"I dare not think about it."

Li Qingyun put the jade slip in the storage space and adjusted his facial expression.

Some other force...

I dare not think about it...

It's really terrifying to think about it...

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