Super Sect Development System

Chapter 989 System Upgrade

Qingshan Sect's main hall. Google search reading

Li Qingyun looked at the storage bag in his hand, slightly dazed.

This is so unreal...

A few months ago, in Zhulong City on Zhulongxing Road, countless people fought to death for two starry sky-level magic weapons.

And now, there are more than 70,000 starry sky-level magic weapons in the storage bag in his hand?

Li Qingyun touched his chin, feeling suspicious.

Is the progress too fast?

Is it necessary to develop the sect more steadily?

If I continue like this, I will become a great sect in the blink of an eye, but my sect has not yet found a way to break through the hole...

"Ding, please remind the host that the system is currently at level 5. It costs 600 million genius points to upgrade the system level to level 6. The level 6 system can activate more functions and bring more powerful abilities to the host."

Li Qingyun raised his eyebrows. It seemed that after he incorporated Xuanyu and obtained a large number of reputation points and genius points, the first thing he should do was upgrade the system.

Every upgrade of the system will bring powerful functions to itself, and then it will bring a strong increase to both the sect and itself. Upgrading in advance will definitely bring great help to itself.

"Open the panel and let me see if the money is enough." Li Qingyun said calmly.

"Host panel two months ago:

Cultivation value: 14 Sun Realm Dzogchen)

True Meaning Stripes: Immortal 9, Hades 9, Demon 9, Holy 9

Flesh body: late stage of the body of all things (equivalent to the eighth-grade heavenly magic weapon)

Kung Fu: "Qingyun Jue" Starry Sky Level

Starry sky magical power: Starry sky level "Blue Stone" (second level of Dzogchen)

Physical Kung Fu: The Second Level of "The Candle Dragon Sutra"

Swordsmanship: The ultimate heaven-level "Yuelu Swordsmanship" (Sword Realm)

Sect Formation: "Green Mountain Formation" (First Level)

Mental power realm: middle stage of spiritual sea realm

The method of cultivating elixir: first grade of heaven level

The method of cultivating spiritual beasts: the first level of Xuan level

"Experiences in Cultivating Disciples" Proficiency:

Sect Totem: Red Flame Bird (2)

Genius points: 45.2 billion

Reputation points: 5.5 billion”

Li Qingyun nodded. This was the genius point he had left after upgrading the sect's mountain-protecting formation to the starry sky level limit.

"The origins of the fifty-one powerful kings dissipated. After being absorbed by the disciples of the Qingshan Sect, the overall strength of the Qingshan Sect disciples rose several steps. All the disciples' strength was improved after absorbing the power of the origin. Seventy percent of the disciples directly broke through the bottleneck of the great realm. …”

"The overall strength of the Qingshan Sect has increased again. After calculation, the host has gained a total of 1 billion genius points and reputation points in this opportunity."

"So the current balance of the host is:

Genius points: 45.2 billion

Reputation points: 5.5 billion”

"Should we spend 600 million genius points to upgrade the system level to lv6?

“The lv6 system can obtain the following functions:

1. Those who join the Qingshan Sect will have their understanding increased by 50%;

2. Activate the battle division function;

3. Turn on the function of absorbing law fragments;"

Li Qingyun raised his eyebrows.

When the system is upgraded to Lv5, the three functions it brings to itself are:

"1. Those who join the Qingshan Sect will have their understanding increased by 30%;

2. Turn on the sect totem creation function;

3. Turn on the function of understanding the law fragments;"

What improved me the most was the ability to create sect totems. I used this ability to successfully condense the sect totem that was symbiotic with my own green mountain dharma image in the Dharma Image Mountain, and began to absorb the power of cultivators' faith.

Speaking of which, after the sect's totem reaches the second level, the Red Flame Bird Totem can already be practiced by two hundred people. A considerable part of the power generated by the cultivation of these two hundred people will be fed back to the power of the sect's totem. And the power of the sect's totem coexists with the Qingshan Dharma, bringing powerful assistance to Li Qingyun!

Li Qingyun has asked Yanzhuo to find talented disciples in the Nine Palaces. When they break through to the Four Symbols realm, they can directly practice the Red Flame Bird Totem. However, so far, none of these disciples have made a breakthrough, so these totems are temporarily No one practices.

The third function, the ability to comprehend the law fragments, has been very useless to Li Qingyun for a long time. Although his cultivation is still in the ideological realm, the sword realm has already reached the "law" realm, and the ability to comprehend the law is essentially It's not weak, and the increase the system brings to him is not obvious.

Now that the system is going to be upgraded to Level 6, what it brings him is no longer "enlightenment" but "absorption".

This made Li Qingyun a little happy. He said that the process of accumulating attribute power before he broke through the four phenomena, although the absorption was slow, was always traceable and very convenient.

If the ability to absorb law fragments is the same as the ability to absorb attributes before, then the path to promotion to the Cave Realm may be much broader.

"This operation will cost 600 million genius points. Do you want to continue?" The system's familiar lines sounded again.

"Keep going."

"Ding, consume 600 million genius points and the system will start to upgrade..."

Following this voice, the system fell into a long silence.

Li Qingyun touched his chin and looked at the "Activate the battle formation master function" with a strange look on his face. What kind of thing is this battle formation master? Why has he never heard of it...

And Li Qingyun set up a barrier to block Qingshan Sect arrogantly.

Countless forces from the Chaos Star Territory almost came out in full force and descended on the Holy Meteor Continent, preparing to enter.

In a place infinitely far away from the spiritual world where Li Qingyun is...

The world here is a wilderness. All you can see is a bare yellow land. Huge yellow-red rocks can be seen everywhere. There is no place for flowers, plants and trees to grow...

But in this barren land where it seems impossible for living creatures to survive, there stands a huge golden city!

This city is all gold, and there are deep and simple patterns all over the top, giving people an extreme sense of power!

At this time, a long and sobbing horn sounded in the city.


As the horn sounded,

the huge golden city gate opened with a bang!

Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom...

Bursts of earthquake-like sounds rang out from the city gate, and billowing wolf smoke rose from outside the giant city. On the bare giant mountains in the distance, countless rubble rolled down due to the vibration of this powerful force...

Walking out of the giant city are countless golden giants!

If Li Qingyun were here, he would definitely recognize these creatures. He had seen them in the Spiritual Palace!

This is...the Holy Clan!

This is the Holy Realm!

"The Ghost Sea is fluctuating. The Saint will open the passage from the Holy Realm to the Ghost Sea. All members of the Boye family with bloodlines above level seven will follow me and enter the Ghost Sea!"

A cold voice spoke the words of the Holy Realm.

The speaker...

is a golden giant who appeared at some unknown time.

His body...

is as tall as this giant golden city...

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