Super Sect Development System

Chapter 982: This is just a joke...

Li Qingyun looked at the information handed over by Feng Yong, took a deep breath, and his eyes were extremely shocked.

Although the Qingshan Sect has closed the mountain, the outside intelligence network has not been interrupted. In the past two months, major events that happened in the Holy Meteor Continent naturally came to Li Qingyun through the intelligence network.

However, Li Qingyun was not too surprised whether the Moon-covering Valley, Qingluan Palace, or Qixing Mountain exerted their efforts to annex the surrounding sects.

In Li Qingyun's view, the Ghost Sea Forbidden Zone is about to open. Outside the Holy Meteor Continent, countless more terrifying forces than these sects are eyeing the Ghost Sea Forbidden Zone.

Two months ago, the Starry Sky Continent, as the first wave of forces to arrive at the Holy Meteor Continent, had already demonstrated their ambitions, making the sects who had dominated the Holy Meteor Continent in the past wary.

Therefore, after this incident was over, they immediately took action to annex other sects within the scope of their strength. It was said to be annexation, but in fact it was just to gather strength.

Those Taoist-level sects, as well as the high-level forces below Seven Stars, were intimidated by the powerful kings and had no choice but to submit. In other words, they had already understood in the previous years that they, in these The Nine Stars Great Sect can survive only if those powerful kings are willing to give them a way to survive... there is a risk of being directly annexed at any time.

But today, this risk finally came.

They couldn't resist.

Qixing Mountain only took over the seven areas of the original nine areas and made no further moves.

To the west of the continent and to the north of the continent, Qingluan Palace and Hidden Moon Valley have swallowed up almost 70% of the Holy Meteor Continent.

Xuankong Temple once again announced that it will be closed indefinitely.

Tianyin Forest...

"Are you sure the news is true?"

Li Qingyun looked at Feng Yong, the shock on his face lingering for a long time. The information Feng Yong just sent him was about Tianyin Forest.

"Sect Master, this information was entrusted to you by the peak master of Tianshu Peak of Qixing Mountain. I think there may be something from the master of Qixing Mountain..."

Li Qingyun nodded after hearing this.

Pick up the jade slip again and check the information inside,

Article 1:

"A month and a half ago, after the Qingshan Sect killed a group of king-conferring elders from the Star Sky Continent, seven mysterious powerful men came to the Holy Meteor Continent from the Star Sky Continent."

Li Qingyun knew this piece of information. The moment these powerful men arrived on the Holy Meteor Continent, he was informed by Hu Yanzhuo's voice transmission.

What really shocked Li Qingyun was the second piece of information:

"After the seven mysterious powerhouses came to the Holy Meteor Continent, they came directly to Tianyin Forest. A few hours after entering Tianyin Forest, together with Tianyin Lin Sun Chitian, they set out from Tianyin Forest and went directly to Qixing Mountain... …”

"The purpose is to attack Qixing Mountain secretly!"

"Among these seven strong men, three are first-class king-conferring masters..."


Li Qingyun looked down with numb scalp.

"Since that day, Sun Chitian has never returned to Tianyin Forest..."

I never went back to Tianyin Forest again...

Li Qingyun repeated this sentence in his mind,

He knew all too well the weight of this sentence.

In other words, seven mysterious strong men, plus Sun Chitian, eight people, without the knowledge of Qixing Mountain, sneaked into Qixing Mountain's owner Ling Xiao.

But none of them left Qixing Mountain...


Li Qingyun raised his head and looked in the direction of Qixing Mountain: "This mountain master, who has always been very silent, did not expect to be so unpredictable..."

And just when Li Qingyun was sighing in his heart,

The Lie Yang token on Li Qingyun's waist suddenly flashed, and the voice of Qi Ling Fengyi came from it:

"Boy, I have already felt that the forbidden power above the restricted area is dissipating. In three days... the Ghost Sea restricted area will be officially opened."

When Li Qingyun heard this, his body swayed and he appeared directly in the sky outside Daqing Mountain. He looked up to the east, the vast black forest...

At this time, a layer of light mist was floating above the forest, and behind the mist, there was a black cloud that made people feel deeply oppressive...

Li Qingyun knew that the black clouds were not the most terrifying place in the Ghost Sea Forbidden Zone. The most terrifying thing was the power of the restricted zone that was like a thread, appearing and disappearing.

He has caused several visions of heaven and earth in the restricted area of ​​the Sea of ​​Ghosts, but every time the visions of heaven and earth, and even some catastrophes, would be directly swallowed up by the terrifying power of the great taboo!

The great taboo power in the restricted area of ​​the Ghost Sea has a decline cycle of one hundred thousand years. Each decline cycle means that this terrifying power is weakened by 90%. Only people outside the restricted area of ​​the Ghost Sea have the opportunity to enter the ghost sea. sea ​​restricted area,

But even so, the dangers in the restricted area still make these practitioners who come in a narrow escape!

The power of the Great Taboo represents the supreme. This is a power that can coexist with the way of heaven!


Li Qingyun narrowed his eyes slightly as he felt the terrifying aura within the restricted area of ​​the Sea of ​​Ghosts, although it was extremely terrifying, but was indeed gradually fading.

Now, less than a year has passed since the last time the Ghost Sea Forbidden Zone was opened. Due to the phantom of the bronze cauldron appearing in the Ghost Sea Forbidden Zone, the power of the Great Taboo was weakened again, and the Ghost Sea Forbidden Zone was reopened.

This time it reopens,

The Qingshan Sect is no longer the Qingshan Sect of a year ago, the Holy Meteor Continent is no longer the Holy Meteor Continent of a year ago, and even the entire Chaos Star Territory is no longer the Chaos Star Territory before.

It is conceivable that there will be countless bloody storms taking place here...


The void in front of Li Qingyun flashed, and the figures of Hu Yanzhuo and Ren Hongyuan appeared in front of him.

"Is it finally going to open?" Hu Yanzhuo looked at the direction of the Ghost Sea restricted area and murmured. At this time, his face was as serious as a stone statue.

Li Qingyun nodded gently.

The solemn expression on Hu Yanzhuo's face slowly dissipated, and he was about to say something to Li Qingyun,

Only a loud bang was heard!

The entire Holy Meteorite Continent was shaking! The sky and the mountains were spinning!

Li Qingyun and the other two changed their faces and looked towards the west!

Hu Yanzhuo waved his hand, and a projection array appeared in front of the three people!

I saw that in the westernmost part of the Holy Meteorite Continent, the black sky was suddenly torn apart!

The torn space crack raged out terrifying lightning and arcs, and terrifying power was brewing in this crack...


Another earth-shaking roar came,

The next moment, the black sky was cut open as if by a pair of scissors, revealing a hideous crack,

The Phantom Sky Eagle, whose cultivation is above the Shattered Truth Realm, is equivalent to the mount of a nine-star sect-level demon beast,

The Divine Wind Boat, whose grade is at the Starry Sky level, is a magical weapon that can travel through the starry sky when activated,

These two things that appeared briefly on the Holy Meteorite Continent two months ago, jumped out of the crack and appeared on the Holy Meteorite Continent again.


This time, the number is no longer nearly a hundred, but...


The Phantom Sky Eagle and the Divine Wind Boat together are as many as thousands!

Li Qingyun stared blankly at the scene in front of him and cursed: "Could it be that there are thousands of kings..."

"This is too much of a joke..."

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