Super Sect System

Chapter 981 Immortal Sect VS Zhetian Tower (2)

The black dragon falls!

The sky is falling apart!

The four Wanzhi people who had just stabilized their bodies had no time to react. The giant monster that had lost its giant shield was crushed to pieces by the black dragon in an instant.

Moreover, after the black dragon crushed the giant demon's shadow, it did not stop moving forward. Instead, it directly hit the four people of ten thousand and fell to the ground on the four of ten thousand people.

Suddenly, the black dragon fell to the ground.

Falling into the ruins of Mitian City, the few earthen walls that were barely standing and the streets that could still barely see their former appearance were destroyed.

It also pushed four people out of ten into the earth!

Like stepping on a few ants.

The only difference was that the four of them were relatively powerful ants. This foot did not trample them to death, but only broke the pulse array.

This step also crushed the determined and victorious hearts of all the people in Mitian City and the strong men of Zhetian Tower.

They are looking forward to the return of the five gods of war.

The sentence lasted a long time.

With the arrival of the five gods of war, isn't it time to turn the situation around?

Shouldn't we give them hope?

But that doesn't seem to be the case.

The War Department is still suppressed by the Immortal Sect, and it is even more fierce than before.


There was a loud noise.


The sound of the black dragon falling to the ground shook the heaven and the earth, and many strong men in the land were frightened just by hearing this sound.



Immediately afterwards, several loud noises came one after another.

This loud noise, like a giant thunder exploding, directly dispersed all the thick dust that shrouded the center of the battlefield, revealing the shocking scene taking place on the battlefield.

At the foot of the black dragon, the pulse formation composed of four people had collapsed.

The disintegration of the pulse array caused the four people to receive varying degrees of backlash, and their spiritual bodies were also severely injured.

And it is still being trampled crazily by the black dragon. Although the black dragon alone is not enough to pose too much threat to four people in ten thousand, but with such trampling one foot after another, the dazzling glory of the former God of War of the Zhetian Tower War Department has been lost. exist.

"The dragon clan is so powerful." Wan Zhi was thinking of ways to deal with it while resisting the black dragon's stampede.

He knew that the Dragon Clan was very powerful.

But he never expected that the Dragon Clan would be so powerful.

Especially the cyan wooden dragon, whose tail actually broke more than half of their pulse array shield.

The pulse formation formed by the four of them, let alone unbreakable, should at least be able to block the Immortal Sect's dragon for a long time these days.

A few hours is absolutely no problem.

From this, it can be seen that the attacks of the wooden dragon and the black dragon are almost comparable to Tian Wuxin's blow.

Its strength is far above them!

Wan Zhi spoke to the four of them again, "No, the words of the four of us alone are not enough to defeat these four demon gods. We must combine the power of all the half-step Tianwu Forbidden experts in the war department, otherwise we will definitely be defeated at the hands of the Immortal Sect. ”

Bu Jin said in a deep voice: "No, if we continue to fight like this, our people will only suffer more losses. A sword demon can kill them until they are unable to fight back, let them form a pulse formation to face the four Immortal Sect. The demon god is no different from dying."

Shan Tianhun and Jing Wuxing remained silent.

A cloud of black smoke was falling rapidly in the sky.

There was also an ice dragon rushing down.



The two people's veins trembled at the same time, without any hesitation.

The pulse technique of the prefecture-level high-grade sect is released directly.

The vortex map is also opened directly!

Shantian was mixed into the innate wood attribute veins. After the veins trembled, the earth began to revive.

Thin vines sprouted from the ground, and then danced like dancing girls. As they danced, a strange musical sound began to appear between the sky and the earth.

There is the sound of a flute.

There is the sound of a piano.

And the singing...

This is the most powerful pulse technique in Shantianhun!

Prefecture-level high-grade sect art!


As soon as these musical sounds appeared, all the ivy within a thousand feet was suddenly shattered by the music, and then turned into countless fragments floating in the air, moving with the wind.

The fragments turned into green vines floated across the sky and earth with the wind, and the first target was the black dragon!

They swept away overwhelmingly and enveloped the black dragon in an instant, and then the black dragon roared in pain.

Just when Shantian thought he had trapped the black dragon.

Just when Jing Wuxing was preparing to take action to welcome the arrival of the Ice Dragon and Undercurrent Loneliness.

The black dragon suddenly lost his voice, and then a ball of overwhelming black flames appeared, igniting the fragments of ivy in the sky.

No matter how many fragments of ivy are thrown at the black dragon, it will have no effect.

Because they were all swallowed up by the black flames!

Here is the second skill of the Black Dragon King of the Underworld - Black Dragon Flame!

The Black Dragon King’s real killing move!

A skill more powerful than the Black Dragon's World-Destroying Step!


Facing the black dragon flames, Shan Tianhun's expression changed drastically.

Because his most powerful killing move was broken just like that!

His support was gone.

What to do?

However, Shan Tianhun didn't panic too much. Fortunately, there were three people beside him.

"This black flame is weird, but I should be able to resist it, so you don't have to worry about me yet." Shan Tianhun said calmly, then turned back to see what was going on behind him.

However, when they looked back, everyone was dumbfounded.

Where are people?

What about those three people?

What about Wan Zhi?

What about Bujin?

Where is my good brother Jing Wuxing?

Looking into the distance, the three of them were already thousands of feet away from him.

It turned out that when Wan Zhi, Bu Jin, and Jing Wuxing saw that the black dragon flames had broken Shan Tianhun's pulse technique, they immediately transformed into Jinghong and left the battlefield.

They didn't want to be restrained by the black dragon and then face the attacks of the other two dragons.

Especially that wooden dragon.

So they decided to avoid the spotlight for now.

However, as soon as they retreated, they were immediately targeted by Undercurrent Annihilation, Wood Dragon and Ice Dragon King.

The four of them were eventually divided.

A one-on-one situation formed.


After Shan Tianhun withdrew his gaze, he cursed resentfully, but immediately focused his attention on the Black Dragon King.

His wood-type pulse technique was restrained by the black flame, but he still had an invisible killing sound.

Originally, his move to kill the sound was part of it.


Immediately, the Hunmai Gate in the mountain and sky shook together.

Bursts of killing sounds rise with the wind!

However, before he could persist for more than a hundred breaths, Shan Tianhun could only cry out for help.

"Help me..."

The voice is familiar.

Because Kui Qing, who had fought against the Sword Demon before, had also issued it.

However, now that the duration of Dao Demon's Holy Light Barrier has expired, Kui Qing can release his pulse technique to fight back, so Dao Kui Qing has not made any cry for help.

Now it's Shantian's turn to mess around.

"Come and help me quickly! The flames of this black dragon are very terrifying. Even my invisible killing sound can be swallowed up by the flames..."

But in the middle of the words, the black dragon suddenly rolled up black flames and rushed towards Shan Tianhun, engulfing Shan Tianhun.


There was a loud bang.

The black dragon flames surged upwards, reaching the sky.

The roar of the black dragon came from it, but there was no sound from Shan Tianhun.

This caused Kuiqing, Wan Zhi, Bu Jin and Jing Wuxing, who were in the fight, to be distracted and look in the direction of Shan Tianhun.

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