Tianyin Forest, Tianyin City. Google search reading

The 763 forces from the Chaos Star Region are now staying in Tianyin Forest.

Outside the huge Tianyin City, thousands of huge divine wind boats and phantom sky eagles are suspended. The pressure from these mounts has not been restrained at all. Standing outside Tianyin City, the residents of the entire Tianyin City are hiding in their homes, not daring to speak loudly.

The Grand Elder of Tianyin Forest, Sun Guansu, is a cultivator of the eighth level of the Dao Realm. Before, he was the strongest person in Tianyin Forest except for Sun Chitian, the ancestor of the Sun family.

It’s just that because Tianyin Forest has Sun Chitian in charge, he has been hiding in the secret place of the Sun family in seclusion, hoping to enter the ninth level of the Dao Realm, become the king level, and add powerful help to Tianyin Forest.

But now, the ancestor of the Sun family, Sun Chitian, is "missing", so he can only rush out of seclusion and preside over the overall situation of the Sun family.

At this time, he was standing in front of the powerful kings from the Chaos Star Domain with a smile on his face, listening respectfully.

The disciples of Tianyin Forest beside him saw this situation and felt sorry for the Supreme Elder for a moment. Before the retreat, he was a big man in Tianyin Forest, second only to the first person and above ten thousand people, living a life of luxury.

Once he awakened... well, after the retreat, there were more than a thousand big men in Tianyin Forest who could kill him with a flick of a finger. He still had to smile and meet their demands...

It was really too difficult...

"One hour? Will Li Qingyun really open the passage for us as agreed after one hour?" One person asked suspiciously.

"Brother, don't worry. With Duobao Taoist's guarantee, that kid dare not fail to open the passage."

"Depending on the situation, it may take an hour for the power of this ghost sea restricted area to be completely calmed down. Then, it will be our time to enter."

The man worriedly said: "But... the more than 70,000 star-level magic weapons we have collected have been handed over to Li Qingyun, and he has not sworn an oath. If he really regrets it, we should do this..."

"Uh, this..."

Everyone was silent for a moment, and smiled bitterly: "Then we can no longer keep our trump cards. Go all out. Maybe we have a chance to take advantage of their unpreparedness and break through the Qingshan Sect's formation."

"Cough cough..."

A dry cough sounded from the hall, and then Duobao Taoist, wearing a colorful robe and a crown on his head, appeared in front of everyone.

"Everyone, please be patient. Li Qingyun has sent me a message saying that he is speeding up the construction of the channel. Please wait for a moment."


As soon as Duobao Taoist finished speaking, a buzzing sound came from Qingshan Sect, and a spatial force was slowly extending outward from Qingshan Sect.

Everyone immediately showed joy on their faces. Obviously, Li Qingyun started to take action.

But the joy on everyone's faces only appeared for a moment, and then suddenly froze.

Everyone turned back and looked to the west, only to see a brilliant red light suddenly appear in the western sky!

The moment the red light appeared, it rushed from the edge of the Holy Meteorite Continent with a shocking momentum and an indomitable aura.

Almost in the blink of an eye, the red light came in front of everyone!

The endless flame aura suddenly expanded, directly covering the entire space, like a red glow, suddenly spreading over Tianyin City!

The momentum is magnificent!

Everyone immediately protected their bodies with spiritual power and looked at the newcomer.

They all wanted to know who could possess such pure fire power and be so arrogant...

"Huh? You haven't entered yet?"

With this cold voice, everyone saw the scene in the fire clearly. The moment they saw it clearly, they couldn't help but feel nervous and took a breath.

In the vast flame, there was a huge carriage!

This carriage was led by six dragon horses, and there were six drivers on the dragon horses!

These six drivers...

were wearing uniforms that were very familiar to them!

Red robe with black stripes!

Special envoy of Tianji Pavilion!

In other words, the owner of this carriage can easily command six king-level masters! !

Command six special envoys of Tianji Pavilion! !

You know, although the strength of the special envoys is generally the same as that of the people present, their status cannot be compared! They could not think of any other possibility except the Saint Dao Great Power who could order the special envoy of Tianji Pavilion around!

Could it be that a Saint Dao Great Power has come?

No... this is impossible!

The Holy Meteorite Continent is cursed, and the Saint Dao strongmen dare not approach it!

At this time, the people present no longer paid attention to the space channel extending from Qingshan Sect. Thoughts in their hearts surged like a raging sea, and they all guessed the identity of the person in the carriage.

At this moment, the voice of Duobao Taoist suddenly rang in everyone's mind:

"Everyone, the person on this carriage is not very skilled, and is definitely not a Saint Dao powerhouse, but he can actually instigate six powerful kings, which also shows that behind this person, there is a big man we can't imagine. This big man can make the Lord of the General Hall feel pressured and send six powerful kings to serve this person..."

"But this carriage is already a magic weapon of the starry sky level!"

"His status is comparable to that of a Saint Dao powerhouse!"

Everyone was shocked and understood the meaning of Duobao Taoist's words.

The person on this carriage is a second-generation ancestor that they can't imagine! Behind him stands a person who is more terrifying than the Lord of the General Hall!

At this moment,

Li Qingyun's voice came from Qingshan Sect: "Everyone, I have built the passage, why don't you hurry in."

Everyone turned around after hearing this and found that Li Qingyun had already opened the passage when they were distracted by the appearance of this terrifying carriage.

Now, everyone was in a dilemma of whether to go in or out.

Such a scene was extremely strange.

According to common sense, since this second-generation ancestor is of extremely noble status, what they must do is to let this second-generation ancestor of noble status go in, and then they will go in later to show respect...

But now, there is a man who does not recognize his relatives on the road ahead of them...

If this second-generation ancestor wants to go in first, I am afraid that bastard will ask for a toll again...

This is not the worst result...

The worst result is that Li Qingyun will go all out and directly tie up this second-generation ancestor...

By then, the Holy Meteorite Continent will not allow the Holy Dao masters to enter. I am afraid that all the king-making masters in the entire Chaos Star Domain will be transferred by the Lord of the General Hall, and the Chaos Star Domain will be even more of a mess...

Thinking of this, they shuddered and looked at each other. They did not doubt that the bastard Li Qingyun would really do this.

"Hmm? Why don't you speak? Is there something you can't say?"

"Oh?" A curious voice came from the carriage: "The passage ahead seems to be open, so I will go in first."


More than a thousand powerful kings stared and shouted in unison.

Inside the carriage: "..."

Six special envoys of the king: "..."

Six horses: "..."

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